It's A G Thing Profile picture
Womanist|Hebrew Bible|Professor|Priest|Vet| #BriteBible |Transforms Biblical Illiteracy| Author of: #DaughtersOfMiriam #WomanistMidrash #WomensLectionary
Althea SpencerMiller Profile picture ~dreama craig-buck Profile picture Rev. Anthony Parrott, MDiv Profile picture Mark Profile picture 5 subscribed
Jun 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The "Jesus is a feminist in opposition to his context" trope is an antisemitic trope. It imagines that Jesus was something other than a product of his context which had rich nuanced roles for women with varying degrees of power and authority. It's another 0T= bad/NT= good trope. We had this conversation in the 70s. And the 80s.
Mar 28, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
A trans person who identifies as male and uses he/him pronouns is male. He might self identify as trans, as a trans man or have his own self identifying language. He might also have acted out one of the most vicious & violent male scripts. Even if he looks like a girl to others. The horror of this event is neither managed nor mitigated by blaming a person's sexual & gender identity or even difficulty growing up in a world that sees & labels you one way when you know something different about yourself from the time you're too young to have the language.
Mar 27, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Could you not stay awake one hour? Could you not stay woke? You were woke when it was cool but silent when the term was bastardized & became the newest way to say the N-word. When defund the police was too woke, a lot of folk went back to sleep. Could you not stay woke? #Sermon #PalmSunday All Saints Church, Pasadena 7:30 and 10 am Pacific. Could you not stay awake one hour? Could you not stay woke? Sermon:
Nov 2, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
Delighted to have @lhuber01 give a Carpenter Lecture on queering the Bible and Revelation in particular. #queerthebible To queer is to question and trouble. @lhuber01 quoting Kent Brintnall. #queerthebible