WildCat Profile picture
Tech & Design enthusiast, working to create a better world. Centrism. Always bet on openness and fairness. Baking https://t.co/sgelByrz9o
Jun 12, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Why you may want to use #ReactNative in 2022. A thread.

- Lots of big companies use it and provide great experiences: Microsoft, Tesla, Discord (excellent), Shopify
- Active community - Atwood's Law: "Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript."
- React's state management framework is still a million years ahead of SwiftUI/UIKit. Recently I tried #zustand recommended by @GeekPlux.
Jun 12, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
简单说说为什么还想在 2022 年用 React Native?

- 很多大公司都在使用,并且体验都很棒:微软,特斯拉,Discord(极佳),Shopify(目前还不是用户)
- 社区活跃
- Atwood's Law: “Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript.”

(1/N) Pros (cont'd):
- React 的状态管理框架依旧领先 SwiftUI/UIKit 一万年。最近使用 @GeekPlux 推荐的 #zustand 越多,越后悔自己在苹果的玩具框架上浪费了太多时间。完全没必要
- 在不适合的场景,都可以 fallback 到系统 native solution

May 11, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1. 推荐算法导致人越来越难以看纸质读物。外祖父曾是报刊的常年订阅者,但是现在基本会刷今日头条刷到失眠。母亲曾是《读者》订阅者,现在也一样沉迷今日头条,甚至钢琴课都要从头条系的 app 上学习。

(1/N) 2. 言论审查导致人忘记如何完整和严肃地表达自己的观点与逻辑。更有意思的是,这点也影响到了官媒本身。带来的表现不仅局限于低幼化表达,而且在于滥用标点符号与空格,比如「重 大 宣 布」这种标题格式。
