Willy Profile picture
biotech fellow @IFP & adjunct fellow at @ManhattanInst // "As mankind wills it" - General Leslie Groves
Nov 26, 2024 25 tweets 11 min read
1/ Since chronic diseases & nutrition science are in the news, want to share my fave nutritional experiment: the Minnesota Starvation Experiment. Image 2/ Context: during WWII, as Allied forces liberated German-occupied Europe, they encountered tons of starving people - but the science of refeeding them was very uncertain. So they did an experiment. Image
Apr 15, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The idea that corporations are super smart in a way that's analogous 2 hypothetical super intelligent AI = clearly wrong.

Corporations = made of humans w/ own incentives, making decisions at speed far slower than any individual human.

Powerful but stupid/slow/uncoordinated ImageImageImage lesswrong.com/posts/JrLExmCZ…
Apr 14, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Recent report on China's chip capabilities, recommended.

TL;DR: in trailing-edge chips (20-120 nm) chips, China leads or has a good odds of self-sufficiency;

in leading-edge (phones, AI), seems very unlikely they can suceed or go self-sufficient given US export controls. ImageImageImageImage Authors seem to think China has decent chance of moving up the supply chain on car chips given very high demand in that sector and other factors, though there are challenges. ImageImageImage
Apr 2, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Starting my McCarthy -stan era Image So far it's astonishing how 1-sided my previous understanding of McCarthy was.

He was clearly pointing at a real problem, the infiltration of, at the very least, Communist-sympathetic personnel throughout the State Department, from the 1930's onwards, & official inaction.
Feb 5, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Banger It's better if a billionaire tweets this bc then it makes sense
Feb 3, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Suicide as a social act

from @sociologyWV book, provocative throughout Suicide as protest against social superiors by those w/ few options
Nov 1, 2022 14 tweets 8 min read
1/ In early 2022, I began a ~9 month project to write: "what's up with fertility?", ranging from demography to assisted reproductive technology.

Of course, the "tale grew in the telling", so 40k words later I covered many more Qs that came up... 2/ An early question: is infertility actually on the rise?
Aug 19, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Commisioner of Miami Joe Carollo appears 2 be retaliating against small business owners who dared 2 speak up against his idea 2 relocate homeless people to an outdoor recreation center (Virgina Key Outdoor Center) far from any useful city services
local10.com/news/local/202… Previous bad behavior: miaminewtimes.com/news/miamis-jo…