Sharsrain Profile picture
draw, write, study, repeat
Mar 16, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
I regret that it took my this long to watch a show like true detective.
True detective is provably one of the smartest shows that I have ever seen. I could actually figure out alot about the characters' just from their words and actions and was rewarded for it when the info was explicitly revealed at a later point (marty in the future not having a wedding ring for example)
Damn, I can't remember the last time that I have seen a show that demands that you pay attention and doesn't hold your hand from A to Z. A show that actually trusted its viewers
Mar 15, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I love the recent trend of video games getting adapted into animation
Castlevania cyberpunk and arcane but also more obscure things like Dota and dragons dogma. Even shows like vox machina fall into this category
And now we have a fallout and assasins creed series on the horizon I hope the quality is there but even if they turn out to be dogsh*t I hope that they succeed.
There has to be more energy and talent flowing into the western animation scene. I am most hopeful about France and I believe that the next big hits are going to come from there.
Mar 12, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Cool world was a fantastic watch.
This is another Ralph Bakshi classic that you cannot watch with the door open. Probably one of the most erotic movies that I have ever seen.
I did not expect to see Brad Pitt in this movie but it was a pleasant surprise. Image His character Frank hariss was a tragic fellow that you couldn't help but root for. I am glad he found his happiness in the end with Lonette.
Speaking off, Lonette> Holli, even though Kim Basinger was a smoke show, her being intent on destroying the world was a bit of a turn off ImageImage
Mar 11, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
You need to watch Macross Pluss. It's a short 4 episode ova and the direct sequal to the first Macross series.
This ova had everything, the love triangle, the great soundtrack,the amazing and sometimes hypnotic visuals, just everything. Image I especially loved the ending. The main antagonist of the show is an AI that had gone rogue and which was born out of the mind of the main female character Myung who was deeply in love with Isamu (one of the two male leads. He is voiced by Mr. Bryan Cranston himself in the dub)
Mar 11, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
"Its a big club and you ain't in it"

The pro faction and the anti faction are both sheep herders whose primary motivation is shearing sheep. They both have a vested interest in keeping the motivation for their actions abstract and airy. "No no no, its not about money! It's about democracy/equality/women's rights/tradition/fighting degeneracy/saving the west"
"following the money"to get to the root of trends is dumb and course and it sheds a horribly ugly light on human nature but 99/100 times, it's the answer
Mar 10, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
The show had two things going for it that it should have focused more on and would have been great in the hands of better writers.
1. How much is freedom actually worth?
2. How do you fix a dysfunctional state? 1. The main character miriam is an elf who grew up as a slave along with her brother in the House of a powerful magister family (ruling class of tevinter). She was close to the son of the family but some events took place where her brother died and she decided to run away.
Aug 13, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
People who accuse you of being a misogynist and hating women always tell on themselves through their wording.
Do I really need to like or even be anything but indifferent to most women? Is any one women as good as any other? Ofc not, there are quality differences. But this discernment and appraisal is exactly what frightens the hoes so much. So much so that they are all willing to band together to form an impregnable (heh) wall just so they never hear the words "i left you because she is kinder/prettier than you" they *have* to be
Aug 11, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
"You clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in.
A guy rides out to fight a war and gets his head chopped off, and you think that's me?
No, I am the one who chops it off!" Image The guys who I hate the most on here are the "everything was shit back in the days and you probably won't even survive till 30"
What a completely cucked mindset.
In every age there are those who live honored lives and those who don't.
"B-but thats only if you were born into...
Nov 26, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
If you think about it, womens ability to flip a switch and not have a shred of good will towards a man who she just a week ago would profess her undying love for is perfectly reasonable considering that in the before times if you were a woman of child bearing age you had to move On quickly and efficiently when another tribe conquered yours. Jn this sense women don't really have any affiliations or loyalties, they are utterly incapable of "nationalism"(global citizens) and their entire theory of politics can be summed up with "back the strong horse."
Nov 25, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
So new viral video of somebody getting shot is going around. Some dude went to ex wife's house to pick up his son, boyfriend was there they acted tough, small skirmish then boyfriend pulls back and calmly shoots dude dead in front of his son.
Apparently ex wife is a judge too... Lesson: your children do not belong to you, the wife can step out that door tomorrow and you will be fucked and while that skank is hoeing around if you go try to pick up your kids you might be shot dead.
Tell me again how marriage and children are such a great deal in 2021?
Nov 23, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Anything that makes you confront reality and makes you act to change it = good.
Anything that puts off the need to confront reality and or makes it so that you don't need to act to change things for the better = bad.

Politics, porn, drugs and alcohol are in the second category. The first is hard, sometimes painful but always uncomfortable in the short term.
Second is what most people default to and it is easy, immediately gratifying but disastrous in the long term.
We know the big traps, but I rarely see people talking about politics which might be..
Nov 18, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
One thing the last psychologist talked about a lot and I only started to appreciat as I got older is the difference between the appearance of power vs actual power.
And the difference between these two things is probably the greatest trick ever pulled by those with power. Moldbug also talks about this a lot when explaining why all political activism (for the right) is useless. Its not meant to blackpill, Its just a fact.
There are so many activities(traps) laid out for people to make them feel powerful while not doing anything that its spooky.
Sep 24, 2021 22 tweets 5 min read
Ladies and gentlemen, we cannot have a fruitful discussion on sex and marriage without acknowledging the truth about female sexuality.
It feels like in all these twitter spaces this is the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about. In a space i was just listening to, somebody brought up the vast difference between christian men(virgin) and women (not virgin) who are between 25-30 and if that's fine or not.
The answer he got back boiled down to "get over it, it is what it is."
Sep 23, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
This is one of my favorite cartoon openings, top 10 easily. The French are alright. Literally got stuck in my head for a decade+
The it*lians are also alright.
Sep 17, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
@CovfefeAnon Honestly we all know what the nash equilibrium of this game is. The forces nature (women) have been unleashed. We are in a defect/defect scenarioz the women will try to maximise their strategy by sleeping around and trying to catch a chad and if it fails settling with a... @CovfefeAnon Safe provider (This is difference between dating early 20s vs late 20s women boys, be careful out there). While the men will be divided solidly into two camps winner (maybe 10-20%) and losers. The winners will go wild and either settle or don't, they hold all the cards..