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🗣️ We need a Windrush Inquiry 🗣️ Break the Hostile Environment
Jul 16, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
I've posted a lot of football content, which isn't exactly Windrush related, for an additional reason. Southgate is one of a vanishingly small number of public personalities, who, at the height of insane BLM backlash and attacks on Black players, stood by them. Didn't tell them to stop posting or keep their opinions to themselves because football is just football - "it’s their duty to continue to interact with the public on matters such as equality, inclusivity and racial injustice, while using the power of their voices to help put debates on the table
Apr 16, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
We are devastated to confirm that Anthony Williams, a founding member of Windrush Lives, has passed away. Anthony was a committed member of this group to the end, and drew on his horrific experience to help others in the same position as him. (1/3)… We will say more in due course, but for now, we are running an appeal to help his immediate next of kin with the costs of making final arrangements. The fundraiser page will be updated later today with more details on how the funds will be distributed and used, (2/3)
Jan 10, 2024 22 tweets 5 min read
🧵: The Post Office scandal is a stain on govt - hundreds of workers prosecuted and convicted on the basis of garbage evidence, lives upended, a number of victims now dead without having seen justice or compensation in their lifetimes. [1/]… Some of those victims went to jail; many were made bankrupt. Serious, life-altering consequences. When these facts were laid bare c.2015, the Post Office's then leadership first denied the problem. When it finally caught up, govt - substantially the same as the current one - [2/]
Mar 8, 2023 29 tweets 8 min read
🧵Re the @CommonsHomeAffs session of 8 Mar:

The main revelation - that WW wasn’t contacted or consulted before the recommendations were dropped - is unsurprising. It is of a piece with the Home Office’s attitude towards the people who are affected by it’s policy making. [1/] In fact, this can be characterised as a broader @ukhomeoffice stance with respect to all of its work. [2/]
Mar 8, 2023 113 tweets 28 min read
The @CommonsHomeAffs (HASC henceforth) is hearing from Windrush experts including @JacquiMckenzie6, @cboswelljones, and the author of the Windrush Lessons Learned Review, Wendy Williams, this morning. 1/… Also scheduled to give evidence is David Neal, the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration @IndependentCI. For the @ukhomeoffice, Lord Murray of Blidworth (no, me neither) and Alex Hurst, Director of Transformation. 2/
Mar 7, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The Home Affairs Select Cttee is holding a hearing with Wendy Williams and other sector experts tmrw on @SuellaBraverman's decision to drop the parts of the Windrush Lessons Learned Review that were taking too much time away from her "WWII- What Happened Next" reenactment club. Apologies, I'll try that again: tmrw, @CommonsHomeAffs will be hearing from Wendy Williams, @JacquiMckenzie6, @cboswelljones of JCWI, @IndependentCI's David Neal, and whichever HO suits could be spared from frontline duty on Project 'Let them drown so the Daily Mail will like us'
Nov 11, 2022 42 tweets 12 min read
🚨🧵This is a thread about some Windrush Compensation Scheme advice and information events I've recently come across, which I fear contain misinformation.

Please read all the way through, as everything said here is meant in good faith and solidarity, and context is important. This is an ad for such an event - there may be others.
It appeared on the TikTok channel of Black Child Agenda (possibly @blakchildagenda), which I understand is a respected campaign and advocacy group in the education space.
Sep 17, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
In which @ukhomeoffice tells @ThomasKingsley_ “we do not recognise these figures,” in response to figures it has been forced to release following an FOI from @KateOsamor, on the success rate for appeals to the Windrush Compensation Scheme.… You could make it up, but it wouldn’t be this stupid.

Thank you to @KateOsamor for keeping up the pressure.

We#e urgently need a Windrush Inquiry to scrutinise both what happened in the first place, and what is NOW happening with the WCS, a scandal-within-the-scandal.
May 29, 2022 19 tweets 6 min read
A 🧵 on why this not-on-its-face-earth-shattering story is kind of a big deal: tl;dr - it is clear evidence of @ukhomeoffice massaging the truth and acting in bad faith about the work it has done “learning lessons” from the Windrush scandal. 1/19 You will have seen countless statements and/or comments from the Home Office saying the Windrush Scandal was (IS) an outrage of scale and gravity that can never be repeated; that the HO has learned from its past errors; and most importantly, that is has *fixed* them. 2/19
May 25, 2022 17 tweets 6 min read
It is ten years today since @theresa_may coined 'hostile environment' in an interview with the Telegraph. In (dis)honour, a 🧵on how *we* have enabled the Hostile Environment to hit this milestone + what comes next:
(Article by @Nadine_Writes) [1/13]… As @GlendaCaesar's recent experience demonstrates, Black and brown people (and migrants) exist in this country at the mercy of the government. Their rights and safeties get whisked away as swiftly and lightly as they are given. [2/13]
Mar 1, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
From next month, Biometric Residence Permits will no longer be accepted as proof of Right to Work/Rent. The card itself will be useless; you have to do an additional online registration to prove right to rent/work.

This is how the Windrush scandal began. [1/9] There are a few 'beyond-parallels' here: first, this is unnecessary, as were many of the contortions that led to the Windrush scandal. There is no good reason to scrap use of BRPs. It is entirely possible to phase into a digital world without making *existing* docs useless. [2/9]
Feb 27, 2022 9 tweets 6 min read
What @pritipatel and @ukhomeoffice are actually doing:
1. Required visa for Ukrainians trying to join family, therefore refused entry
2. Family’s MP intervened after publicity - did not waive
3. Still need to apply for visa; has taken a PREMIUM PAYMENT for expedited processing Just going to leave this here before I go and pour my liquefied brain out.

Feb 27, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
We’re at the Nationality and Borders Bill in front of the @ukhomeoffice with other migrants’ rights and anti-racist groups to 📣Kill the Bill📣 Image Demonstrators gathering out...
Feb 16, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
We are an organisation that benefit from this. We are made up of and represent some of the most marginalised people, whom the Home Office would like to simply paper over, out of existence. Without GLP, we would be light years behind where we are now. A lot of the noise over the past 24 hours has come from mouths which would neither know Windrush victims existed, nor care to do anything to help them. Advocacy for the marginalised does have to be aggressive at times; the institutions who do the marginalising sure as sh*t are.
Feb 14, 2022 34 tweets 41 min read
🌹Roses are red,
This hellscape is the opposite of irie,
The Home Office is expanding the Windrush scandal,
We urgently need an Inquiry.
1/34 (On account of the amount of swearing and rending-of-garments in this thread - I'm @JaidevRamya. Blame no one but me for what follows.)

Last week, we sent a version of this👇🏽letter, a sign-able version of which is linked above, to many MPs.
2/34 ImageImageImage
Jan 3, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
An important correction to part 15 of the thread - chopped out a bit while copy-pasting. To explain a little futher, i.e. a meta-explainer, those two things remain distinct in statute. The power to basically *make* someone immediately stateless is only for naturalised citizens, where there the HO has rsable grounds to believe they can have citizenship elsewhere.
Jan 3, 2022 42 tweets 13 min read
A slightly longer explainer 🧵, breaking all this down step-by-step, because predictably, @ukhomeoffice has flooded the field with mis- and disinformation, and it deserves unpacking:

The power to take citizenship away has existed in some form for a very long time. [1/n] The version of the citizenship deprivation power currently in use goes back to the 1981 British Nationality Act. Section 40, clause 3 gives the Secretary of State the right take away citizenship from naturalised citizens. Take a look at the conditions in clause 3. [2/n] Screenshot of original Section 40 of the British Nationality
Jan 3, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Perhaps not hypocrisy per se, but there is definitely something strange about a Home Sec who wants to enhance powers to strip citizenship from naturalised and dual citizenship holding Britons, given her own background. Clause 9 of NABB will do that; [1/5] but it's high time we consider the root power itself.

The current iteration of the power is contained in the British Nationality Act 1981. If you're a Windrush victim, that will be depressingly familiar - it is one of the key pieces of legal architecture, [2/5]
Dec 17, 2021 15 tweets 7 min read
🚨This Sunday, 1pm, Downing Street.🚨#NationalityAndBordersBill #STOPNABB

🧵In case you need convincing or reminding - here's why we need to block this bill: [1/15] This is a great summary by @_BvdM on Clause 9. To reiterate, the power to strip citizenship in some cases already exists; it is the notice provision that is new. But it IS a lurch into (more) authoritarianism. And guess who it will target?… [2/15]
Dec 13, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
It has been clear for a while that @ukhomeoffice is unfit to run the Windrush Compensation Scheme, and unwilling to make the kind of changes needed to fix it. You've probably seen us "calling" for the Scheme to be moved.

Calling time's over now. [1/6]… With @GoodLawProject, we have started the process to seek judicial review of @pritipatel's decision to keep control of the Windrush Compensation Scheme. It's a decision that is mind-boggling in one sense bc @ukhomeoffice is demonstrably terrible at running the scheme; [2/6]
Nov 24, 2021 19 tweets 7 min read
🚨🧵About @CommonsHomeAffs's report on the Windrush Compensation Scheme:

I'm posting as I go, so pardon typos etc. This is the report (opens as PDF):… [1/] The headlines are: (i) the Select Committee believes the Scheme should be administered independently, and isn't sure why it was ever run in-house, so to speak; (ii) total number eligible STILL UNKNOWN, low uptake of those known to be eligible; [2/]