Wings Over Scotland Profile picture
Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows. See also: "women don't have penises". (Pronouns: "His Majesty")
BrianBirdieBhoy Profile picture Constancia Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jul 13 10 tweets 3 min read
So, yeah, a story. I was on holiday in England's premier seaside resort during the later stages of Italia 90. On the evening of England's semi-final against Germany, my gf and I went out for a stroll in the deserted streets to avoid the game... Late on, when it should have been over, we decided to visit the Tower. We got to the top of the inside part, where it turned out there was a big screen showing the last few minutes of extra time to a few dozen drinkers.
Jun 29 5 tweets 1 min read
Yeah, YOU, you fucking cretin. That microscopic number of mentally ill narcissists, who already had the exact same rights as everyone else, is what you and your fuckwit pals burned down a 90-year movement and a 17-year government for. Image They weren't being persecuted. There are almost no recorded instances in Scotland of a trans person being attacked, and not a single one has ever been killed. Everybody has forms to fill in sometimes. Everyone has to wait for medical treatment. There. Was. No. Problem. To. Solve.
Jun 27 7 tweets 1 min read
I'm desperate for this wretched election to be over, even though everything will be indisputably worse after it. It's like waiting to go to the dentist, except at least with the dentist you know your teeth will be in better shape afterwards. I don't want to listen to these awful shitrags lying to me and insulting my intelligence any more.
May 20 6 tweets 2 min read
The question that @EdinRapeCrisis, Rape Crisis Scotland, @Edinburgh_CC, and the @scotgov should all be being asked today is "How can a biological and legal MAN who was the driver of a systematic campaign of harassment of a woman possibly continue to head a rape crisis centre?" Image Rape Crisis Scotland and its chief Sandy Brindley, of course, both ran away from Twitter some time ago to avoid scrutiny and being held to account by the public.
May 20 12 tweets 4 min read
Jeez, this judgement on the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre case is brutal. "completely overblown" ... "egregious" ... "clearly harassment".
"this was a heresy hunt" Image
Apr 28 9 tweets 1 min read
So let's just think about what this means.

(1) The Greens, we're asked to believe, will back the government/abstain on the confidence vote DESPITE THE GOVERMENT NOT HAVING A FIRST MINISTER. (2) The SNP will then conduct a leadership election under a sword of Damocles, knowing that if they pick someone the Greens don't like they'll immediately face another confidence vote, and looking indescribably pathetic for the next few months.
Apr 24 16 tweets 5 min read
This is from LGBT Youth Scotland and Scottish Trans' document "Supporting Transgender Young People", published in 2017, funded by the Scottish Government and endorsed by 16 of Scotland's 32 local authorities.

Basically, it instructs schools that if there is any conflict between a "trans" child and a non-trans child, the trans child's wishes should always come first. Image
Apr 24 9 tweets 3 min read
A thread of more Scottish primary schools signed up to LGBT Youth Scotland's indoctrination scheme.

Broomhill Primary, Glasgow… Portlethen Primary, Aberdeenshire…
Apr 13 19 tweets 5 min read
Here is the "context" of Humza Yousaf's "WHITE!" speech, and a link to the whole thing so you can read it yourself:…
Image Yousaf asserts that Scotland is beset with racism and horrific racial injustice in many forms. His evidence? Someone on TV was asked why they stay in Britain if they don't like it here, something Yousaf claims would never happen to a white person. (Trivia fact: Afua Hirsch was born in Norway.)Image
Mar 17 19 tweets 4 min read
This is a really shockingly bad piece of partisan Pollyanna apologism from @PeatWorrier for an astonishingly poorly-constructed Act that's opposed by such hysterical extremist loonballs as [checks notes] the Scottish Police Federation. It might be strictly semantically correct to say that *the Act* doesn't say that, but Police Scotland have been extremely clear about how they'll be interpreting it.
Mar 10 4 tweets 2 min read
This is Robin Moira White indignantly denying that he kept his voice male to retain male privilege in court, while also explaining that he kept it male because he'd sound ridiculous in court if he didn't.…
Jan 28 9 tweets 4 min read
It's clearer and clearer now that what actually happened five years ago was the SNP declaring war not on a tiny handful of social-media extremists, but on the entire grassroots Yes movement, which was then at the height of its power.…

The Wings fundraiser that year, which was running when that Herald piece went up, ended on a staggering £170,000. AUOB had just put 100,000+ people on the streets, again. But Neil Mackay and the SNP teamed up to attack them both.
Dec 20, 2023 30 tweets 3 min read
The Presiding Officer apologises to the Parliament on behalf of Shona Robison for her having revealed the decision on GRR on telly last night. Shirley-Anne Somerville stands up and lies about what Robison said. Somerville is now making a "reduced" statement based on the parts of the statement that Robison didn't already blab.
Nov 22, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
@MForstater All and every aspect. The destruction of women's rights, the mutilation of children, the attack on gay people and lesbians in particular. But the key driver for me is much simpler: the truth. We should fight lies wherever we find them, because they are the root of all evil. @MForstater Sooner or later, if you allow lies to take hold, if you enshrine lies in law, if you hound and persecute the people who resist the lies, absolutely everything will turn to shit. Because eventually the truth will assert itself, with the brutality of nature.
Sep 29, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
What IS the story with Business For/Believe In Scotland? The former has nine directors but only £3,790 in assets. The latter is a "dormant company" with assets of £1. How can this also be the self-proclaimed "grassroots Yes movement"? What happens to all the cash they raise?

BiS sure does tweet a lot for a "dormant" company. And didn't it just hold a big glitzy fundraising dinner at £1,800 a table with no less than the First Minister in attendance? How is that "dormant"?

Sep 5, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I promise you're going to be surprised by the source of this paragraph (which is not in any way taken out of context), and the whole piece contains some uncomfortable food for thought. Link below. Image…
Aug 17, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Not so much a dead-cat bounce as a dead cat being thrown down a flight of stairs.…
Image What's interesting about that graph, of course, is that it shows the collapse was already well under way when Nicola Sturgeon resigned, it wasn't a result of it. Image
Jul 11, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Robin McAlpine speaking for everyone with a brain here. I suspect the SNP's position is going to be very significantly worse by the end of this month, never mind 100 weeks into the future.…
I share Robin's editorial frustration too. I'm bored writing what is essentially the same article- the SNP are malicious, incompetent and uninterested in independence - repeatedly. I might even follow his example and take this week off. But until people see it, we're stuck.
Jun 26, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
So, @firstdirect are a bunch of dickbags. I've banked with them for 25+ years, but last week I was in Sainsbury's buying some milk during a Bear Patrol and my card got declined. I rang them up, and after over an hour on hold, they told me all my accounts had been cancelled. These were my personal current and savings accounts, not the Wings one, which is with a different bank. It obviously came as something of a shock - this was ALL my money - so I asked why on Earth such a thing would have happened, and they point-blank refused to give any reason.
Apr 16, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
There's STILL no report from yesterday's NEC meeting on the SNP members' website. Usually up almost immediately. Screenshot taken two minutes ago. Image I mean, it's not like they get much info - it's usually one paragraph saying "Squealer praised Napoleon for the successful delivery of the Eighteenth Glorious Three-Year Plan", but if they can't manage even that then things are looking grim.
Apr 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I met Ruth Wishart, fleetingly, once, at a Yes event in Shawlands a few days before the indyref. Having grown up reading her in the Daily Record, I went up and introduced myself, saying what a fan of her work I'd been. Reader, she looked at me like something she'd trodden in. There are a lot of people who REALLY don't like me, for one reason or another, and I've met many of them in person. But I swear to God I've never seen a look of such horrified distaste on anyone's face as I did that day.