Ellen Profile picture
Miserable pile of secrets. Writing a novel. Transgender. I don't know how to adult. INFJ-T & Chaotic Neutral. WARNING: Tweets may contain bad jokes. 💋
Jul 7, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
Jessica Price:
> The kindest thing I can say is "I'm glad [TotalBiscuit]'s no longer around to keep doing harm."
> Routinely insult & dismiss fans
> Be routinely rude on Twitter
> Publicly shame, and sick your followers onto an innocent guy

"She didn't deserve to get fired!" 🙄 Peter Fries:
> Misguidedly stood up for a colleague, rather rudely at times

Yeah, he didn't deserve to get fired. But... I can see why ArenaNet did what they did. Price dug her own grave, and the backlash would have been enormous if they only disciplined Fries.