Wisdom of Taste Profile picture
Your body is the only nutritionist you need - everything else is fake news. Learn the wisdom of taste to become healthy and overcome junk food addiction.
Apr 10, 2022 25 tweets 5 min read
3 reasons why food taste good.

Learn this, so food companies would lose power to trick you. Image Food companies know exactly how your body works and what makes you eat or drink something.

They’ve done thousands of experiments on humans to create addictive food.
Apr 3, 2022 27 tweets 9 min read
Everyone is talking about added sugar.

But no one is talking about added vitamins.

Here is what they're hiding from you.

🧵 Image Added refined sugar is a big problem.

Added vitamin B is a problem no one talks about.

And added refined sugar with added vitamin B is a recipe for obesity.
Mar 26, 2022 21 tweets 5 min read
You don’t need to listen to dieticians to know what to eat.

Poor Indians from the Karnataka regions stay healthy by eating what’s tasty.

A quick 3 minutes thread 👇 Image These hard working Indians don’t eat much.

But they eat a lot of sour food.

They specifically enjoy tamarind fruit, which is as sour as pure lemon juice. Image
Mar 20, 2022 24 tweets 5 min read
In 1830 while exploring the Rocky Mountains, Warren A. Ferris would hunt and eat wild bison.

At one point, he would feast on nothing but bison meat.

Here is what he learned about it. At the time, Ferris was a young, curious man who loved wild adventures.

In 1830 he and a group of hunters and traders decided to explore the Rocky Mountains.

They dreamed of discovering new lands and experiencing nature in its true form.
Feb 26, 2022 27 tweets 6 min read
What would happen if you let kids eat anything and as much as they want?

In 1929 one pediatrician wanted to find this out.

For six years, she let 15 infants choose food without any restriction and adult intervention.

Here are the results: Image First, let’s talk about the experiment process.

She experimented with weaned infants. Why?

Because adults already know what they like. They have developed different habits, strict diets, and food preferences. Also, other people, doctors, dieticians have already influenced them.
Feb 18, 2022 21 tweets 4 min read
“I’ll try one” - You said before finishing the whole Lay's bag.

Here is why you can't stop eating them and how to overcome this addiction. Image Sour Cream & Onion was my favorite one. It had such a punchy flavor that just looking at the bag made me salivate.

The last time I tried potato chips, I knew exactly why I wanted to eat them. I knew exactly why my brain was begging me to take at least one.
Feb 5, 2022 25 tweets 5 min read
🍅Have you ever wondered why fruits and vegetables are so flavorless these days?

Almost as if you eat cardboard.

Almost like they have nothing inside them.

You want to be healthy, but the salads you make taste like shredded paper.

\\ THREAD \\ Image The only way to make them edible is to put lots of flavorful and wonderful dressing.

❗️ But you know this is cheating. You know these dressings have too many calories.

So instead of being healthy, you create this hateful relationship with fruits and vegetables.