Lauren Wolfe Profile picture
Journalist with 20+ yrs on the war and trauma beat. Chills: I have concepts of a plan.
Aug 10, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
NPR just said that when Tim Walz was reelected governor in 2022, he swung to the left. They then used audio of him saying: 1/ “We’ve chosen to trust women, we’ve chosen to invest in our children, we’ve chosen to address climate change, and we’ve made it loud and clear, as long as this administration is in this office, this is a union state.” 2/
Oct 20, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
With my long-form @guardian story out today, I want to give you some highlights.… 1/ A woman I spoke to said her husband asked the Russians why they had come to Ukraine:
“To kill Zelensky and the Nazis” 2/
Nov 5, 2021 10 tweets 1 min read
A few words of advice on pitching (thread) 1/ Always put the word "pitch" in the subject line or editors may never find it again 2/
Nov 4, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
A guy off Tinder wrote to excoriate me for not responding quickly to his messages/taking it seriously. "Why are you even on here?" he asked. [Cue: Tinder began for sex, hookups.] I guess it's something else now? The last 4 men I politely rejected each came back with, "You have no idea what you're missing/I'm the best you'll ever get." Best decisions I've ever made.
Sep 25, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Colleagues! I’ve got a few part-time gigs, but am starting to poke around for courses to teach or outlets I could be a regular columnist for. I JUST got to Seattle (as did my dad), so looking for virtual teaching/a way to continue to make a living while doing the reporting I love And, to everyone who has spent years yelling at what they think are years of miraculous salaries for journalists, allow me to wet you straight. /
Jun 2, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
I hear people complaining that they can’t trust certain reporters because they use anonymous sources. 1/ An unfortunate reality of journalism is that we sometimes use anonymous sources — but only when there is absolutely no alternative and the story is too important, or the source would be in serious danger if revealed 2/
Mar 10, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
I haven’t said anything until now because it feels like a betrayal, but I'm wondering now if any of you have been through this. My favorite being in the whole world, ever, hurt me, physically — badly — a week ago. 1/ Moose is 12/13 and I’ve had him 10 years. He was starving & sick on the streets of La. when a group saved him from a kill shelter. He saved me too. 2/
Mar 8, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Great advice from the 1 engineer who refused to give Shuttle Challenger the go to launch.

Allan McDonald had a law of 7 R's: Always do the right thing for the right reason at the right time with the right people. And you will have no regrets for the rest of your life. And MacDonald fearlessly revealed the NASA coverup after the explosion. He died Saturday at 83…
Feb 24, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Doesn't anyone want to know how the roach finally met his end? Any guesses first?
Feb 24, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
There is a cockroach on its back wiggling its legs in my bathroom and I am PARALYZED PLEASE STOP SENDING ROACH PHOTOS I’M BEGGING YOU
Feb 11, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
3 weeks into this mess, NYT finally clarifies their BS original statement implying I was fired for anything but tweets. 1/ Their position will continue to be that they were within their rights to let me go, but they've confirmed that there was no other reason beyond, in their view, several violations of their social media policy. 2/
Dec 12, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ I've covered the virus since May. Here's what scares me most: The vaccines are coming. They'll be shipped starting tomorrow before 7 a.m. That's fantastic news. 2/