Dr Damien P Williams wants you to leave this place Profile picture
No, seriously, leave here. Go anywhere else. Build better community. Leave the toxicity of this place behind. Blooskiy, Masstoedawn, wherever. Go Somewhere Else
Aug 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
It is not even halfway through the second week of classes and the number of students I know of testing positive for COVID is VERY HIGH. Covid tests and vaccines never should have stopped being free. High quality N95 masks should have been and should still be free. We should have rallied together and built something stronger and better and not let fear & political shills who wanted power and a quick buck divide us
Jul 20, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Yeah, we're gonna be seeing a lot more of this kind of thing, soon.

As i said when Rua first noted that "GPT detectors" were misidentifying stuff from neurodivergent folx at higher rates, people thinking those things work is going to lead to a LOT of harm for autistic & ADHD ppl People think GPTs tell the truth, so people think gpt CHECKERS tell the truth, so people think they can trust and learn from GPT checkers how to tell when something is written by GPT rather than a human.

None of those things people think is correct.
May 17, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Lot's of AI policy movement in the U.S. this week, and you can have some say in a lot of it. Here's a thread: The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology has a new Working Group on Generative AI, and they've opened their public comment period prior to their session this Friday, May 19.

You can read more about it & send comments here: whitehouse.gov/pcast/briefing…
May 16, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Listening to Josh Hawley fear-hype GPTs and LLMs at 10am on a Tuesday is not a fate I'd wish on anyone, but this is the life and careers I've chosen. I'll say this for Sam Altman: He's definitely learned how to package "I'm deeply concerned about AI overlords and being hunted in a Terminator-esque wasteland of bombed out cites and mountains of human skulls" into a mainstream-appealed senate-hearing soundbyte.
May 4, 2023 6 tweets 9 min read
This genuinely ain't it, @VP/@WHOSTP.

Where's @AINowInstitute? Where's @DAIRInstitute? Where's @GeorgetownCPT? Where's ANY Critical Voice At ALL?

Why are you LITERALLY helping google, openAI, anthropic, and microsoft do regulatory capture in plain sight?
axios.com/2023/05/02/whi… @VP @WHOSTP @AINowInstitute @DAIRInstitute @GeorgetownCPT I mean, @CenDemTech is RIGHT THERE.
May 3, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
If you're an "A.I" desinger or engineer who genuinely believes your woek will be or is already "conscious" in a "human-like" way, then the first thing imma need you to do tomorrow is teach it not to cross the picket line 🤷🏾‍♂️

#writerstrike #NoAIScabs Look, either you a) truly believe in the potential consciousness of "A.I.," in which case it's your duty to do everything you can to get it to be moral & just; b) believe "a.i." is merely a tool, in which case you must ensure the values Embedded in those tools are moral & just;…
May 2, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
So one of the main problems with this country is that Property is placed on the same valuative level as people's literal Lives. In fact, if you look at the structure of the declaration of independence, you'll see John Locke's formula, but w/ "property" euphemism'd as "happiness". Think about that: We built a whole society around the notion "Life"="Liberty"="Happiness(==Property)." So if those things have equal value & it's not just fine but Good to use violence to protect your life & your liberty, then violence must ALSO be good to protect your PROPERTY…
Apr 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I really feel like not enough people really understand and appreciate that almost all of the late 90's and early 200's had their humour shaped by a very specific three mile radius of downtown Atlanta. (cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut)
Apr 19, 2023 19 tweets 6 min read
Hey so this is REALLY BAD Bard displays the same gendered biases, btw.

This is… This is old shit, y'all. People have been warning you about this since word2vec. What are you DOING??

More to the point, why are you NOT DOING what you know you NEED to do? JFC. Image screenshot containing...Image
Dec 11, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
.@crippledscholar. “When Celebrating Accessible Technology is Just Reinforcing Ableism.” Crippled Scholar. July 4, 2015. crippledscholar.com/2015/07/04/whe….

@roseveleth. “The Hidden Burden of Exoskeletons for the Disabled.” The Atlantic. August 2015. theatlantic.com/technology/arc…. Herdegen, Hanna. “Maintaining Disabled Bodies & Identities: Disability as Dirty Work.” The Maintainers Blog. June 17, 2019a. themaintainers.org/blog/2019/6/17….
—. “Maintaining Disabled Bodies & Identities: The Body as Evidence.” The Maintainers Blog. June 21, 2019b. themaintainers.org/blog/2019/6/21…
Dec 11, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Every wild swinging hot take on the "AI" art & GPT situation goes fucking everywhere, while the few nuanced takes I've seen struggle to make it around.

Shit's neither harmless nor inevitable, AND doesn't have to be made in the harmful ways corporations will tend to making them… …algorithmic applications are primarily created from w/in & in service of hegemonic, carceral, capitalist profit motives, meaning they act as force multipliers/accelerants on the worst depredations of said. That goes for art & language as much as it goes for housing & policing…