Women's Rights Network - WRN Profile picture
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Mar 8 6 tweets 4 min read
What are the rules when women who identify as men access male changing rooms?


Summer 2023: a woman in a bikini walks through the men’s changing rooms at a local authority swimming pool run by Kirklees Active Leisure (KAL) @activeleisure

After her swim, the bikini-clad female went back to the male changing area to get dressed.

A man in the changing room tells us he was shocked, uncomfortable and worried.

But, when he reported it to the staff on reception, they told him they knew about her, had received complaints, but as she ‘identifies as a man’ she was entitled to use the men’s facilities.

Of course, we know that’s not the case …
1/ 6Image On further investigation, by the man’s wife, it emerged that Kirklees Active Leisure’s swimming pool policy allows males and females to use the changing room that is 'relevant to the gender with which they identify'.

In other words, the changing rooms are mixed-sex.

She asked KAL if she would be safe on their premises if men could identify as women and access the female changing room.

She asked why there were no single-sex changing rooms?
Mar 6 6 tweets 4 min read
On Tuesday, we had the privilege of attending an event organised by the wonderful women of @WRNScotland at Holyrood, sponsored by the indomitable @TessWhite4NE.

This focused on the importance of safeguarding women’s rights in Scotland’s public services.

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WRN Scotland launched their hard-hitting report into rapes and sexual assaults in Scottish hospitals.

It was pleasing to see that so many MSPs and other concerned women and men attended.

2/6 bit.ly/3DhQ3uAImage
Feb 27 4 tweets 3 min read
What happened when women from WRN attended the ASP Police and Crime panel? Spoiler alert - nothing good. 1/4 Image It's not just strip searching. We were told @ASPolice maintain single sex facilities for female officers as well as gender neutral options and that no woman would be forced to share with a man. Trouble is the ASP Transgender policy says any man can declare himself female or non-binary and access the single sex spaces and we were also told that the policy had not changed. The two things cannot both be true unless of course you believe men can be female. 2/4
Feb 26 4 tweets 3 min read
Our National Policing Lead for WRN, Cathy Larkman, explains just how invasive a strip search can be on GB News (link in next post) and why it should always be carried out by an officer of the same sex. Regardless of 'legal sex' a man with a £5 Gender Recognition Certificate is still a man and access to women in a state of undress is not a human right nor a mental health treatment for gender dysphoric men.
1/4Image Incredibly, @PeterTatchell suggested the solution to this problem is to have more than one officer present and to record it on CCTV - you would only suggest this if you wanted to make the experience even more traumatic. We saw what happened with shared footage amongst officers after the terrible murder of sisters Nicole Smallman and Bibaa Henry. How could any woman ever feel confident that footage of her strip search was not being shared.

Feb 21 4 tweets 2 min read
Two stories stood out in yesterday's headlines. Luis Rubiales found guilty of sexual assault after kissing Jenni Hermoso at the World Cup final and the tragic death of Jaysley Beck, a 19 year old soldier following a sexual assault and a sustained campaign of harassment. 1/4 Image
We are pleased that the actions of Rubiales have been recognised as sexual assault. Hermoso said of Rubiales ‘he tainted one of the happiest days of my life.’ Rubiales response in the aftermath of this was an example of how powerful men try to denigrate the women who call out their behaviour. Even though the world witnessed the assault he still tried to claim it was consensual. 2/4
Feb 16 8 tweets 4 min read
Draping this flag on the altar or flying it above our churches and other places of worship is not a symbol of inclusivity. Where we seek to bring people and communities together this flag sows division. It tells the congregation that only those who believe in the new creed of genderism are welcome here.
This is far from the first time the church has been embroiled in such controversy. We agree with Rev Dr Ian Paul that 'this is not inclusive, but exclusive - it excludes people who do not accept the false claim of gender ideology.'
Feb 11 9 tweets 5 min read
EXCLUSIVE! Women's Rights Network has learnt of a shocking increase in mobile phone use to capture indecent images of girls using mixed-sex changing rooms at Swim England competitions.

A report from Swim England on safeguarding failures in swimming pools involving the capture of photos or videos on mobile phones from under or over a cubicle partition has been leaked to WRN 🧵/1Image In January alone, SEVEN cases of this criminal behaviour were reported to Swim England, a massive monthly increase on 2024 when 43 cases, less than four per month, were reported. The explosive revelations emerged at an Extra-Ordinary meeting of Swim England welfare officers, convened at short notice.
The report makes clear that this is not a ‘gender neutral’ crime – girls are the victims in the vast majority of these cases. 🧵/2Image
Jan 22 8 tweets 4 min read
The misogyny epidemic 🧵
@Keir_Starmer has announced that an inquiry into the terrible murders at Southport will take place, in part to develop a strategy around what to do with suspects who are identified as dangerous, but who are not motivated by a clear, single ideology.
bbc.co.uk/news/articles/…Image Axel Rudakubana attacked young girls, who were attending a Taylor Swift themed dance class.

He's not the only terrorist to select this victim group.
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Jan 14 11 tweets 5 min read
WRN has been alerted by several of our members to two draft motions intended to go to the @The_TUC Women’s Conference in March, calling for the complete decriminalisation of the sex trade. Although the exact wording is not yet public, we understand that this means that ALL aspects of the industry would be legalised – pimping, brothels, advertising, trafficking. No age limits are specified.
1/11 The two unions calling for this motion to go through are the @GMB_union and @ASLEFunion. The GMB is of course the union described by a former regional president as “riddled with misogyny”. ASLEF is the union in which only 6.5% of train drivers are women. It seems no coincidence that these are the unions to call for legalisation of sexual exploitation of women. 2/11

Jan 12 10 tweets 6 min read
The case of the 10-year-old girl forced to play cricket against two boys who ‘identify as girls’ has shone a light on the lack of safeguarding in children’s sport resulting from transgender policies that discriminate against females of all ages.

The majority of sports allow boys to play in girls’ sport, contravening the recommendations of the Cass Report, which is accepted and being implemented by the Government. 🧵 1/10

x.com/mara_yamauchi/… Nine months after publication of the Cass Report, sports including @EnglandNetball @ECB_cricket @EnglandHockey and @BritGymnastics, still have policies in place that allow children to socially transition (being allowed to play on opposite sex sports teams is a form of social transition). Cass warned this is not a neutral act, and could affect the long-term development of children. 2/10Image
Dec 19, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
The seven candidates for @IOCMedia president have published their manifestos. After the scandalous Paris Olympics which saw eight women boxers forced to fight males, a convicted child rapist allowed to compete, and the inclusion of several males in female football, we all look forward to the election of a president who will put fairness and safety for women at the top of the agenda.

We’ve read the all seven manifestos. Here’s our guide to which candidates are likely to protect women’s rights…Image HRH Prince Feisal Al Hussein of Jordan

He says, he will: Drive gender equality in sport and unlock women's potential both on a off the field of play.

WRN says: Cut the waffle. Are you going to exclude males or not?Image
Nov 23, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
No woman should be strip searched by a policeman. No £5 piece of paper makes this any less unlawful and abhorrent @BTP.

The latest instalment is here 👇 in a long battle to ensure the police comply with the law, and respect women’s human rights, rather than degrade and abuse us.

1/ 🧵

telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/11/2…Image Many will remember our report #StateSanctionedSexualAssault earlier this year, which laid bare the implementation of disgraceful guidance agreed to by @PoliceChiefs in nearly every police force in the land.

2/ womensrights.network/_files/ugd/18f…Image
Nov 12, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
Why are women so angry about football? Some men have been musing on this ‘dressing room stuff’ @campbellclaret and are baffled. Here’s our handy primer for those at the back of the room who haven’t been paying attention @GaryLineker

We’ll start with the 17-year-old girl hauled in front of the @FA Serious Case Panel for asking the very reasonable question ‘are you a man’ when a bearded bloke walked on to the pitch to play in a female match.

Beardy man reported the matter to a charity @kickitout who then went squealing to the FA who, in turn, launched a full-on disciplinary and imposed a six-match ban on the weeping teenager. Safeguarding Fail 🚩
x.com/WomensRightsNe… Then there’s the Sheffield and Hallamshire Women’s League… remember the young woman whose leg was broken after a tackle from a male on the opposing team? The season-ending injury led to a boycott by some of the teams, rightly concerned about the dangers.Image
Oct 4, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
This Saturday morning, WRN members will be joining the thousands of people heading to their local park to celebrate the 20th anniversary of @parkrunUK with a 5k run or walk. We’ll be there to highlight parkrun’s discriminatory policies towards women and girls, which allow males to self-identify into the female category. Why the campaign? 🧵Image Until 2019 parkrun categorized runners by sex: male and female. Then, the categories changed to ‘gender’: Male, Female, Another Gender Identity, or Prefer Not To Say. Males started to self-identify into the female category. As men run, on average, 10-15% faster than women, a male identifying into the female category may set course times that can never be achieved by a woman. This is unfair.Image
Sep 25, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
WRN fully support this campaign. We've known for a long time that upskirting, voyeurism & indecent exposure are indicative of a pattern of criminal behaviour that leads to more serious crimes. The Pelicot case in France is just one horrifying example. 🧵/1
dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1… However it is hard to reconcile this with current police policy that tells female officers that any man who identifies as a woman, non-binary or gender fluid can use their facilities. If he exposes himself on the streets it's a crime but in a changing room it's all fine. It is also incorrect as the Eq Act does allow you to refuse males in female facilities. 🧵/2Image
Sep 16, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
After a long campaign against the so-called ‘Gender Quotas Bill’ in Wales, we are delighted that @WelshGovernment have finally now decided to scrap it.

This Bill was always an unlawful attempt to lever in self ID in Wales, a direct threat to the rights of women and girls, and would have inevitably ended up in the Supreme Court.


bbc.co.uk/news/articles/… WRN and @WRNWales have been at the forefront of the campaign against the Bill.
An early version was leaked, exposing the intent to allow men to self ID without challenge.
And WRN gave evidence at the Senedd this year, after submitting our consultation response.
We are pleased the new @PrifWeinidog has listened - her predecessors have not.
Sep 10, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
The @HMICFRS report into activism and impartiality in policing is out.

Its key findings are that the police are CONFUSED about the law and are NOT impartial because they DON'T UNDERSTAND what operational independence looks like.


hmicfrs.justiceinspectorates.gov.uk/publication-ht… This flies in the face of the Government's assertion that they do not intend clarifying the Equality Act.

The HMICFRS report clearly states that clarification is needed. The Police recognise this. Why doesn’t the Government? @AnnelieseDodds
Sep 9, 2024 8 tweets 5 min read
We WANT to believe that the @metpoliceuk are listening to women.
We WANT to believe that they are serious about policing impartially.
But reality tells a different story.
We would like to update you now about the below response we received about extreme trans activism within the Metropolitan Police.
Rewind to 21 July last year, when we released this short clip to illustrate our concerns about a ‘Trans Day of Visibility’ event that had been held by a member of Metropolitan police staff.

Officers and staff had been invited to attend.
We know there were at least 50 in the room and many more listening remotely. Speaking during this session were various activists. The messages given to officers and staff were disturbing.
Aug 30, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
How did @scotwomensaid end up in the sorry mess of advertising a key domestic abuse role for ‘women only’ but included men in that description?

The answer lies in their many years of shocking ideological capture and a total betrayal of the vulnerable women and families they serve.

A thread 🧵

telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/08/2… This document ‘Stronger Together:
Guidance for women’s services on the inclusion of transgender women’ is available on the @scotwomensaid website.

Notably it states “Staff at LGBT Youth Scotland offered invaluable advice, including support with the drafting of the guidance and with the training package following the guidance”.


Aug 29, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Do women - their core customer base - actually even matter to @JohnLewisRetail?
Clearly not.

This powerful and heart breaking resignation letter from a former employee lays bare JL’s dismissive and abusive attitude to women in searing detail, and their lack of concern for the safety or comfort of female staff.

Along with many other women’s organisations, WRN have campaigned against the scandalous policy of companies like @JohnLewisRetail to allow men into changing rooms and toilets, whether staff or public ones.

We have written to them.
We have leafletted them.
We have carried out ‘mystery shopper’ exercises.
We have spoken to staff.
JL has not listened.

Not only do they neglect their employer safeguarding duties, they actively celebrate the fetishes of their male employees.

No wonder female staff feel so unsafe and so disregarded.

We stand with Lesley.
We’ve written to @JohnLewisRetail with our concerns.
Aug 19, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
The Independent Office for Police Complaints IOPC is the police complaints watchdog for England and Wales. In June @policeconduct posted about their participation in Pride in London. Their Head of Comms at the time was also posting offensive & inflammatory messages.
Many WRN members complained & today we all received the same mealy-mouthed non-apology as a response. Whilst we are glad to learn that Smyth Harper no longer works as IOPC Head of Comms we are disappointed not to get any acknowledgement that his posts were wholly inappropriate.