Women's Space Ireland Profile picture
A space to speak about women's sex-based rights in Ireland. https://t.co/WYKPNDkt2n
Mar 8, 2023 13 tweets 10 min read
The infamous Denton's report which it was hoped would become "a powerful tool for activists" appears to have been followed once again in focusing on the "woman-in-the-home" clause - whilst casually slipping in an innocent looking but more contentious aim.
irishmirror.ie/news/irish-new… The much maligned 1937 "women-in-the-home" clause includes a guarantee to women. The late Mr Justice Brian Walsh was surprised that it had never been tested.

Did @NWCI ever advocate for it be used to support women?

26/2/93: "Article of family faith ripe for test in courts"
Mar 5, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
"The next general election, expected to be held in two years’ time, will see the gender quota for female candidates increased to 40 per cent, with political parties facing a 50 per cent cut to their state funding if they fail to meet the quota."
thetimes.co.uk/article/9c8b51… So why is the Women's Caucus and Women for Election hearing from a representative of TENI at tomorrow's function in the Dáil Chamber for International Women's Day? (The Dáil isn't sitting tomorrow).

@women4election ImageImage
Jul 29, 2022 6 tweets 7 min read
"The appointment of a consultant psychiatrist to manage the service is still required after being advertised twice without success."

Is it possible that applicants are dissuaded because of the Government's support for WPATH?

Who required this?


irishtimes.com/health/2022/07… January 2020: "...the HSE proposes that diagnosis should be 'guided by' the recommendations of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (Wpath), which places a strong emphasis on patients’ self-declaration as the basis for treatment." 2/5
Jul 29, 2022 11 tweets 9 min read
Service which Irish children as young as five have been referred to since 2009 is being shut down early next year over safety concerns. 1/11
@morningireland @rtenews @NewstalkFM @NTBreakfast @TodaywithClaire @PatKennyNT @RTE_PrimeTime @cormacbourke irishtimes.com/health/2022/07… "Legal experts said the trust could now be sued by patients who felt they did not receive the right treatment." 2/11 @OCO_ireland @SarahAMcInerney @rteliveline @RadioBrendanRTE
May 10, 2021 8 tweets 5 min read
How does legislation get changed yet the public know nothing about it?

Perhaps through EU legislation which well resourced lobbyists manage to get submissions in to in good time?

Here's one for which the Public Consultation closes tonight at 11 pm ec.europa.eu/info/law/bette… 1/8 Transgender Europe and ILGA made submissions to the "Violence against women and domestic violence – fitness check of EU legislation" at the roadmap stage which closed in August.

Most of the 90 submissions are from Italy (64%) and appear to have a similar theme. 2/8
May 9, 2021 8 tweets 11 min read
Letter was compiled by sixth-formers at the school.



thetimes.co.uk/article/nonsuc… Could schoolchildren be influenced by lobby groups such as TENI here in Ireland which offers "lifehacks" advice on binding and tucking?

Is it appropriate @HSELive @roinnslainte to be funding a lobby group that promotes this? @morningireland @NTBreakfast @KatieGHannon

2/6 Image
Apr 8, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
Why is the NWCI, the National Women's Council of Ireland, representing the interests of "transgender women and girls", who are males, in an organization which says its mission is to "lead and to be a catalyst in the achievement of equality for women"?1/8

gcn.ie/motion-include… Why is the chairperson of TENI on the board of the National Womens Council of Ireland? 2/8 teni.ie/the-board/

Do trans activists not already have their own organisation to represent their interests?