Jessica Wood Profile picture
Liberty advocate, Policy Aficionado, Make PA Sensible Again #EducateToLiberate #PeopleOverParties
Jan 20 25 tweets 17 min read
Frank McCourt wants to buy TikTok.

Who is Frank McCourt? Buyer beware. You’re going to want to keep reading to find out. 🧵1
@Breeauna9 @Andreafreedom76 @iamlisalogan @CourtenayTurner @LBelle355 @luce_lexi Image Frank McCourt founded McCourt Global. The organization has a philanthropic current, with social impact mindfulness at their core. Common themes throughout this thread include a “common purpose/good” and “building a better…/a new way forward” with plenty of progressive keywords like “equity,” “safety,” “resilience,” and “democracy.” 🧵2Image
Jan 4 14 tweets 11 min read
While on the subject of DOJ STOP grants, let’s talk about the PASS survey and reporting required under this grant.

PASS or Pupil Attitudes to Self and School is an assessment tool designed to track students “feelings” or social and emotional well-being. One of the primary domains of the survey is SEL (social and emotional learning). 🧵1/
@kellyske @luce_lexi @5sweetharts_ @HideYourKids0 @ALegalProcessImage The Pennsylvania Office for Safe Schools under the PA Dept of Ed (PDE) administers this as the PA School Climate Survey. SEL is one of the three domains central to the survey, given not just to students, but staff, parents and community members as well as part of the broader Whole-Child, Whole-School, Whole-Community model. This reflects the shift away from ACADEMIC intelligence to EMOTIONAL intelligence. Schools are, of course, incentivized to participate through grant monies, with results shared between state and federal agencies and third-party orgs. 🧵2/Image
Dec 28, 2024 25 tweets 11 min read
One of the more shocking revelations I’ve had over the last few years is how inextricably linked our elections are to our education system via NGOs operating as the 4th branch of government.

We continue to peel back the layers here with a closer look at Tim Shriver’s organizations which directly link social and emotional learning and critical theory efforts in education to the push for ranked-choice voting and National Popular Vote in elections. 🧵1Image Tim Shriver is the co-founder of three organizations responsible for major policy decisions in education, health, and elections. CASEL (Fetzer Institute) is arguably one of the largest organizations to help usher in social and emotional learning & CRT into both K-12 and higher Ed school systems. COVID Collaborative directed many Covid protocols implemented in the US. UNITE’s focus is to transform democracy.

Watch this video from fellow parent advocate @iamlisalogan for a foundational understanding of linkages. 🧵2…
Dec 20, 2024 10 tweets 8 min read
A historic look at the Speaker of the House Role and who may serve: 🧵

Have you ever wondered why the word “choose” appears misspelled in our US Constitution?  

The archaic spelling “chuse”, contained within our nation’s founding document, is derived from William Penn’s 1701 Frame of Government, otherwise known as the “Charter of Privileges” or “Charter of Liberties” for the Province of Pennsylvania.  Penn built that framework for Pennsylvania’s government from English Parliamentary Rule going back hundreds of years, of which he, and later our Founding Fathers, was very familiar.

Article I Section 2 of the US Constitution says, in part:
“The House of Representatives shall “chuse” their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.”

Pennsylvania, though not the first colony founded in America, had arguably the most important role in the framing of the national government we know today.  Pennsylvania is the KEYSTONE state after all.  

Penn’s Frame of Government is considered Pennsylvania’s first Constitution, of which the federal Constitution was drafted from.  William Penn’s concept of government expressed in the Charter of Liberties shaped democracy in America and all around the world.

Despite the proclamation found on the US House’s governmental page that the Speaker role can be filled even by unelected persons of the House’s choosing, the notion is an inaccurate misrepresentation of our Founders’ intent.  While our federal Constitution does not delineate all the intricacies of the Speaker role, thankfully historical records greatly detail the inception of this role in American politics.  Many preserved records, including Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the Province of Pennsylvania, meticulously document the introduction of the Speakership here in the US. English Rule: 🧵

The Speaker of the House role goes back as far almost as the inception of English Parliament.  
Parliament’s own website provides wonderful, succinct historical timelines of their transformation from the time they began to take form in 1236.  

The earliest concepts of a Speaker was the presiding officer selected to oversee the drafting of the “Provisions of Oxford” in 1258.  That role became the Lord Speaker in the Upper House.  As the House of Commons (knights of the shire and burgesses) formed and then later began to meet apart from the Upper House, the need for a speaker that would be the go-between for the Commons and the King developed.

The first unofficial Speaker of the House of Commons was chosen in 1375, followed by the first official Speaker on record in 1376.  

The Speakership was a dangerous role in the beginning and one that was beholden to the Crown.  A number of Speakers were beheaded at the displeasure of the King upon delivering news that he did not like. While the Commons chose their Speaker, they were typically someone that had the King’s approval.  The practice of choosing a Speaker was for a member to stand and nominate another member for office.  If unanimously agreed upon, the Speaker was led to the chair by two other members in what came to be known as “dragging the Speaker” due to the apprehension at the perilousness of the position.  The part of the Speaker being an agent of the Crown is later carried over to a greater degree in America with the appointment of Speakers in the various colonies.  

Over the next few hundred years, the Speaker role in the House of Commons continued to gain authority and gradual distancing from the King.  Eventually, the role saw itself wholly independent from the Crown, owing its allegiance solely to the Commons.

One fact about the Speaker role in English Parliament that is as true today as it was in the 14th century is that the Speaker of the House must be a member of Parliament, that is to say an individual elected to serve in the House of Commons.  That concept is important as we move into the molding of American government.
Oct 31, 2024 7 tweets 5 min read
Who is behind Field+Media Corps, the group involved in the fraudulent voter registration investigations in Pennsylvania?

Let’s examine.

Field+Media Corps consulting firm was formed in 2017 with an emphasis on race-based social activism, highlighting social inequalities and Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Color coalition building. 🧵/
@laralogan @annvandersteel @fox43 @glennbeckImage Francisco Heredia is the CEO and Partner at Field+Media. @frankieheredia is also currently serving as Vice Mayor on the Mesa City Council. Prior to that, Heredia worked for the US Census Bureau and, interestingly, the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office. His social media feed promotes Kamala Harris.

How lax exactly are AZ laws that would allow for an elected official to also run partisan campaign consulting and GOTV efforts? 🧵/…Image
Oct 27, 2024 12 tweets 10 min read
Institute for Strategic Dialogue:

Well, well, well…looks like Governor Shapiro invited a far-left Gates/Soros funded organization to speak to his influencers at his faux “nonpartisan” Democracy Camp this summer.

You’re going to want to buckle up for this adventure because this one’s going connect some deep state dots around the globe.🧵/1
@iamlisalogan @laralogan @luce_lexiImage The Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) is a think tank that was founded in 2006 in the UK, with additional arms in the US and Germany.

They’ve worked with various NGOs like Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, YouTube, and Spotify to combat online disinformation, extremism, and hate speech. A look at their home page gives you a good idea of their efforts.

The ISD actively works to censor conservative views online (including opinions that abortion is murder, anti-transgender policies that oppose men in women’s sports and boys in girls’ bathrooms, weather-dependent energy programs like solar and wind, and opposition to critical race theory). 🧵/2…Image
Oct 1, 2024 8 tweets 6 min read
💥 Important nuggets in this listen w/ @petersantilli re Neustar.

Most people think of Rodney Joffe when they hear the name Neustar. If you’re not familiar with the 2016 DNC Clinton email hack and the subsequent Trump Russian collusion fiasco, highly recommend reading the Trump V. Clinton RICO case, 22-CV-14102, along with Joffe v. Neustar, 22-1041-KSJM filed the following year.

BUT, there are some interesting coincidences that have largely flown under the radar in connection to Neustar beyond Joffe. 🧵/ In May of 2016, Neustar hired Tom Pageler as their Chief Risk Officer (CRO) and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).
Tom came to Neustar from his previous role as Docusign’s CRO/CISO. He was also the Deputy CISO for JP Morgan Chase, Director of Fraud Control at VISA, and a special agent with the US Secret Service.

During Paleger’s time as a Secret Service agent, he not only provided physical security protection to the President—he also started an electronic crimes task force that tracked RUSSIAN criminals and extradited them to the US. 🧵/Image
Sep 29, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
Do you know who controls most of the worlds media (not just radio), on a global scale?

UN/UNESCO/George Soros.

Allow me to show you how…🧵/
@laralogan @ConceptualJames @iamlisalogan @elonmusk This week, Germany hosted Democracy Reporting International’s DisinfoCon 2024, which attacked America’s First Amendment and presidential candidate, Donald Trump. The German Federal Foreign Office funds DRI’s Disinfo Radar website platform. 🧵/
Sep 28, 2024 11 tweets 7 min read
Who is behind RIGHTCOUNT, a Republican-led 501(c)(3) focused on reducing “the appeal of extremism for election doubters” and building “confidence in the outcome of elections”????

Let’s find out…🧵/ Image RightCount’s mission, they say, is to “fortify and protect the rule of law in the tabulation of voting.” They fill their homepage with platitudes about our Founding and the constitution and principles that appeal to a conservative base, but you’re not going to find any Thomas Jefferson-types in this group. 🧵/Image
Sep 27, 2024 16 tweets 8 min read
🚨🚨 PA Election officials and left-wing orgs are meeting as we speak in Pittsburgh, PA for an off-the-record Elections Summit focused on Building a Conservative Agenda for Democracy.

This two-day event hosted by R Street Institute and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Agora Institute at John’s Hopkins University will discuss how officials are to message this election to the public as well as the policies they should be championing in PA. 🧵/1… For more than a year, these two groups have been meeting with government officials across the country promoting the adoption of their agenda to:
🔵 Publicly affirm the security and integrity of elections
🔵Deploy trusted community leaders to reaffirm that elections are safe & secure
🔵Champion policies like promoting pre-canvassing of ballots before Election Day 🧵/2

The groups have already held a similar meeting with officials in Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin and plan to meet with Kentucky, Kansas, Idaho, and Texas before the election.…
Sep 16, 2024 12 tweets 9 min read
Tom Ridge.

Former Governor of PA. First Secretary of Homeland Security. 6-term Congressman. This one is meaty and will need room to expand, so he gets his own thread. Oh, if only you knew the tentacles. You’re about to find out.🧵/ Tom co-chaired an organization called VoteSafe with former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm. The website has since been deleted, but no one knows better than Cyber Tom that the internet is forever.

VoteSafe sprung up to ensure that voters had EXPANDED (universal) access to absentee ballots during the pandemic. Despite claiming to be nonpartisan, partner orgs included the League of Women Voters, R Street (with heavy hitters like James Baker, Director of National Securiy & Cybersecurity and former FBI counsel), and Vote at Home, among others.

VoteSafe also received the support of several prominent officials including:
Brad Raffensperger- GA SOS
Jocelyn Benson- MI SOS
Jena Griswold- CO SOS
Maggie Toulouse Oliver- NM SOS
Kim Wyman- WA SOS
Caroline Fawkes- Supervisor of Elections, US Virgin Islands
Denise Merrill- CT SOS
Bev Clarno- OR SOS 🧵/2Image
Sep 16, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read

Another leftist org that portrays itself as “bipartisan”, all the while giving their biggest donation to the Democrat Party and funding candidates like Democrat Janelle Stelson in her race to oust former @freedomcaucus chair @RepScottPerry. So who’s behind @democracyFIRST? Let’s take a look.🧵/Image First, we’ve got Steven Mele, who runs MBA Consulting listed on the FEC form as an assistant treasurer for democracyFIRST PAC. Steven wants you to know that he is ALL IN, united for Team Harris-Walz. He even links a way for you to get involved in the campaign. 🧵/2 Image
Sep 14, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
PA’s Dirty Voter Rolls: Part 3

In a news article this week, @Commish_Schmidt weighed in on Republican claims that noncitizens are registering to vote in Pennsylvania and across the country. He insists this is not happening.

Schmidt said, “There's no evidence of it whatsoever. So, every day you get that question, despite the fact that there's no evidence of it at all because it's not occurring.”

Now Commissioner, shame on you for spreading “disinformation.” How about we start talking about some of the instances of noncitizens being registered to vote in PA in recent years?

In York County, for example, a man of Irish decent self-reported to county officials that he was registered to vote—and by no fault of his. He told election officials that he had only found out he was registered when preparing for his immigration hearing and had never requested or done anything to be registered. Had this person, like most of the known instances in this state, not self-reported, he would likely still be on our rolls and thus would have also had the opportunity to vote.

The question is not IF noncitizens are registering to vote in Pennsylvania, but rather how many? 🧵/… In Oregon, it was revealed this week that 300 noncitizens had registered to vote since 2021. 🧵/2
Sep 14, 2024 12 tweets 7 min read
PA's Dirty Voter Rolls: Residency

Pennsylvania's Constitution has strict qualifications on who can vote in our elections. Yet, as we've seen in Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, applicants are not just being registered, but allowed to vote from addresses that do not qualify as a permanent, physical address. So how did we get to where PA's highest office holders blatantly ignore this mandate? Let's dive in.🧵/ An October 1863 edition of the Pittsburgh Daily Post publicized a report on election laws and qualifications in the state. In it is cited an 1862 PA Supreme Court case concerning soldier voting.

"The Supreme Court in the case of Chase v Miller, define the term 'residence to be the same as domicil--a word which means the place where a man establishes his abode, makes the seat of his property and exercises his civil and political rights.' In a strict legal sense, therefore, the residence of a man, within the meaning of the law, is where he has his true, fixed and permanent home and principal establishment, and to which whenever he is absent, he has the intention of returning--animus revertendi."

Having established what residency in PA means, the author goes on to address the consequences of allowing someone to vote in a district where they have not established actual residency.

"To allow them to vote elsewhere, would make the ballot box an easy prey to fraud, and all its deplorable consequences. Strangers, having no acquaintance, interests or property in a county, could control its elections, and defeat the will of its property holding and resident citizens." 🧵/2Image
Sep 5, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
PA's Dirty Voter Rolls: Part 2

Everyone has likely heard of the PO Box registrations--a big no-no for residency qualifications in PA--but what about registrations to actual business addresses? You would think, especially with the coordination of NCOA data, that business addresses would be flagged in the system as ineligible? Blocked from being used as a primary address? But they’re not.

Again, we’ll start with my home turf where I am most familiar. York County currently has over 200 voters using a shipping business address as their primary residence, in violation of state statute. To be clear, we are not talking mailing address, which would be permissible. The primary residence is the place the registrant is purporting to physically reside, and the registration form makes that clear. A list of these ineligible addresses that have 1 or more registrations associated with it are as follows:

3435 CONCORD RD, YORK – Post Office
18 HIGH ST, HANOVER – Post Office
500 N MAIN ST N ST, RED LION – Post Office
14 E MAIN ST, RAILROAD – Post Office
160 W MARKET ST, YORK – Post Office
107 W ORE ST, LOGANVILLE – Post Office
2150 WHITE ST, YORK – Post Office
🧵/ Emails had been sent to the county alerting them to this issue several years ago. When they went ignored, law enforcement was notified. When that went ignored, a formal complaint was filed, which they fought. Unfortunately, the problem has only continued to get worse.

And of course, some of these voters are already on the permanent mail ballot list set to receive a mail ballot soon. And, in case you are wondering, yes, some of them voted from these unlawful addresses in the past.🧵2/
Sep 5, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
PA's Dirty Voter Rolls: Part 1

Pennsylvania is home to approx 120 colleges, public and private, with the majority offering on-campus living to students. Students using a college address as their primary residence are often times left on our voter rolls for many, many years after leaving campus. 🧵/ We'll begin where I'm most familiar. There are currently 87 students registered to York College's address at 441 Country Club Rd. Nearly half of those students are 25 years old or older. Of those students, most have not voted in over two federal election cycles, yet remain on the voter rolls. 🧵2/
Aug 28, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Chinese Nationals in PA?
Earlier this year, a local news station in CA reported that ​​​Indio Border Patrol agents arrested Chinese nationals found with thousands of gift cards and 23 fake Pennsylvania drivers licenses.🧵… On 2/8 US Border Patrol Chief Gregory K. Bovino wrote that the 5 Chinese nationals had been arrested, with 3 of the 5 being asylum seekers awaiting their hearings. The post has since been deleted.

Bovino frequently posts similar content regarding arrests and confiscated hauls. Why was this particular post deleted by @USBPChiefELC ? Did the White House make him remove it? Was there something about this post Mayorkas doesn't want to be public? 🧵2/Image
Aug 19, 2024 7 tweets 5 min read
🚨🚨🚨 Is Minecraft Education currently in your schools?
Minecraft Education teaches SEL, social justice, activism, inclusion, equity, gender identity, and “good trouble” to your kids!!! 🧵… Minecraft Ed is software typically installed on a child’s school-issued tech. Teachers are able to draw from numerous curricula, including a Black Lives Matter world that teaches kids how to seek racial justice for the Black community.🧵/2

Aug 18, 2024 6 tweets 4 min read
Adam, Adam, Adam...what's this I see? You are an endorsed candidate of the an out-of-state progressive democrat PAC, the Six PAC, AND received money from them despite many months of you and your gang (and your media lap dogs) attacking a small, local PAC of unpaid volunteer moms and dads as "dark money", smearing our name every chance you get? But you're the victim here, right? How about we shine a little light on this progressive out-of-state PAC you've been endorsed and funded by, shall we?🔦🧵
Meet the Six PAC based in California--a self-proclaimed supporter of progressive democrats. Six PAC even uses the controversial ActBlue platform to raise money for their progressive candidates.🧵2

Aug 15, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
This cannot be stressed enough—the mental health agenda is incredibly dangerous. It should come as no surprise that the communists are playing the long game using your children with a very specific, nefarious end (warranting its own separate thread, complete with receipts).

There are two particular mechanisms you should be aware of for how they plan to accomplish this goal…CMS via Medicaid and school-based mental health.

Where the federal government is unable to place certain mandates on the states, the states are highly incentivized to adopt measures on their own. While states are more than able to pump the breaks on the agenda, the lure of federal cash piles is often greater, and so while I often advocate for change at the state level, there is a more pressing need at the congressional level. I promised specifics earlier, so here’s your homework assignment that’ll absolutely knock your congressman’s socks off: 1/🧵 # 1. Cut funding in the HHS budget for youth mental health programs (Congress).

The US Senate has proposed several items in the HHS Appropriations bill (to be voted on when they come back in September) funding SBHCs and other youth mental health measures. If you haven’t yet read the below thread, familiarize yourself with it. The most alarming aspect of this funding is the expansion of ACEs surveillance efforts. Contact your congressmen and tell them to cut funding for each of the items listed. 2/🧵
Aug 7, 2024 21 tweets 10 min read
🚨🧵 Governor Josh Shapiro hosted PA’s first ever Democracy Summer Camp on July 25th. A group of 50 content creators attended the invite-only event held at the Franklin Institute. Turns out, despite the claims of Shapiro’s spokesperson, the event was not nonpartisan at all.

Here’s a list of several speakers and attendees:
🌀Gavin Lichtenstein
🌀Nicole Ramsey
🌀Elizabeth Booker Houston
🌀Annie Newman
🌀Zeke Tayler
🌀Sami Sage
🌀Elizabeth Strong
🌀Paris Golden
🌀Alex Pearlman
🌀Lisa Nicole
🌀Kenny Screven
🌀Kory Aversa
🌀Jordan Meiselas

And the list goes on…
@PAHouseGOP @PASenateGOP @RepGrove @JanMurphy @RepBryanCutler @SenatorPittman… 2/ Meet Gavin Lichtenstein.

Gavin is the Director of Digital Partnerships for Governor Shapiro. Gavin has a lengthy history with the Democrat Party in PA. Prior to his current role, he served on Shapiro’s campaign for Governor, a special assistant for the Shapiro transition team, and the Digital Director for the House Democrat Campaign Committee. Gavin loves Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden and really dislikes Trump.Image