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#FREETRUMP #Jesus I endorse everything.
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Apr 22, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The way "addiction" is dealt with as a "disease" is nonsensical and [ethnic euphemism].

"Addiction" is not an actual problem in itself.

Fentanyl is the most addictive drug ever. Detox is 5 days. The problem here is NOT compulsion. Even the most pathetic loser can do 5 day detox Anyone can detox from opioids, meth, alcohol, benzos, anything else. Effectively, every person on earth can do that.

Then what happens?

Well, life is still miserable, and most people have an impossible time justifying why they would not be on drugs.
Apr 21, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read

Firstly, "being in love" either is not a thing or is the same thing as "wanting to fuck." A better word is "infatuation," as that includes the female version which is less viscerally sexual.

This is something for teenagers. We just mentioned Romeo and Juliet. The purpose of the infatuation is to lead to a sexual union. One or both of the people become monomaniacally fixated on copulation, and this leads to a union.

This is a basic animal procreation/survival behavior. It is not more meaningful than fishing or building a fire.
Apr 21, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
Wish You Were here is the greatest love song of all time because it is written by a man about another man, and this is the only true form of nonfamilial love.

A woman can't love you back because she doesn't have a soul, so that is always masturbation.

Listen to the lyrics (and those of "Shine On"), then imagine any of that being written about a woman.

Every love song about a woman is some version of "I like to look at you, being near you makes me feel happy, I want to kiss you and fuck your pussy."

It's infantile.
Apr 21, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
The goofy part is that despite having top tier sluts on the cheap and no law, the Ukraine was never fun. It was always depressing and gross.

It was also absurdly dangerous. Almost like central America or the US.

Only white guy ever robbed me in my life was Ukrainian. I'm talking about "Ukrainian Ukraine," of course.

Crimea is wonderful, because it's literally Russia, and was before the Maidan terrorist coup. Kharkov is fine too, not different than Krasnodar.

Odessa is a beautiful Russian city, but plagued with Ukrainians.
Apr 20, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I don't understand anyone complaining about this clip.

He's pissed off, but everything he says is exactly right. The theory of "you're going to get fucked no matter what so who cares" is a general rule, but there's also not being stupid for no reason.

I was stupid for no reason bc I thought it was funny and I don't regret it bcI honestly don't even care, but this was a unique project.
Apr 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Bro, you need to understand that you've been mind-fucked.

"Communism" and "capitalism" and any of these other terms have no meaning at all. Literally, they do not even have symbolic implications at this point.

They are spooks, and they are the dumbest spooks. What matters are things that happen in *real life*.

This is what is happening in *real life* in your democracy freedom paradise of capitalist prosperity:

Apr 20, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Referring to people as "avowed neo-Nazis" does not make you look smart.

It's shocking, you people have zero curiosity, no desire to understand the other side.

I could explain your entire belief system and motivations in detail, because that matters to me. You call people names. In fact, it is actually impossible to have genuinely beliefs or convictions without being able to explicate the motivations of the opposition.

Calling people evil, which is what "Nazi" is, is childlike and dumb. It should be totally humiliating for an adult to think this way. Image
Apr 19, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
And there it is.

"You are too stupid to understand Cormack McCarthy."

It's like saying "you are too stupid to understand why Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall."

Welcome to America, friends.

It is the pure, distilled arrogance of Sodom. This person blocked me. In keeping with my policy of explaining everything in great detail, I will screenshot the quoted tweet and elaborate on what is going on here. Image
Apr 19, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
I wish I didn't have to. I wish I could make really clever quips and get sensible chuckles and tens of thousands of likes.

Instead, I only get this from saying "women are whores, right tho?" or "Ben Shapiro only loves Israel right tho." Not even being pretentious. I'm not really even a very smart person, frankly. I'm at best observant.

But yes, we all need "The McCarthy Talk" every once in a while, because everything I hate about America is wrapped up in this man's popularity. Image
Apr 5, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
As mainstream games just get worse and worse, indie games just keep getting better.

I'm not aware of anywhere else in society this is happening.

Indie rock keeps getting worse. I don't think they even make indie films anymore. All novels are trash, (especially self-published). Image All remaining human creativity is being channeled into indie video games.

I should probably totally shift my focus into indie gaming journalism. The mainstream ignores most of these games, because they are paid to shill. Many young people aren't aware good games exist. Image
Apr 5, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
So the only possible way that someone can represent a group's interest is to follow "The Al Sharpton Model."

Otherwise, they have to represent pure individuals.

Frankly, I'm not even sure I understand how a politician can avoid representing groups.

Isn't that what politics is? Saying that a pro-white politician would be like Al Sharpton is directly appealing to the lowest common moron - "this thing like other thing? Haha."

The basic fact is, Donald Trump already said "I will represent white people" without saying the word.

He wasn't Al Sharpton.
Apr 1, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read

Hours later, I'm still getting a whole bunch of feedback on my posts about infidelity - most of it negative.

As my first and foremost inspiration has always been negative feedback, I'm going to do one last thread before bedtime. First, I must confess that I may have violated the terms laid out a few days ago about how I would only tweet in a straightforward, dumbed-down manner by using purposefully inflammatory language in some of my infidelity tweets this evening.
Apr 1, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
It's not women's fault they don't feel guilt. It's biology.

Women do feel shame, and this is what drives them to moral behavior - they do not want to be the target of a shaming.

To understand, you should watch the film "Mean Girls" - possibly the most important film ever made. Unlike guilt, which is internal, shame comes from the outside and can therefore be removed.

Society has removed shame from all aspects of female life, which causes them to behave without any form of morality.
Apr 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Bro, do you think statistics on this topic are accurate? How could they possibly be? The statistic you are citing has men cheating more than women. Does that seem real?

Other studies put the number at 60%. I believe it's much higher (85-90%). Here are some facts:

Mid-20s women have had a minimum of 30-50 sex partners.

Every woman in America will have sex on the first date if she's "feeling it" (there is no shame or other consequences, so why wouldn't she?)

This is the dating pool from which men are seeking wives.
Mar 31, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I'm not normalizing it. It's already normalized. I'm telling you it happens to most everyone, and this whole thing of pretending it doesn't has become pathological.

I gave the two options:

-Get married with the understanding she likely won't be faithful
-Don'g get married I'm seeing a lot of people throwing little tantrums, but this is just emotional baby nonsense. None of you are stating option 3.

Obviously, the third option is to pretend the woman is a princess, then have some kind of breakdown when you are forced to acknowledge reality.
Mar 30, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
So, it turns out Matt Walsh not only knows the deal, but wrote about the deal, then sold out for money, agreeing to promote the deal for Ben Shapiro.

This isn't surprising. Everyone with a room temperature IQ knows the deal. The only people who don't know the deal are boomers. It's very easy to sell out.

I was offered all kinds of jobs after 2016, with the caveat that I forget what the deal is.

I'm not going to name any names, but everyone knows what was going on at that time, when people like Cernovich and Posobiec were jumping for shekels.
Mar 30, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
The evangelicals embraced "two consenting adults in the privacy of their own bedrooms" ideology.

"Evangelical Christianity" is not Christianity and America is a doomed nation abandoned by God. Not all protestants are evangelicals.

What is called "evangelical" is a boomer fake religion created by Zionist televangelists and Ronald Reagan.

They aligned with non-Christians to support the 90s-00s gay revolution.

Catholics/Normal protestants didn't support it.
Mar 29, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
The ADL (Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith) was formed in 1913 in the wake of the lynching of Jewish pencil factory boss Leo Frank, who was accused of raping and murdering Mary Phagan, a 13-year-old white girl.

The ADL blamed the black janitor for the murder. The jury had unanimously convicted Frank for the murder, given the overwhelming evidence both that he was a pervert who regularly used his authority in the factory to prey on young girls, that he was lying, and that he was the only one who was there to rape/kill Mary.
Mar 27, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
The biggest problem I have with democracy is that the population has no ability to petition grievances or affect government policy in any way.

To an extent, I agree with the democracy people that the peasants can't make all of the decisions, but democracy takes it to an extreme. Democracy goes beyond an aristocratic system, and creates a totally unaccountable elite that is able to operate in complete darkness.

This has inevitably led to the elite choosing to remove all of the basic freedoms of the peasantry.
Mar 27, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
We live in a cyberpunk dystopia, with these corporations ruling over the peasants, poisoning us and treating us like property. The only people with any quality of life being those willing to serve the corporate overlords. Image The unbelievable part is that the mega-corporations claim to believe in communism. They want to change the weather and exterminate white people.

That's not how it was in cyberpunk fiction.
Mar 22, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
That feels antisemitic.

But clearly, Powell is not making all these decisions. The US government would never allow one man to make these kinds of decisions - especially one who is not a member of the "ancient cult."

Powell is directed by the same people directing everything. Powell is definitely the figurehead, however, and he will be the fall guy if the government decides to back off of this insane plan to collapse the economy.

Yes, dear friends: the only reason you would do these rate hikes is if you wanted to collapse the economy.