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History, Birds, MAGA, Classical Music
Dec 21, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read

Dan Bishop's rundown of the Christmas Bonanza Omnibus for DemRats.

Details here:

- $11.33 billion - FBI.

- $1.75 billion - ATF.

- $2.63 billion - J6 Attorneys and domestic terrorism cases.

- $335,000,000 - prepare for influenza pandemic

(cont) 2.

- $410 million - border security, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, Oman.

- $1,438,000,000 - global orgs including UN.

- $65 million - salmon

- $575 million - "family planning" where pop growth "threatens biodiversity."

- $65 million- Pelosi Federal Bldg

Aug 25, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
@WallsOther Interesting read.

But I disagree about NY-19. NYS's original redistricting ploy halved the number of Repub areas and was thrown out by a judge, thus the SE yesterday.

Hachul's Lt. Gov nominee, Delgado, is a black guy pushed by Progs into the NY-19 seat 4 years ago.

(cont) @WallsOther Yesterday's SE election was for the remainder of Delgado's term through 12/31.

Molinaro has already won the Repub primary for the GE and will face a DIFFERENT D, Reilly, in November.

Ryan won the NY-18 Primary plus the NY-19 SE but will not face Molinaro in Nov.

Aug 1, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
A paraphrasing of a thread by RussVesna with a POV on the situation in Serbia. I'm partly paraphrasing.

1 - In 1999 after massive NATO bombings Serbian Kosovo was invaded by Albanian militants who destroyed Orthodox Churches, monuments and killed Serbs in an ethnic cleansing. 2 - In 2020 a NATO military base was established in Kosovo. The militants have since become security forces.

3 -In 2008 the Kosovo Parliament declared the “independence” of the Republic.

4 – Citizens of Serbia remained in the north. They use Serbian currency and documents.
Jul 25, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
@SicarioScott 1.
I had Hep C 5 years ago and the only treatment was a brutal regiment of 6 - 18 months of interferon. My case was especially difficult to treat (at the time there were 35 identified varieties) and I had to inject in my belly once a week for 1.5 years.

(cont) @SicarioScott 2. I joined a large chat group mostly of longtimers like me many of whom had done their own research and discovered the lengthier protocol for the specific variant was more likely to lead to remission. (I've been in it for 15 years and now considered hep-c free).

Mar 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
@Navsteva 1
Zelenskyy Pleads for U.S. To Start Nuclear War, for Europe to Commit Suicide
March 5, 2022 (EIRNS)—Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke by Zoom today to a closed gathering of 280 members of the U.S. House and Senate today. While not using the term “no-fly zone,” @Navsteva 2
since it is now clear that such a policy would mean war with Russia, likely nuclear war, Zelenskyy nonetheless called for NATO countries to “close the skies or give us planes,” according to the Washington Post’s account from members of Congress who attended.
Feb 17, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
China’s Social Credit Score System comes to Canada (Thread)

Banks Freeze accounts linked to convoy protests.

1 - Trudeau directs banks and financial institutions (credit unions, co-ops, loan companies, trusts,cryptocurrency platforms) to stop serving Truckers Convoy.

2 - Banks to monitor and halt transactions that funnel money to demonstrators resulting infrozen accounts, stranded money and cancelled credit cards.

3 – Banks, etc., can't handle cash, issue loans, mortgages or facilitate "any transaction" of a "designated person.

(2 - cont)
Nov 14, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
VIDEO: This doctor trained at the Mayo Clinic and runs the largest independent testing laboratory in Idaho.

TRANSCRIPT: What we’re seeing in the laboratory after people get these shots is a very concerning locked-in low profile of these important Killer T cells that you want in your body.

It’s almost like a reverse HIV.

In HIV you lose your helper T Cells, your CD4 Cells.
Sep 15, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Another POV on the Milley/JoeBama debacle
(Salty language. In 4 parts)

Biden and Milley were in on it together. They were both set up by a third party. Biden thought he had six months before Afghanistan collapsed and so did Milley.


9/11/2021 was supposed to be a demonstration of Biden`s superior leadership in winding down the war and Milley was going to get more bonus points by fucking Trump while Biden was basking in glory. Milley and Biden worked together on everything in Woodward's book.
Sep 14, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
@unscriptedmike Not only Nanshy.

So far we have evidence he spoke about the "coup" just prior to the election.

O, the plan had been in the works ever since Wuhan Flu arrived on U.S. Shores.

I wouldn't doubt that China and the DemonRats RELEASED it, deliberately, to weaken Trump.

(cont) @unscriptedmike When that didn't work, they tried burning down the country through Barry's "Civilain National Security Force," Anitfa and BLM.

Trump was still standing so they planned to steal the election.

It was all hands on deck.

Milley had been anti-Trump for a while.
Sep 11, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
@jellen805 Ironic that as JoeBama and Co are ordering the country to mask up and get vaccinated their masks have disintegrated.

The Emperors have no clothes.

That's why McCarthy hasn't said much. This event was planned, staged, scripted . . .

(1 of 2) @jellen805 from the day Trump announced his presidential candidacy, through Impeachments 1 and 2, MuellerGate, UkraineGate, to the faux 1/6 "insurrection," the disastrous Kabul exit and the Coup de Grace to today.

Bodies flying from airplanes, Americans stranded in Kabul . . .

Sep 1, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
JoeBama KNEW Taliban would take over!

(1 of 8)

Biden wanted the Afghan president to create the 'perception' that his government could hold off the Taliban.

He knew the US ally would fall to the Taliban.

He lied to Americans that wouldn't happen. (2 of 8)

In the last phone call between Biden and Ghani, Biden said they needed to change perceptions of the Taliban's rapid advance 'whether it is true or not.'

Behind the scenes Biden apparently knew that the situation was more precarious.
Jul 29, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
DJT's comments on the Infrastructure Bill

Hard to believe Senate Republicans are dealing with Radical Left Democrats in making a so-called bipartisan bill on “infrastructure,” with our negotiators headed up by SUPER RINO Mitt Romney. This will be a victory for the Biden

cont Administration and Democrats, and will be heavily used in the 2022 election. It is a loser for the USA, a terrible deal, and makes the Republicans look weak, foolish, and dumb. It shouldn’t be done.

Jul 25, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
What If:

Barry's crew DIDN'T produce ENOUGH voter fraud in 2016 to put HRC over the finish line because they didn't think they could control her?

What IF:

They let President Trump win legitimately and planned on selecting a more pliable candidate for 2020, like

cont 2 - What If:

They preferred having a doddering fool in place surrounded with an army of Barry loyalists to push his despicable agenda forward?

What IF:

They chose Kamaltoes as VP (another empty suit) so there's another puppet in place when Joe bites the dust?

Jun 18, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
@sethjlevy Completely disagree. It's just more BS theater to give federal workers another paid day off and cater to the CRT/BLM,Antifa mob trying to force the will of less than 13% of the population on the rest of us.

Plus it's historically inaccurate.

(continued) @sethjlevy 1/1/1863 - Emancipation Proclamation
12/18/1865 - 13th Amendment
6/19/1865 - Texas enforced 13th amendment

Public schools already devote 2 ENTIRE months to "black history." MLK and in Jan and Black History MONTH in Feb.

Now they'll get June, too.

Jul 13, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
In case you were wondering where the dozens of anti-cop , BLM protesters came from, you can thank George.

And read his declaration of war against the U.S.


- groups fighting for an end to policing as we know it, and others are fighting for access to the ballot.

- students enrolling in internships on racial justice, democracy, organizing, and mentorship.

- fighters against voter suppression and disinformation,
Jun 18, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Atlanta Cops Walk off Job

THREAD from Decaurtish.com

Atlanta, GA — The head of Atlanta’s police union confirmed Wednesday that officers from the Atlanta Police Department in Zones 3 and 6 walked off the job Wednesday afternoon. Vince Champion, southeast regional director of the International Brotherhood of Police officers, said that police officers had stopped answering calls midshift, in response to charges against Officer Garrett Rolfe who is accused of murdering Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta.