XR Liberation Profile picture
Rebellion of empathy. Liberate all. Oppress none. #EmpathyRebellion 🌎🌍🌏
Tom Howlett Profile picture Love, Rage, and Solidarity 🖤🔥🩸⌛️ Profile picture 2 subscribed
Oct 18, 2019 12 tweets 8 min read
Dear Rebels 💚

@XRLiberation went live 13 days ago, in anticipation of the #InternationalRebellion in London.

We had some idea of what to expect, but also knew to keep our minds, eyes and ears open.

So, what’s next? For us... and also for you?

rebellion.earth/2019/10/05/sta… Our starting mandate was to listen. Really listen.

The activists in our collective come from diverse backgrounds and experiences, but have always known we could never speak for everyone.

So instead of rushing into presumptive solutions, we promised to hear people out first.

Oct 12, 2019 23 tweets 17 min read
💚 Rebels 📢

First weekend of the #InternationalRebellion is here and you may be wondering: “Are our actions on the streets enough to tip the scales?”

Honestly? 🚫 Mass civil disobedience on its own won’t achieve system change.

Intrigued? 👀 Keep reading ⬇️


1/ History (both distant and recent) tells us that we not only need a broad coalition of people, but also of tactics!

And no, that doesn’t just mean many different ways of shutting down the streets... though we have to give credit for the creativity where credit is due 😉

Oct 11, 2019 10 tweets 10 min read
@ClimateTris @ThenSheAppears @rpancost Hi folks! 👋🏼 Since we’ve found ourselves tagged in this really super vital conversation, we thought we might pitch in...

The original @XRebellionUK was, as far as we know, conceived by a relatively small and arguably homogenous group of individuals.

@ClimateTris @ThenSheAppears @rpancost @XRebellionUK Those individuals contributed good ideas, but they also baked loads of structural oppression into the movement.

We can’t dispute this. XR simply isn’t a friendly space for many from marginalized backgrounds. And a lot of that is because of structure, rather than people.

Oct 9, 2019 15 tweets 9 min read
Good morning Rebellion 💚 We’ve got an incoming 🚨THREAD ALERT🚨 for you!

It takes courage to take to the streets and demand better of our government.

It also takes courage to sit down and listen when the activists whose shoulders we stand on demand better of us.

1/ A massive thank you to @DrRHashem, @chilledasad100 and @bencsmoke for taking the time to visit the @GJRSite and talk to our Rebels about @XRebellionUK’s blindspots and shortcomings so far.

Listening to criticism is never comfortable, but...
