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Not your average #doomer. #overshoot #collapse #TalkCollapse if my prep advice helps buy me a coffee. youtube: https://t.co/fUencnmoFL
Aug 19, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
@kernowbeaver George Monbiots beliefs that the only viable agricultural model for vegetable production is the Marc Bonfils system of reptative cropping of grain with clover interplanted. He cites Ian Tollhursts 7Ha organic plot which provides a box scheme locally.

Thread.. Ian Tollhurst runs a 7 year rotation with this system. He adds composted woodchip to the clover planted fields primarily as a soil conditioner. He composts 400m3/year which is waste from local tree surgeons. In Ians own words

Aug 16, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
I notice a private school are watering their wicket. Oh the luxury of #collapse they have no idea.

This is the pinnacle of culture of homocolossus. Image The exposure of the "Hunger Stone" are important signals that we have crossed a major and possibly unforseen or ignored threshold. The loss of glaciers means the loss of water to Europe's major rivers. This is #peakwater.

resilience.org/stories/2012-0… Image