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Subscribe to weekly newsletter The Russia Report for just £45/year: https://t.co/rHLUAQfgZX Author: Sarah Hurst. Based in the UK.
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Nov 8, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
A 17-year-old Ukrainian teenager who was abducted from Mariupol and given to a Russian family has now been conscripted to fight against Ukraine. He is supposed to report to the military recruiting office as soon as he turns 18.
Nov 17, 2022 105 tweets 11 min read
Prosecutors in the District Court of The Hague as the verdict is about to be announced in the MH17 trial. Image The judges came in. Image
Nov 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Russians cheer themselves up by speculating that if Andropov had ruled for longer there would have been no Ukraine. According to this article Andropov considered dividing up the USSR into large regions like US states with no regard for ethnicity. There would be no Soviet national republics. Thus there would never be any ethnic conflicts. All ethnic identity would disappear.
Nov 12, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Elon Musk wants to enable "citizen journalists" - like people in war zones desperately trying to get videos out. But they must also pay him eight bucks a month. Before, they could do this for free. Now they must pay to have their tweets seen. An interesting way to enable.
Sep 9, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
A second group of local councillors has called for Putin to resign - now in a district of Moscow. Text here. molomonosovskiy.ru/news/2022/09/0…
Jul 27, 2022 8 tweets 1 min read
Why on earth would a Russian troll make a meme of me in a gas chamber with Putin in a Nazi uniform about to turn it on? Too much truthfulness? And their justification is that I publish a newsletter about Russia?
Jul 26, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Russian propagandists say Pushkin is alive and well thanks to appreciation from Congo's foreign minister, who studied in Leningrad. Biden wouldn't have a clue about this sort of thing, they think. Checkmate, Biden!
May 28, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
For years British police may have been under political pressure not to fully investigate the deaths of prominent Russians in London because of the huge amount of Russian wealth invested in the country, and fear of the Kremlin, I tell @DianaaBuitrago in an upcoming interview. Was the Kremlin involved in a recent series of apparent suicides and murder-suicides of businessmen at home and abroad, such as that of Mikhail Watford in London? It's hard to tell because there are also real financial and political reasons that could have motivated suicide.
Mar 15, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
I made up a joke about North Korea calling Russia too insane and the Mirror reported it as fact.
mirror.co.uk/news/world-new… Almost all my real news posts are accompanied by a link.
Mar 11, 2022 56 tweets 7 min read
The MH17 trial resumes in The Hague again today with the defence handing out large piles of papers to the judges. Defence lawyer Boudewijn van Eyck says he is going to show slides on "missile identification" which presumably will attempt to bolster the case that MH17 was not shot down by a Russian Buk.
Mar 11, 2022 20 tweets 2 min read
The official Russian court news outlet is live-tweeting Alexei Navalny's trial in prison. Day 12. Navalny repeats that the previous judge he is accused of insulting is unprofessional and a rude woman. He says he will answer the prosecution's questions but has no evidence to give himself.
Jan 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
China is a state, Twitter is a company. Why is Global Times on Twitter with nearly 2 million followers when this is a Western platform that censors free speech? Get on Weibo or something.
Jan 3, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Xi'an is locked down as Wuhan was. Xi'an has two million more people. And China says it has things under control. Strict lockdown but it spread all over the world. Apparently didn't work that well.
Jan 3, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
"On December 17, 1920 Bertrand Russell sent a letter to his lover Ottoline Morrell. He was dispirited because the recent independence of Poland achieved via the Versailles Treaty had been followed by warfare between Polish and Ukrainian forces... "In addition, his opinion of Bolsheviks and other groups had soured. 'But I think all mankind utterly vile. The Bolsheviks, till I knew them, seemed better; now they don’t.'"
Dec 27, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Founder of the publication Sputnik i Pogrom Yegor Prosvirnin was killed falling out of a window in the centre of Moscow. A pepper spray canister was found next to his body. He was 35 years old. His body was naked.
Dec 27, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Putin's Islamic wisdom. But you can arrest Muslims if you think they're following the wrong doctrine.
Dec 27, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
Isn't killing 298 people on a passenger plane with an anti-aircraft missile illegally brought into a neighbouring country, you know, a bit... Nazi? What about attacking a British town with a chemical weapon and killing a local resident?
Dec 27, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
A court in Petrozavodsk has just sentenced Gulag historian Yuri Dmitriev to 15 years in a strict regime colony on a charge of abusing his adopted daughter that has been brought as retaliation against his discovery of the remains of people executed by Stalin. He had already been sentenced to 13 years but the court has increased it to 15.
Aug 22, 2021 17 tweets 4 min read
"The fund’s purse-strings are held by Michael Wynne-Parker, boss of the British arm of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society - an organisation accused of aiming to further Russian influence in the Middle East as US control wanes." But Mr Wynne-Parker yesterday called those claims “absolute nonsense.”

He added: “There’s no big deal here,” he said. “It is a historical society dealing with cultural issues since 1880.”
Jul 29, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Everyone, including TASS, shares a video of an Alaska earthquake from 2018 or 2019, claiming it's from today. There are lots of big earthquakes in Alaska and they rarely impact many people due to the low population density and size of the state.
Jul 19, 2021 45 tweets 13 min read
Senegal is having problems. With just 39 percent of the population fully vaccinated, Serbia's low case numbers (125 new cases yesterday) are questionable.