As a Knives lover i really really want to see Vash kiII him but like, not the way like in tristamp but ooc Vash where something breaks inside him and he flings all of his suppressed anger onto his brother. Or, you know when Vash awoke from that forced coma? +
I kinda hoped that he'd come out wrong. Like, a different person? He's still unresponsive and looks like a statue but his tendrils are going haywire, stabbing everything they come in contact to. In fact, he would've kiIIed all other plants if Nai didn't keep shielding them with+
Knives' last method to gain what he wants is baby trapping
So he's very surprised when all it takes for legato to be fully dedicated to him is a bad sloppy footjob. While he was disgusted by the human semen spilt on his toes, Legato's blushing drooling face made+
up for it
The way the human stares at him like he's the ultimate god of the universe.. it inflates Knives' pride to no bounds, solidifying his belief that he and Vash are the angels sent to fix this world