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Find us primarily on Gram. E/SE Asians doing firearm education, celebrating our history, & uplifting struggles across Asia & the diaspora 🚫capitalism 🚫racism.
Dec 4, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
“Short” guide to the main factions of the Syrian Civil War. Lots of nonsense out there. Some of it is just people not being informed, but some is pro-Turkish, or pro-Russian, or pro-Assad swill (especially left pro-Assad crap). Factions of the Syrian Civil War We've been seeing a lot of takes about the Syrian Civil War lately, many of which wholly misunderstand who the different players are, accidentally or on purpose. This won't tell you everything about a conflict that's been going, on and off, since 2011, but it will help! In this slideshow, we got over the 4 main factions of the conflict now: Bashar Assad's Syria, HTS, SNA/TFSA, and AANES. We are IG shadowbanned which is why we use the symbols in place of letters a lot, so bear with us. A brief history of the Assad family and Baathism 1. Bashar Assad and the Syrian State Bashar Assad is a strongman whose family has run the country for decades. Head of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party, which originally had its roots in the pan-Arabist movement which culminated in the United Arab Republic, a union of Syria and Egypt under Egyptian president Gamel Nassar. The UAR fell apart, and a series of coups led to control of Syria by the military officer Hafez Assad. The Ba'ath party has nothing to do with socialism, it's mainly about enriching the Assad family and its clique of mainly Alawite higher ups. The Assad family is Alawite, a...
Sep 27, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
“Slow is smooth, smooth is fast” is a fudd canard. It’s just silly on its face. Fast is fast, and we can measure speed by using a shot timer. Sometimes we get the question, when should I start working with a timer and pushing speed? Probably sooner than you think. Meme. Grandma with a hunting hat wearing the NRA logo. She says “slow is smooth and smooth is fast!” A young lady with a hat with a Phoward patch says “sure grandma, now let’s get you to bed” Remembers: skills like shot confirmation, recoil management at speed, and how to press the trigger quickly at speed can only be practiced while shooting fast. Practicing these slowly will not develop these skills. Slow fire will not tell you how the gun behaves at speed.
Sep 26, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
We’ve written about politics in Georgia (Sakartvelo) before and the conflict between Georgian Dream and its political opponents. Georgian Dream has released new ads in the capital Tbilisi which amount to political hostage-taking and blackmail. Political billboard Pic 1 is the theater the Russians destroyed in Mariupol, Ukraine with the caption “no to war,” and the election numbers of the Georgian opposition. The right side shows Senaki Theater with the caption “choose peace” and Georgian Dream’s election number.
Political billboard
Political billboard
Sep 16, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Quality of life item: USPSA carry optics extended mags

We’ve been talking a lot about competing USPSA as a training tool to push yourself and develop the skill of performance on demand. If you’re shooting Carry Optics class, why not get some stendos legal for the class? CZ shadow 2 with extended mag If you’ve shot the class at all you’ve probably notice that despite the name, most people are shooting full size handguns with extended mags. There’s nothing stopping you from you getting good with stock mags (like 15 rounds on your Glock 19) Glock 19 with extended mags
Sep 13, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
“Death to Fascists, Fire!”

Dmytro Mrachnik is a former mortarman and friend of YPT. Dmitro is a longtime Ukrainian antifascist, and he’s been in the army fighting Russia since the full scale invasion in 2022. Fundraiser for Dmytro: antifascist fighter in Ukraine As we’ve often talked about on YPT, so many Ukrainian (and Belarusian!) antifascists have been fighting Russian invasion since 2022. Dmytro himself fought in Kharkiv and Bakhmut, where we supported him with car repairs.
Sep 5, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
How to use LPVO with bullet drop compensator (BDC) reticle

BLUF: you will need to confirm your reticle in live fire for your specific ammo and setup.

Low power variable optics (LPVOs) have become pretty popular lately for those looking to stretch the legs on AR rifles… BDC reticle and caption says “how to use a LPVO with a bullet drop compensator reticle” while still retaining the ability to have a 1x for shooting closer in with no magnification. A lot of the time, LPVOs will have a BDC reticle like the one in the post picture. This Vortex Venom reticle has pre-marked holdovers for 300, 400, 500, and 600 yards. BDC reticle
Aug 23, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
In a previous post, we had some people comment with concerns about emulating proven gear setups so it’s one less thing to worry about as they learn.

Superficially this makes sense. But what gear will actually maximize your ability to get better faster? Pile of range supplies mentioned in the thread ⁃ Shot timer
⁃ Target stands
⁃ Standardized cardboard targets, target pasters, paster gun (generally preferred over paper targets)
⁃ Cones to delineate course of fire and distances and firing line
⁃ Active ear pro to communicate on the range
⁃ Cell phone to film yourself
Aug 8, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
Confused about the multitude of hearing protection options out there? This should clear it up. Don’t lose your hearing! The world of ear protection: for training and defense. Pic is someone wearing walker razor ear protection Why ear protection matters Why do you need this?  Guns are not hearing-safe. They are extremely loud and exposure can give you tinnitus (if you're lucky) or severe hearing damage (if you're not). Most ranges will require you to wear ear protection. Even WITH a suppressor, most guns are not hearing safe.  Not all ear protection is created equal. So let's look at the common options for what's available.  Pic of Sordin Pro Max ear pro and Walker Razor earpro
Aug 6, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
Newbie trap - subcompacts 

For new shooters, we eschew handgun “fit and feel in the hand” vs just getting a common 9mm compact striker fired handgun. The most prevalent way we’ve seen this “fit” idea lead people astray is the common newbie trap of starting on a subcompact. MR 920 with light and optic Common subcompacts = Sig P365 and Glock 43x. A common new shooter reaction is that these smaller guns “fit” their hands better and that it’ll be great to conceal. Sig with optic
Jul 31, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
New shooter looking to take the plunge? Here’s what we like! If you wanna get something else later, that’s cool. But these are the path of least resistance; great in both a defensive/carry aspect and to learn on. It may be the only handgun you ever need. First Firearm? Compact Striker Fired 9mm Tl;Dr we like the M&P 2.0 compact and Glock 19 Overview: Over here at YPT when the question is asked "What handgun should I get?" Our generalized answer is: a reputable "Compact Striker Fired 9mm" Why? Let's go over what that means. Bottom line up front. We recommend either of these:  Glock 19, M&P 2.0 compact
Jul 5, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Common internet fuddlore is to tell new shooters looking for a first pistol to rent a bunch to try and then get one that fits their hands. That’s dogshit advice, and it’s how new shooters end up wasting money. Fuddlore Friday: "New shooter? Try some guns and get something that fits your hand!" "What? Why would someone who doesn't know how to grip be able to tell what 'fits?" Just get a G19 and learn to grip so it doesn't slip lol" Why? New shooters don’t know how to grip a gun. Stuff like stacked thumbs, appropriate grip pressure, that kind of thing. So what “feels good” in their (firing) hand is straight up meaningless.
Jul 2, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
"Everybody wants a revolution. But no-one wants to do the dishes."

Because we're for collective liberation, we know that no revolutionary effort will be complete unless it's directly informed by the lives of the oppressed. Someone standing on a mountain
Gaming recommendation meme. Gaming recommendation for men! If you like feminism, you should try doing the dishes
From our experiences with organizing, it's often young mothers and caretakers, particularly women of color, immigrants, and minorities, who not only have the sharpest, most scathing critiques of capitalism, but also have the spirit to push forth a real movement.
Jun 27, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Identity Politics and Peace Police

What we're talking about here is wielding identities in a manipulative way. Usually two dynamics: 1) people claiming to speak on behalf of an entire group because they're of that identity… A pic of Eugene V Deb’s and a quote from him   I do not want you to follow me or anyone else; if you're looking for a Moses to lead you out of this capitalist wilderness, you will stay right where you are. I would not lead you into the promised land if I could, because if I led you in, someone else would lead you out. - Eugene V. Debs and/or 2) people claiming they're not bigots, etc because there's representation in their leadership team or group. But be very careful and don't let your guilt influence you to think less critically.

Representation isn't the end goal in itself. Not all skinfolk are kinfolk.
May 24, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
YouTube is a repository for mostly awful and/or useless firearms information. The #1 resources for actually shooting good are 2 books. Practical Shooting Training by Stoeger/Park (pistol) and Adaptive Rifle (for rifle) by same If you want to watch YouTube, watch this. It’s not “entertainment.” But this (and the other free videotaped classes) are gold.

May 20, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
A bunch of you have seen @Jake_Hanrahan and @IwriteOK post about this. This is wounded Ukrainian anarchist vets with the Eco Platform, and others, running off neo-Nazis (with crutches). We’ve supported Eco before, and they have a statement with our homies from @SolidarityColl1: From @SolidarityColl1
A shameful attack by the far right took place in Odesa Yesterday, the far-right tried to disrupt the presentation of a zine organized by the independent student union Direct Action @priama_diia. They tried to break into the room where the presentation was taking place. When they failed to do so, they stole one copy of the magazine and tried to burn it, which led to a fight. As a result, they sprayed gas on an activist of the Solidarity Collectives@solidaritycollectives and two soldiers from the Ecological Platform @eco_platform who are now being treated in Odesa after they were wounded in b...
We would like to express our support and solidarity for our friends and colleagues who fought back against the far right. Unfortunately, we have seen a number of attacks happening in recent months against feminists, LGBTQ people, student unions, etc. These attacks were committed by far-right youth groups. Just as we have to fight an existential war against the authoritarian Russian regime that brings with it torture, oppression, repressive policies, homophobia, and violence of the so called « traditional values », some political groups decided to wage an internal war for the very same reaso...
May 6, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
Have you ever wanted to learn from a vetbro who doesn’t know what he’s talking about AND is an abuser? Enter Mike Glover.

Mike is the a former Green Beret, founder of Fieldcraft Survival. If normal tactical industry shenanigans was all he did, we wouldn’t be writing this. But… Infamous Asian: Mike Glover  and a pic of Mike Glover Mike is the definition of Dunning Kruger when it comes to shooting. We’ve covered this repeatedly. Like saying he doesn’t dry fire because he doesn’t want to learn bad habits. What? To saying he prefers FMJ to JHP because FMJ “displaces energy vertically.” Huh?
Apr 24, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
If you follow Asian dining at all, you’ve probably heard of Momofuku. The man behind Momofuku is David Chang. The son of Korean immigrants, David Chang’s Momofuku restaurants racked up Michelin stars, James Beard awards, etc., elevating traditional Asian comfort food. A picture of David Chang with the caption “infamous Asian: David Chang” David Chang himself has written books, has a podcast, and was on a bunch of TV shows as an industry “bad boy.” Too bad he’s a big baby and asshole.
Mar 27, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
Please stop sharing stuff from red. Media/Redstream

BLUF: Former employees of Russian-funded outlet Redfish started up Red after they got shut down in the Caption is “stop reposting stuff from red media” and it’s the headers of Red’s IG and Twitter pages In the last 2 years you’ve probably seen (or are sharing) stuff from Red Media/Redstream, especially since they post a lot about Palestine. It’s pretty slickly produced, high production values. Where did they come from?
Mar 16, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
People who shoot long range make DOPE books or DOPE cards to assist with hitting targets at distance. People often think DOPE stands for Data On Previous Engagement, or similar, but it may just be a backronym for the slang for “succinct info,” as in “give me the straight dope.” A DOPE book and caption is “making a dope book” The idea is you write down factors affecting your shooting on a particular day and write down how to hit the targets. Basically your own manual.

So what do you put in it? In short, put in whatever you need to be able to hit the targets. Picture of pages in dope book
Feb 12, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Gun culture is primarily a consumption and aesthetics based pursuit.

Consumption: Having lots of guns. Having rare or unique guns. Knowing a lot of random gun facts and trivia. Purchasing new gear off of YouTube. Purchasing whole set ups that are fashionable on YouTube Caption: “The 9 to 5 workspace of the guy with a master class USPSA ranking who just dusted your ass for four stages”  Pic is the world of Warcraft guy from South Park. He has a uspsa shirt and staccato hat. Glock 19 and shot time on desk. Trophies and plaques in the background. (everyone’s recce builds from 2 years ago collecting dust).

Aesthetics: Being white. Being a man. Having facial hair. Being tall. Having an athletic build and appearance. Wearing the gear you bought that you have basically zero likelihood of actually using in anger.
Feb 2, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Are firearms a hobby to you or something more?

If it's a hobby or you’re a collector, fine, not for us. But at least you probably recognize that gun control is dumb and are probably down to introduce people to firearms as a concept. Image But if you’re concerned about self and community defense, and firearms are more than a hobby to you, treat them that way.

Yes, a friend who watches HGTV and built a garden bed once might be useful on a jobsite if you really really needed extra hands.