HandsomeHitlerian Profile picture
Returning to an ethical suprastructure for a radically aristocratic way of (satirical) thinking.
Apr 23 7 tweets 3 min read
The Afrikaner Broederbond: exclusively Afrikaner Calvinist male secret society dedicated to the advancement of the Afrikane. Founded in 1918 with apex from 1948-1994 rule of the white supremacist National Party and its policy of apartheid +>
which was largely developed and implemented by Broederbond members. Between 1948 and 1994, they held numerous seats of political power and duly appointed positions. Described as an "inner sanctum...an immense informal network of influence", Image
Dec 15, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵from Nietzsche’s Twilight of Idols
“And what are these truths? They are things not yet held to be true. utterances of a man who, as a single exception, escaped the general insanity of Europe, with its blind idealism in the midst of squalor, with its unscrupulous praise ➡️ Image “of so called ‘progress’ while it stood knee deep in the belittlement of ‘MAN’ and with its vulgar levity in the face of effeminacy and decay;-they are the utterances of one who voiced the hopes, the aims, and the realities of another world, not of an ideal world ➡️ Image
Jun 28, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
“Patton wasn’t interested in denazification or creating a lesson for future tyrants. He thought it was ‘madness’ to imprison Nazis, good soldiers who were more valuable as future allies against the Soviets than the Jewish survivors he was charged with protecting and feeding.”

“had zero sympathy for Holocaust victims…unable to imagine they were not there because of their own flaws. Jews were: ‘locusts, lower than animals, lost to all decency, a subhuman species without any of the cultural or social refinements of our times’”
Mar 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
“Dionysus had already been scared from the tragic stage by a demonic power which spoke through Euripides. Even Euripides was in a sense only a mask: the deity that spoke through him was neither Dionysus nor Apollo, but an altogether new-born demon, called Socrates.” Nietzsche Nigs are dancing Dionysians yes?
Mar 11, 2023 20 tweets 7 min read
“Male orangutans have raped women”

“Male chimps beat femule chimps who are not sekshully receptive.”

Interdasting Finna act up
Mar 11, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Reich published a 10 Commandments for Marriage in effort to foster right type of Union. Not exactly a transvaluation of values but nice ideas
Mar 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Corporate Amerikwa is game.
It’s IQ/EQ test:
+high verbal intelligence
+understand human nature
+prioritize important vs urgent
+aloof yet achieve
+love to win>hate to lose
+appear busy/never stressed
+always fit

All of these can be learned/developed. Nietzsche say “work” is a “painful means of existence” and he had a low opinion of it as it sapped creative energy away from nobler pursuits. “pronouncement that work is a disgrace is still valid – we do not feel it possible for man, fighting for sheer survival, to be an artist.” Image
Mar 10, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Cohen is Levitical priestly name, has considerable purchase in Jewish circles. MC is acting at behest of “someone” in attempted takedown of only US politician who ever exemplified Nietzsche’s “transvaluation of values”. Trump is an ubermensch ImageImage A man wholly unconcerned with “conventionalism” or complete ideological purity or canonical integrity but rather operates in a amorphous manner, hyper-pragmatic without wholly compromising structural integrity Image
Mar 10, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
consider the stultifying puritanical yankee fascism of the North vs free spirited rebellious scots irish individualism of the South. The north would almost seem Apollonian yet for their collectivism and the South would almost seem Dionysian yet for their individualism physiognomical differences are striking. Consider: W.T. Sherman (damned Yankee) is cut low by Norwood Reaper vs Nathan Bedford Forrest (1st Grand Wizard) full of temerity gives camera a thousand hard death stare. Shifty Sherman lacks such audacity.
Mar 10, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
BAP speaks of Cathars, a proto-Protestant sect, often labeled as Gnostics. They were predated by the Bogomils of Bulgaria who migrated to Bosnia. The Bogomils were predated by the Paulicians; they were known as “good fighting men”
-> All proto-Protestants were hunted by the Church and many massacres took place. From 800-1100ad these sects had a populist appeal and threatened the established order. Several crusades were launched, effectively dwindling their ranks.
Aug 3, 2021 6 tweets 5 min read
Caribbean Rhythms Annotated Bibliography, ep.31-39
Twatter limit threds so TBC. Read for forbidden knowledge hidden away by Elymian and Carthaginian mulatta nymphs!
-Churchill's latent antisemitism/anti-immigration could not ameliorate ire of gods who thwarted him always
-Timoleon a real man of power, crushed Sicilian tyrants and Carthage despite great odds. Reinvigorated Sicily

Jan 5, 2021 61 tweets 48 min read
3 min/pg = 5 pg/night
300 pgs = 60 days/book = 6 books/year
All books mentioned in BAPcast Ep.1-10! Become an autodidactic PhD in BAPism! Most recommend by BAP directly, some I recommend on topics covered. Will poast next 10 soon. SUBMIT!
Episode 1
-Karl Haushofer taught Hess
-Dominique Venner historian and merc who embraced the spirit of HIGH ADVENTURE
-Pauwels/Bergier “A woman in Hong Kong wears green gloves.” BAP coyly mentions this work many times. FORBIDDEN WORK OF MAGICK! ImageImageImage