Abu Turob™ 🔻 Profile picture
🇳🇬 • 🇵🇸 • Ahlussunnah wal Jamā'ah • Aspiring Faqīr • Teacher • Researcher • Soil Scientist • Civic Leadership • Defender of the Tijāni Door
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May 10 11 tweets 3 min read

1. Placing the dead person such that they are facing the Qiblah during Janazah

This is an Innovation. The correct way is to place them on their backs, while the Imam stands by their waist (for male) or shoulders (for females).

1/11 2. Making du'a over the deceased *after Salatul Janazah

In absence of any excuse tenable in Shari'ah, the right thing to do after observing the funeral prayer is to proceed immediately with burial. The practice of making extra du'a over them *after Janaza is an Innovation.

Jun 17, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
I used to be an Islāmiyya Teacher. I taught for about 2-3 years and throughout my stay, I didn't beat a single child.

I made this conscious decision to be linient with students and I immediately understood why beating was necessary.

As for the Qur'an itself, majority of them understood it without beating.

Majority of the students preferred my teaching style & will frequently form flocks around me. But I knew I could afford not beating because they were other teachers who would.

The problem isn't the Qur'an itself.

Islāmiyya students are stubborn!
May 21, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
Imam Shamil (d. 1871) led Dagestani & Chechen Muslims in resistance to Russian imperialism in what became known as the Caucasian War. He succeeded in establishing Shari'ah in hostile environments through toil & struggle in perseverance.

He was a Naqshabandi Sufi adherent. Image At the tender age of 24, Amir Abdul Qadir al-Jaza’eri (d. 1883) inspired unity throughout Algeria & led them towards establishing a fierce resistance to the most advanced army of the time —the French; winning wars & winning hearts alongside.

He was a Qadiriyya Sufi adherent. Image
Mar 28, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
A Handwritten Qur'an from Northern Nigeria ♥ These are copies of the Glorious Qur'an, written by hand off heart without looking; after years of practice (sātu), recital (tilawa) and memorization (hadda).

These copies of the Glorious Qur'an are one of the greatest religious heritage of Arewa.
Mar 27, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The mere fact that people need to be convinced over the illegitimacy of homosexuality in Islam haunts me. How can 2 grown men claim that they can hAvE children together, STEAL children birth by STRAIGHT couples, & still disguise as Muslims? Never thought I'd see a day like this. And there are some Muslims asking other Muslims to 'tAkE it eAsY on them'. We have! That's why we show them the door OUT of Islam.

After the story of the destruction of Sadum, Allāh says: "this is a SIGN for the believers" [Hijr - 77].

What else are you waiting for?
Feb 27, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
10 THINGS TO LEARN FROM THE 2023 NIGERIAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS 1. The people are not the structure. The structure is the structure.
Jan 22, 2023 19 tweets 10 min read

In this thread:

[2-7] The hypocrisy of the author
[8-11] The actual meaning of the statement
[12-15] Ibn Taimiyyah & Ibn Qayyim confirmed this
[16-17] Shaykh is free from Ƴan Haqiqa
[18-19] Conclusion Allāh (SWT) orders fairness even towards people we don't like [Q5:8]. However, Expecting this from a Salafi is now likeable to expecting an apple tree to produce pineapples.

They often allow their desire to slander & vilify others stand in the way of truth & fairness.

Dec 16, 2022 16 tweets 7 min read
WHO ARE THE AHLUS-SUNNAH ACCORDING TO EARLY SCHOLARS? 🧵 The renowned scholar, AbdulQāhir al-Baghdādi (d. 429H) mentions eight classes of people that belong to Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamā'ah as follows:

1. Scholars of Tawhīd & their students, who's creed are FREE from Tashbīh, Ta'tīl, bid'ah of Rāfidha, Khawārij, Jahmiyya, Najariyyah.
Dec 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Looks like the Yoruba brothers on this street are about to meet the true face of Salafism. Salafism is strict adherence to Ibn Zuhair at-Tamīmi, Ibn Taimiyyah Al-Harrāni & Ibn Abdulwahab al-Khariji. Anyone else apart from these three (& their students) is lost according to them. They claim to be strict followers of Sunnah, but they only comply to the version of Sunnah signed & vetted by these three people. Even the Imam Hanbal they shamelessly claim; they openly deny whenever they find his view opposing the view of these three.
Dec 14, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
The more the Masājid in an area, the more divided are the population.

A person that lives in a Masjid infested area like the one cited below has no bragging rights over a person that lives in an area where there are lesser number of Masājid, unless on basis of quality. It still beats me to imagine that someone attempted to measure religiosity by the number of Masājid in an area.

The quantity of Masājid informs you about the level of unity in that area, and the quality of services rendered by the Masājid is what determines religiosity.
Dec 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I am hook, line and sinker inclined towards Ibrahim Niasse (r). In fact, I am Ibrahimi in thought, when I'm awake and when I am asleep. My inclination towards him is as clear as crystal & my thirst for him can never be quenched because he personified the Sunnah of RasūluLlah (s). You are blinded by hate. It pains you to see posts about Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse that you can't attack. You are like a little girl who has been indoctrinated on hate. Insistive Karen with no backing to your sad indoctrination. You should rethink your life through.
Oct 19, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Truly there are many deceivers; it's actually a genuine field of Islamic knowledge. If you don't know about it, ask & stop making Takfir of everything you don't know. You are not even a scholar. Why do we even have to keep reminding people on MT that they're not scholars? Since many of you seem to have comprehension problem, let me make this clear.

My opening sentence obviously admits that most of those who claim to have this knowledge are deceivers.

Most of them only use these genuine fields as a Pandora box to hide shirk.
Aug 6, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read

Thread Poverty takes four major forms:

a. Inadequate provision
b. Lack of satisfaction
c. Lack of blessing in provision
d. Bankruptcy in Hereafter

One may be termed as poor if he lacks at least one of these.

This thread contains ten things that can cause this poverty.

Jul 26, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read

Today makes it exactly 47 years since the exit of my beloved Murabbi al-Hāj Ibrāhim Niasse (r) from this physical world.

On this event, I want to remind you of just one statement said by Shaykh that I believe would SHOCK YOU. Before I proceed, let me remind you that this statement was said by a man who had 3m+ students & spread Islam from one corner of the world to another, visiting over 60 countries as early as 1963.

He spent his life reciting the Holy Qur'an, completing 2 Khatma each week & 104/yr.
Jul 15, 2022 20 tweets 7 min read

Thread Debt is an owed obligation that must be repaid. It may exist as liability, obligation, appreciation or financial credit, which may be incurred by different means.

Financial debts are usually incurred by borrowing/lending, or delayed payments for goods & services.
Jun 23, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read

Thread Given that prior to his invasion, a vast majority of Makkah & Madina; the innocent Muslims who lost their lives as a consequence of his desire for leadership were Sufis, you find that the most intolerant of people towards Tasawwuf, till this day are his followers.
Jun 23, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Oh Student of Knowledge, never rely upon Translated Texts. The meticulousness of the Arabic language is such that it requires a true expert in Arabic & English to produce a true translation. Since this isn't easy to come by, rely only on seating at the feets of true scholars. Oh Student of Knowledge, studying Islam without guidance is not an option. Understanding & interpretation of the religion is reliant upon a complex set of interwoven sciences, all of which must be proficiently understood first. Rely upon the understanding of scholars.
Apr 18, 2022 14 tweets 9 min read

Severally, I've stepped into Masājid & find inscriptions such as "an hana bara anan" boldly engraved on the walls, or see Muslims despise beggars with the claim that begging is unlawful in Islam. This is worrying & I think it's about time we talked about it. Firstly, begging is highly discouraged in Islam.

In a Hadith related by al-Bukhari, the Prophet (s) expressly said begging is unlawful. Abu Dawud relates another hadith in which the Prophet guaranteed Jannah to a group of his companions who he charged to refrain from begging.
Apr 17, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
If I invite you for iftaar and you come with fruits or soft drinks, I no go invite you again 🙏 If you want to do Ihsan, complete your reward. Don't put unnecessary stress on people, making them think they have to get something to come with to your Iftar.

Allow me do my think for the sake of Allah and let Him reward me. Bringing fruit and drinks could spoil our intention.
Apr 8, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read

1. If you happen to be in a residential area in Nigeria and you don't know the direction of the Qiblah, just face the direction of any DStv dish you see. They're all facing the east 🕋. Image If you don't find any dish, ask around for the Qiblah. If you don't find an answer and it's past noon, turn towards your shadow and then pray. If it's before noon, then back your shadow.

If after exploring all options, you still don't find the Qiblah, just face your best guess. Image
Mar 8, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Some women want to be INDEPENDENT of a man who is very much DEPENDENT upon them. Men and women complement each other. They're many things a man needs his wife for, and vise versa.

If a man depends on you, don't expect him to welcome the idea of you being independent of him. Especially if he gets the vibes that you'd no longer be a "wife" when you finally secure your independence.

Many people wonder why most men find independent women unattractive. What we should wonder is how many women actually have the capacity to be independent as wives?