كاتب سياسي ومعتقل يساري سابق، مؤلّف مشتغل بالشؤون السورية ونقد الثقافة والإسلام المعاصِر.
حساب اقتباسات غير رسمي
Mar 23, 2022 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
This criticism of the anti-imperialist left is both a contribution to the struggle for independence, that is, for freedom, and an effort to own authority over our own discourse. It remains open to partnerships that are based on comradeship and equality.
I have been struck not by the unbrotherly, undemocratic and unsympathetic position many left positions have been, but by the triviality of the debate. Syria has never been the focus, but a mere occasion for reiterating old dogmas about U.S. imperialism.
مقابلة ياسين الحاج صالح مع ملاذ الزعبي #الآن على كلبهاوس: عن سوريا وأشياء أخرى joinclubhouse.com/event/my4Brann
نحن السوريين قوة ثورية وتحررنا جزء من قضية التحرر العالمية.