Yaxue Cao Profile picture
Biased. Against totalitarian repression in China. Founder and editor of China Change.
Dec 1, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
Thoughts on what will happen to #PengShuai, drawing from my experience as a long-time Chinese human rights advocate. chinachange.org/2021/12/01/wha…
@WTA @ChrissieEvert @naomiosaka @DjokerNole @Tennis @tingdc @SophieHRW @TheDragonFeeder For China, Peng Shuai’s revelation, the timing of it, and the overwhelming reaction from outside of China is an unexpected political disaster. The 2022 Winter Olympics has been met w/ persistent calls for boycott, the Peng Shuai incident could not have come at a worse time. 2/
Mar 10, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
近三万字的长平 @chang_ping 访谈中文版终于登完。长平的经历与中国九十年开始的改革完美平行,他的故事也完美折射了时代的本质。我们虽从头到尾一字没讨论“勇气”,但我在访谈期间及后期制作时都深深感到了这样的东西。 有英文读者说,这是他读过的来自中国记者的最好的讲述。chinachangechinese.org/2021/03/07/%e7… 笼中自由 — 对《南方周末》前新闻主管长平的访谈(二)

Sep 8, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
2013年,奥巴马政府实施“亚洲再平衡”政策,指定副总统拜登负责。2013年12月拜登访问中国,要谈的都是对美国关系重大的事务:对美国的网络攻击、偷窃技术、贸易纠纷、中南海领土主张等。拜登的儿子杭特拜登同行。访问回来后10天,一项与中国银行的价值15亿美元投资交易成交。 杭特的基金Rosemont Seneca 及另一家美国基金与中国两个基金成立了 #渤海华美股权投资基金,杭特担任理事并拥有10%股权。15年渤海华美和 #中国航空工业公司 全资买下高端汽车零部件企业美国 #翰德汽业,“标志着中航工业汽车在打造...全球知名的汽车零部件供应商发展目标的道路上,又迈出坚实的一步。”
Mar 5, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Today vice prime minister Sun Chunlan #孙春兰 visited Wuhan Qingshan Kaiyuan residential community. It’s meant to be a PR show. Residents were not allowed to come out, but things went out of control. They started shouting, “Fake! Everything is fake!” #假的 #全都是假的
May 31, 2019 10 tweets 13 min read
#Developing A large number of Chinese @Twitter accounts are being suspended today. They “happen” to be accounts critical of China, both inside and outside China. @TwitterSupport @TwitterForGood Xia Yeliang’s account has been suspended. 夏业良老师的推号被封了。请推友在跟帖中报告你们所知的被封账户。请截屏。@Twitter @twittersecurity @TwitterSupport @TwitterForGood