How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App other things. we considered how the insularity of our communities - West Rogers Park (mine), Chicago West Side (theirs) - allows stereotypes and tropes, about each other, to flourish. engages in the false dichotomy of two Bedford Avenues. until 1939, Hitler was strongly opposed to any alliance with Communist Russia. In parallel fashion, the Russian foreign minister, Maxim Litvinov, was focused on cobbling together an agreement between the Soviets and the Western European countries, against Nazi Germany. culture is dynamic, given that restricting women in one domain only renders them more mysterious and alluring, *in the minds of the protected men*, thereby necessitating a second and third wave of restriction, if not outright banishing. one, a learned abuser who has incrementally gained the trust of a young woman or girl may "explain" to her why the laws of Yichud do not apply in the dangerous situation he has crafted., in the spirit of the stonecutter fable, our primary reverence should be reserved for the G’vir. After all, even the Rosh Yeshiva who sits on the Mizrach Vant is beholden to him. as Al Aqsa is built upon the ruins of a Jewish temple, so too are some Israeli cities built upon the ruins of Arab cities evacuated, during the war of 1948. If we create a hashtag emphasizing our own happiness and contentment, we will eclipse Haart’s story.