Yehuda Shaul Profile picture
Co-director at Ofek Co-founder @BTSIsrael End occupation, two-state situation, democracy & equality river to the sea
Magdi Shalash Profile picture Andrea Salzano Profile picture Guilhem Dorandeu ☁️ Profile picture Luciana Anna Longo Profile picture 5 subscribed
Sep 23 9 tweets 4 min read
[1] 55% of Jewish Israelis expressing an opinion on the international sanctions on violent settlers, support the sanctions.

Important statistics from the @Mitvim’s Israeli Foreign Policy Index of 2024

🧵 Image [2] Only 33% of Israelis oppose international sanctions on violent settlers, while 19% support the sanctions unreservedly. Image
Aug 29 10 tweets 4 min read
[1] In Sep 2022, when talk began on the possibility of the IDF returning to conduct airstrikes in the WB, I published this🧵as a warning.

Some called me an alarmist. I wish I had been wrong.

But about 20% of Pal casualties in the WB since Oct 7 are from IL airstrikes.

🧵 [2] According to @ochaopt , “Since 7 Oct, 128 Palestinians, including 26 children, have been killed in airstrikes in the WB”.

This means that since the start of Aug until the 21st, “IL airstrikes in the WB killed at least one Pal every day, on average”…
Aug 27 4 tweets 2 min read
This morning, Isaschar Manne, arrived with his herd of sheep to the compound of the Abu Jundia family in Tuba (Masafer Yatta). He brought his herd to drink from the family’s water cistern. Later he moved his herd to drink from the cistern by the Awad family’s compound. Tuba is a remote village in Area C, not connected to water, so its residents buy water tanks to fill up their cisterns once they run out of rain water. This costs them ~40 NIS/cubic meter of water.

Whereas in Jerusalem I pay only ~7 NIS/cubic meter of water. See my water bill: Image
Aug 25 15 tweets 7 min read
[1] Yesterday, Saturday Aug 24, Yinon Levi and Ely Federman, from the Meitarim Farm, both under sanctions, came together with other settlers to harass residents of Zanuta who returned to their village last Wednesday.

The police did not protect the villagers.

🧵 [2] In October last year, residents of Khirbet Zanuta were forcibly transferred as a result of settler terror. Last month, they won a supreme court case that allowed them to return to their lands. Last Wednesday 9 Palestinian families returned to Zanuta.

Aug 8 6 tweets 2 min read
Intl sanctions against violent settlers have become a top issue for settler leadership, after sanctions moved beyond street-level individuals carrying out the violence to the entities driving the violence. The sanctions are having an impact.

See examples from the last 48 hrs. This morning @amit_segal reported that PM Netanyahu is scheduled to meet the leaders of the Yesha Council to discuss the sanctions. Image
Jul 31 21 tweets 8 min read
[1] Khirbet Zanuta, a Pal village of 250, was forcibly transferred on 28/10/23, as a result of settler violence.

The villagers are trying to return but @RegavimEng petitioned against them, portraying the village as recent intruders on the land.

Let’s fact-check Regavim. Image [2] Khirbet Zanuta is a herding community that has resided on its lands for decades. It has faced continual threats of expulsion throughout. In 2007, the village petitioned against demolition orders on the village structures. The case has lasted for years.
Jul 8 7 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: Israeli authorities have just demolished a school in the village of Umm Lasafa, South Hebron Hills (SHH). This round of demolition was preceded by 2 other rounds in the SHH just today.

THREAD The school was a place of education for 60 children from kindergarten to 4th grade.
Jul 3 13 tweets 5 min read
BREAKING: The Palestinian village of Umm al-Khair in the South Hebron Hills is currently under heavy attack by settlers and the army.

Below are a few recent examples of how settlers and the State are working hand in hand to displace the residents of the village.


The village is comprised of Bedouin refugees who were expelled from the Negev after 1948 & purchased the land from residents of Yatta.

In 1980, parts of their land were seized for ‘security' purposes, which soon turned out to be the establishment of the Carmel settlement.
Jun 21 9 tweets 5 min read
[1] On 29.05.24 the IDF central command general signed an order to transfer powers over much of civilian affairs in the West Bank to a deputy head of the civilian administration for civilian affairs.
This is a step of de jure annexation of the WB, yet the world is silent.


[2] In parallel, the head of the ICA appointed & delegated powers to Hillel Roth, chosen by @bezalelsm in his capacity as the Minister within the Ministry of Defense, presiding over the settlement administration to act as the Deputy Head of Civilian Affairs under him.
Apr 18 11 tweets 4 min read
[1] Yesterday Smotrich announced that Hillel Roth will fill the new position of the civilian Deputy Head of the ICA.

Let’s get to know the man now in charge of, among other things, enforcing building regulations in settlements & outposts.

THREAD [2] Roth lived in Yitzhar, which is known to be one of the most violent settlements in the West Bank.…
Feb 14 6 tweets 2 min read
[1] Last Thursday (Feb 8) in Sadet a-Tha'leh, Masafer Yatta, settler-soldiers expelled a herd from grazing fields using a drone. This is a regular tactic used in Area C and can end with severe losses for the shepherds. This is economic warfare designed to cause displacement.

🧵 Image [2] Last Thursday Pal shepherds accompanied by IL protective presence activists, were stopped by an army unit that includes local settlers while out grazing in Tha’ale. The settlers used drones to scare the herd and kicked the Pal off their land.

Feb 11 20 tweets 7 min read
[1] Incitement, Racism, & Extremist Politics have spread amongst the rank and file of IDF units.

🧵#2 on the issue
[2] A popular chant by soldiers throughout the war: "I'm coming to occupy Gaza / and beat Hezbollah / I stick by one mitzvah / to wipe off the seed of Amalek… we know our slogan / there are no uninvolved civilians [in Gaza]”

Jan 21 20 tweets 7 min read
[1] Hey @POTUS and @JosepBorrellF this is what IL Ministers & Legislators have said about the possible establishment of a Palestinian State beside Israel, only in the last few days.

Will you remain silent on this, or will you finally impose consequences?

🧵 [2] "I will not compromise on full Israeli security control over all the territory west of the Jordan river - and this is contrary to a Palestinian state."

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Likud Image
Dec 26, 2023 25 tweets 10 min read
[1] More incitement by Israeli political leaders, media, & public figures.

Calls to ethnically cleanse the Gaza Strip, to resettle it, for collective punishment, and other vile descriptions of violence, are rife.

🧵#4 on this issue.

[2] “I want the possibility to behead head after head, head after head of the Nukhba”

Itamar Ben Gvir, Minister of National Security

Dec 19, 2023 19 tweets 7 min read
[1] Incitement, Racism, & Extremist Politics have spread amongst the rank and file of IDF units. Artists were invited to perform for the troops and are emboldening these trends and especially the call to reestablish settlements in Gaza.

THREAD [2] Lior Narkis, a popular israeli singer, in a performance for soldiers:
“Gaza, you black, you trash can. “Gaza you b**ch*
Gaza you daughter of a huge wh*re like your mother Gaza
Gaza you wh*re”

Dec 17, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
[1] Yesterday from Netanyahu: “I’m proud I blocked a Palestinian state.” Already from day 1 of Netanyahu’s government in 1996 it was obvious that he was working against the possibility of a Palestinian state beside the state of Israel.

THREAD Image [2] Only fools believed that Bibi’s signing of the Hebron Protocol meant that he was serious about advancing the peace process. Even bigger fools believed that his Bar Ilan speech meant anything. He was maneuvering around int. pressure in his real project of preventing Palestine.
Nov 22, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
[1] Hey @DemMaj4Israel here’s a crash course on Israeli segregationist policies in Hebron.


Image [2] Hebron is home to 200k+ Palestinians and ~850 settlers. The segregation of the city has become the main IDF strategy to protect settlers after the settler Baruch Goldstein committed a massacre in Feb 1994 where he murdered 29 Palestinian worshipers, & wounded over 120 more.
Nov 21, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
[1] @habithonistim are continuing with their incitement. They started a campaign selling t-shirts with the image of a D-9 Bulldozer that the IDF is using in Gaza, with the writing, “It is pleasant for you to flatten,” celebrating the destruction of the Gaza Strip.

THREAD Image [2] The founder and chair of @habithonistim, Amir Avivi, has been very clear on the fact that Palestinians from Gaza should/will be pushed to Egypt. Image
Nov 11, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
[1] BREAKING: The village of Wadi Tiran (near Zanuta North, Dhahiriya, South Hebron Hills), is made up of 4 families amounting to 42 people (of which 22 are children) is under threat to leave within 24 hours by settlers. Here are the details.


Photo by: Oneg Ben Dror Image [2] This morning, settlers (including settlers from the Meitarim Farm outpost) came to Wadi Tiran, and threatened the families with guns saying that if they didn't leave the village within 24 hours, they would kill everyone.
Nov 11, 2023 16 tweets 7 min read
[1] More incitement by Israeli political leaders, media, & public figures in response to Hamas’ brutal massacre.

Calls to target Gazan civilians, to resettle Gaza, and to ethnically cleanse it, are rife.

#3 thread on this issue.

[2] “Without hunger and thirst among the Gazan population, we will not succeed in recruiting collaborators, we will not succeed in recruiting intelligence, [or]... in bribing people with food, drink, medicine, in order to obtain intelligence.”

MK Revital Gotlieb, Likud Image
Nov 10, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
[1] During the war, @netanyahu met with @habithonistim, an extremist org, one of whose members has recently become a star in IL media & has lectured IDF soldiers.

The habithonistim member @limoodiran said on TV: “We should have killed 50K Gazans".

Below is more of his rhetoric.

[2] “You ask, what would I do, only to flatten; as many corpses as possible. Because a woman there is an enemy, a baby there is an enemy, a first grader is an enemy, a Hamas gunman is an enemy, a pregnant woman is an enemy.”