YehudisFletcher Profile picture
Founder of @PNahamu. Less leadership, more fellowship. Let's get radical. Agent: @kateeevans.
Joshua Cypess Profile picture 1 subscribed
Nov 17, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ The Chaim Halpern scandal isn't about how bad he is as an individual. It's nothing to do with him. It's about a community that actively prevents us from reporting abuse, keeps us in vicelike control to stop us from realising we can get help from the outside, & crushes dissent. 2/ It's about men who do nothing until women go to the media, & then scream at us for going to the media. It's about men who put out the flame of our agency just when it starts to shine, & then hold up the antisemitism card as soon as anyone outside asks questions about that.
Dec 9, 2019 13 tweets 2 min read
1/ I am a graduate of a charedi "Kallah" (bridal) sex education class. Almost everyone I know within the charedi community had their sex education delivered in this way. 2/ There will be many excellent Kallah teachers, and Kallah teachers operate differently in different parts of the Jewish community.