Yesh Din English Profile picture
Yesh Din is an Israeli human rights NGO working in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Mostly funded by foreign governmental entities and other boogiemen.
May 23 12 tweets 2 min read
[1] Israel's policy of aggresion durning the current war on Gaza and the blockade of the strip has led to severe international criticism against Israel and heavy suspicions that the State of Israel is violating international humanitarian law. >> Image [2] The authority of international bodies to initiate an investigation and prosecute civilians or soldiers who have committed war crimes is contingent upon the absence of effective internal investigative procedures that meet international standards of >>
May 19 5 tweets 2 min read
[1] In the past week we've witnessed more and more attacks by Israeli settlers of humanitarian aid trucks heading to Gaza. This past Thursday, dozens of settlers attacked a truck driver who's truck wasn't even heading towards Gaza, after mistaking it with an aid truck. >>

[2] They injured the driver and three Israeli soldiers. As absurd as it may sound, according to reports on the media, Israeli military officers have been giving the settlers information about the planned routes of the aid trucks so that they can prepare to block them. >>
Dec 26, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
[1] In March 2022, a 13-year-old Palestinian boy from Hebron was shot and seriously wounded by three bullets. The child's family filed a complaint with the police against several Israeli settlers who were standing on the roofs of houses in Hebron, firing live ammunition. Image [2] Despite the severity of the case, the Hebron police never examined the victim's version of events and did not summon him for testimony, nor did they summon any of the dozens of eyewitnesses.
Nov 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
[1] Today, masked Israeli citizens wearing partial Israeli military uniforms and armed with long rifles and a military vest were reported to have entered a school in a-Tuwani, in the south Hebron Hills. The unauthorized individuals arrived by vehicle without a license plate >> [2] and attempted to remove a Palestinian flag from the premises. It is suspected that they may have been impersonating soldiers. Upon the arrival of two Israeli reserve soldiers, they left. We're seeing increasing occurrences of Israeli civilians dressed as soldiers in uniform >
Oct 23, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
[1] Under the cover of war: These are the Palestinian communities that were attacked by Israeli settlers between Oct. 7-22. Settlers have attacked Palestinians in more than 100 incidents in at least 62 towns and villages in the West Bank, at times accompanied by soldiers. Image [2] Israeli settlers have killed at least six Palestinians with live ammunition, displaced shepherd communities from their lands, set homes and vehicles on fire, uprooted trees, and destroyed property.
Oct 11, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
[1] These are painful and difficult days in Israel and the Gaza Strip - including harm to family of staff members at Yesh Din. Nonetheless, we remain committed to continue to bring you the reality that is unfolding in the West Bank.

[2] Amidst the war and horrors in the south, away from the public eye, Israeli soldiers and settlers are engaging in deadly violence against Palestinians in the West Bank. In the last five days, at least 19 Palestinians have been killed by live ammunition.
Jul 27, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
1) A few days ago, Yes Din sent a legal opinion to the International Court of Justice in The Hague (ICJ). The court was asked by the UN General Assembly to write an advisory opinion regarding the legal status of the Israeli occupation1/8
Full doc. here: >> 2) We've also briefed MFAs of several countries on the subject. According to our opinion, written by our legal advisor adv. Michael Sfard @sfardm and adv. Keren Michaeli, Israeli policy in the West Bank constitutes the commission of the crime of apartheid. >>