Ying'an πŸ‰ UNI FINALS Profile picture
She/Her | 20+ | πŸ‡¨πŸ‡Ώ | INFJ | πŸ”ž NSFW | πŸŽ¨πŸ“ art + fics | πŸ‘Ή Hualian monsterfucking | πŸ₯€ Dark!HC my guilty pleasure | πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ
Ceci Profile picture Aiko Rena Profile picture 2 subscribed
Feb 5, 2023 β€’ 30 tweets β€’ 5 min read
πŸŒ” This is a wip that I'll probably never finish so... have a nice read!

Imagine an AU where the Calamities are four formidable pirates. Xie Lian on the other hand is a hermit sailor, who used to be in service of the royal fleet. Nowadays he's making a living by fishing by his little coast where no other ships venture, because there rarely is anything worth mentioning to catch.

Yet one day a certain ship still ventures near this coast - a ship lighting it's path with lanterns.
Feb 3, 2023 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 3 min read
"βš οΈβš οΈπŸ”žπŸ”ž non con, sex toys, aphrodisiac, non con of drug usage, conman!hua cheng
all hua cheng has been doing to live in wealth is conning people with his impac..." - ANON DON'T WORRYYY I LOVE THIS!!!! ABSOLUTELY AND UTTERLY LOVE THIS!!! πŸ’–... #tellonym tellonym.me/Ying_anSanren/… 1/2 ImageImageImageImage
Dec 28, 2022 β€’ 11 tweets β€’ 2 min read
A crazy thought but--


Imagine monster Hua Cheng who is a hundreds of years old shapeshifter and eats people.

His modus operandi is nowadays is quite cunning - he takes form of a plushie, an adorable fox. Once a child takes him home, there's nothing easier than wait till the house is in deep slumber to devour the unlucky child.
Dec 26, 2022 β€’ 139 tweets β€’ 30 min read
πŸš— The Strange Case of Stockhorny Syndrome part 5/5 - FINAL PART

CW: πŸ”žπŸŒ” a little more angst and insecurities, someone gets badly injured and they fuck! Previous part:
Nov 19, 2022 β€’ 40 tweets β€’ 6 min read
Modern AU, NSFW πŸ”ž
Moonscale rate: πŸŒ‘

CW: DARK!MURDERER!HC, dead dove, dubcon… or maybe noncon(?).. I'm testing waters.

Where Xie Lian is an aspiring student of psychology, truly a talented gem – diligent and hardworking, and were his parents still alive, they would surely be proud.

Yet, diligence and hard work are often not enough to carry his ambition.

It so happened that one day his tutor Jun Wu took him aside to speak with him. And while usually Xie Lian would only hear praise from him, this time Jun Wu’s look was stern.
Nov 13, 2022 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 1 min read
Wait butβ€”

Modern AU where Hua Cheng is an art student and he works a side job of designing sex toys.

Then Xie Lian, who is secretly pining after Hua Cheng but he's too afraid of rejection to say anything β€” that's not to say that he doesn't have fantasies tho! Not that he ever has a chance with San Lang. His friend already mentioned having a special, noble, gracious someone...

Not to mention that even if he didn't, surely he would want someone... better... and perhaps someone more... experienced, and not an old virgin like Xie Lian..
Oct 10, 2022 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Thinking of a modern AU where Xie Lian's parents dies in a car accident, and for a long time he had been blaming himself because he was there too and he got out with only a scar on his pelvic area where a piece of shattered glass stabbed him. But eventually with the help of his therapist he's able to free himself from the shackles of guilt and decides to turn page by covering the scar with a tattoo.

It's quite conveniant that around that time a new tattoo shop opens just across the street of his flowershop.
Oct 9, 2022 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Let me use this opportunity to casually remind everyone;

Write any story that you want to tell and self-indulge to your hearts' content and don't let anything discourange you from writing the stories you come up with as long as you enjoy doing it + and don't forget to share with us because there's always going to be someone whom your creation will make happy!!
Oct 9, 2022 β€’ 46 tweets β€’ 8 min read
WARNING: while this has a happy ending, it was inspired by a crime sory that I just heard today, so it will get dark - it contains noncon but not between Hualian

A/b/o modern AU... ...Where after Xie Lian's parents died, Jun Wu - an older alpha was the one to take the young omega under his wings.

Xie Lian is ofc immensely grateful for that... although not as grateful as Jun Wu would like.
Oct 8, 2022 β€’ 206 tweets β€’ >60 min read
πŸ”ž Mer!Hua Cheng x stranded stailor!Xie Lian

CW: Angst with a happy ending, misunderstandings, mentions of eating humans, NSFW with a plot… it could be called dub-con ig?, mutual penetration …Where Xie Lian, the Crown Prince of Xianle had dreamt about going out to sea ever since he was a young child.

The king and the queen of Xianle never really put any effort into taking this dream away from him like other state officials might have thought would be wise.
Jul 18, 2022 β€’ 118 tweets β€’ 16 min read
The Omega Who Lost Himself in a Bet

Canon divergence, a/b/o (omega!Xie Lian x alpha!Hua Cheng), angst with happy ending, brief (rough) nsfw, mating cycles

(And this is actually an older scenario that evolved, so excuse any mistakes, this was my first a/b/o) In the years between his second banishment and hopes for third ascension Xie Lian finds himself wandering many a realm below the Heavens. It is to no surprise then, that one day his journey leads him to a realm that is known to be rather hostile towards heavenly officials.
Jul 17, 2022 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 2 min read
A little idea I got while freezing in a tent;

Modern AU where Xie Lian lives in a student's apartment, shared with his friends Feng Xin and Mu Qing;

One day he accidentally floods their apartment and also the one right under them, and because of the damage done and no place to stay, they're forced to sleep outside.

Having saved only two blankets, there's only one solution β€” two of them have to share. In the end and after a long discussion Xie Lian ends with one blanket while the other two share the other one.