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Home to five galleries showcasing some of Britain’s finest archaeological treasures, and a walk through the Jurassic landscapes of Yorkshire. @YorkMuseumTrust
Feb 12, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read

Today’s theme is #SauciestObject for #Valentines!❤️

We're starting with a parade of private parts!

This Roman bowl bears 4 double-ended phalluses, each facing a disembodied vulva. There's even a phallic creature on the bottom too...

BEAT THAT💥 Image The quirky scene on the base shows a figure riding a lion-like beast which has three phalluses, including one for a head and a tail! Although you’d be forgiven for thinking we were making this stuff up... Image
Oct 23, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Regarding the negative comments about this blog on Facebook:

Let’s be clear, Roman Britain & Roman York, were diverse places with people from all over the empire mixing together. ‘Romans’ were not all white, male soldiers.

Anyone who suggests otherwise is factually incorrect. The interpretation of ‘Ivory Bangle Lady’ – as is detailed in our blog – is underpinned by brilliant, inter-disciplinary research by the University of Reading published in 2010. The ancestry assessment made suggests a mixture of ‘black’ and ‘white’ ancestral traits, and (2/6)