Young Labour Profile picture
The youth wing of the UK Labour Party. All Labour Party members aged 14-26 are members of Young Labour. 🌹
Feb 24, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Young Labour condemns Vladimir Putin and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The actions of Russia, the use of force and the contravention of international law is utterly reprehensible.

Working class people are overwhelmingly the victims of war (1/6) brought on by political decisions made, without the suffering they will cause in mind. War cannot be the solution, and at this critical juncture, every possible avenue must be exhausted to resolve this through diplomacy and restore peace to bring an end to this crisis. (2/6)
Feb 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
While we accept difference in policy positions to the current leadership of our party, we are especially concerned in this instance to see Keir Starmer pushing not only for further engagement with NATO, but celebrating it while attacking Stop The War and other pro-peace activists NATOs acts of aggression both historical and present are a threat to all of our safety. Young Labours delegates from across our membership and affiliates voted that we should withdraw from NATO and pursue an international policy based on peace, adopting this as official policy.
Dec 3, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
A statement on our future campaigning and canvassing.

Young Labour will no longer campaign, organise or canvass for candidates, Cllrs or MPs who fail to stand by workers, do not respect picket lines and do not support trade unionists right to industrial action: Trade unions are the bedrock of the labour movement and are at the forefront of defending workers rights against corrupt bosses and Tory governments which have harmed the lives of millions of workers.
Dec 1, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
Solidarity to @ucu workers on strike today until Friday ✊

Staff have been pushed to breaking point by attacks on pay, conditions and casualisation.

Read this thread for an overview of how you can support the #UCUstrike and find more resources at ImageImageImageImage Solidarity is essential to winning the strike, your support is incredibly important! Here’s some of the things you can do:
1. Join the picket line
2. Convince others to support the strike
3. Build community solidarity
4. Pressure your University ImageImageImageImage
Jul 16, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Young Labour fully supports the call to end the illegal blockade of Cuba and stands in solidarity with Cubans against US imperialism.

¡Viva Cuba! #HandsOffCuba Young Labour gives its unconditional solidarity to the Cubans in the struggle against imperialism and its full support to the call for the US government to immediately end its criminal blockade of Cuba.

During this global health crisis, as in every other, Cuban doctors & (1/6)