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Mar 31, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
In this clip, Joe Rogan correctly points out that porn addiction is similar to gambling addiction.

In 2013, Gambling Disorder was moved from an Impulse Control Disorder to Addiction in the DSM-5.

Addiction experts have long considered compulsive porn use an addiction. Addiction experts:

“We believe that classification of compulsive sexual behaviour disorder as an addictive disorder is consistent with recent data”…
Mar 23, 2021 8 tweets 6 min read
@therightousboi @whatupitsAaron 1/ The "UCLA study" was a 2013 EEG study by Prause that actually supported the addiction model.

Its actual findings were misrepresented in the press.

8 peer-reviewed papers agree with me: @therightousboi @whatupitsAaron 2/ This page lists 55 neuroscience-based studies (MRI, fMRI, EEG, neuropsychological, hormonal).
All provide support for the addiction model as their findings mirror the neurological findings reported in substance addiction studies.…
Mar 21, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ So much misinformation is being disseminated.

Expert quoted in this CNN article falsely states that
neurobiological evidence of addiction has not been found in people identified as sex or porn addicts.👇

Yet, there are 55 neuroscience-based studies:… 2/ The real experts’ opinions on porn/sex addiction?

This list contains 32 recent neuroscience-based literature reviews & commentaries by some of the top neuroscientists in the world.…
All support the addiction model.
Jan 15, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
YBOP acquires in trademark infringement settlement.

The operators of "RealYBOP" used their site & twitter to support the porn industry while harassing & defaming those who speak about porn's harms.

Story here:… RealYBOP's goal was to de-platform YBOP, confuse the public, support the porn industry, especially Pornhub.
Page documenting RealYBOP (@BrainOnPorn) directly supporting the porn industry:…
PornHub was the 1st account to retweet RealYBOP's initial tweet!
Apr 13, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
@LailaMickelwait Empirical support for tolerance (desensitization)?
Over 45 studies report findings consistent with escalation of porn use or habituation to porn.…
Several studies on the page suggest that non-pedophiles escalate to child porn due to desensitization. @LailaMickelwait E.g.…
"child pornography use may be related to desensitization or appetite satiation to which offenders begin collecting more extreme and deviant pornography"

"individuals who engage in adult pornography use at a younger age may be at greater risk"
Jun 25, 2019 15 tweets 8 min read
1/ A group of pro-porn "experts" are trying to silence YBOP. They call themselves "RealYourBrainOnPorn".
The "RealYBOP" website & social media accounts are engaging in illegal trademark infringement & trademark squatting.
All the details here:… 2/ Concurrently with the trademark infringement, one of RealYBOP’s “experts” applied for a trademark for both “YourBrainOnPorn” and
Yes, they are trying to steal the URL and shut down YBOP.
Link to trademark application:…
Feb 7, 2019 8 tweets 5 min read
@SteveStuWill 1/ First, reports to police appear to be inaccurate as this US study suggested: "How to Lie with Rape Statistics: America's Hidden Rape Crisis" (2014):…
Corrected data reveal that the study period includes fifteen to eighteen of the highest rates of rape: @SteveStuWill 2/ Even if it were correct, hundreds of variables could account for a decline in reported rapes in the 1990's. All developed countries saw the population age, with a decline in age group most likely to rape. That said rape rates have begun to increase:…
Nov 6, 2018 10 tweets 8 min read
@xhamstercom @NoFap #1) Easily debunked: Its aggregate data from a few select countries (Japan, Czech Republic, China) that report a decrease in REPORTED rapes. All but 1 study before 2000. Many other countries have seen an increase, such as Sweden, Portugal, etc. @xhamstercom @NoFap #2) There are hundreds of variables that could account for a decline in reported rapes in the 1990's. The most obvious is that all developed countries saw the population age - with a corresponding decline in the age group most likely to commit rape.
Jun 26, 2018 14 tweets 6 min read
New study claims that NOT using porn has negative effects. Link:…
How is this possible? The study used a questionnaire (the PCES) that was designed to find that porn use is largely beneficial for most everyone.
AT LEAST 10 MORE TWEETS FOLLOW..... I consider the study that created the PCES to be the most egregious porn study ever published (Hald & Malamuth, 2008). This page contains a critique of the PCES by YBOP and by a psychology professor:…