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Sep 26, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Seeing a massive widespread problem - hiring a sales guy WAY too early

This is a symptom of having a weak/non-existent inbound lead generation process

Here's the problem... Having a weak/non-existent inbound lead generation process is the root of the problem

Guys are closing at 10-20% wasting A LOT of time, hours of their life on calls that should have never gotten through in the first place

So they think they solution is to "hire a closer"
Sep 17, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Stop booking unqualified leads (thread)

Use a double filtration system 👇🏼 Unless you've worked full-time in sales for a few years, you're probably not a stone cold closer

That's totally fine,
Point of bringing that up is - you shouldn't be booking calls with unqualified people thinking your going to magically say something to close the deal
Sep 16, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
"give free value" is a long-term play to make future sales easier

If it's required to make a sale....I got bad news for you

Your offer is not compelling enough to stand on it's own - you're just building social capital and cashing it in via reciprocity in cycles What business 'gives free value'?

They don't until you pay them - the value begins AFTER the sale

Do restaurants give you free stuff to get you in?
Does coke give free drinks?
Do airlines give free flights?
Do apartments give you free housing?

NO, they make a good product
Sep 14, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
"Get X...guaranteed"
"Get X or you don't pay!"

That's the signal. The race to the bottom has begun.

Many names you see making a few bucks now will be gone and forgotten next year (THREAD) It's not that guarantees are bad, however they are signaling a much larger problem

Guys are running the exact same copy paste offers

Playing the commodity game

What do guys playing the commodity game do to stand out?....
Aug 19, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
How to sell anything with irrational angles (thread) Here's the problem...

I'd sit in my chair to get some work done, but I always had to get up after 20 minutes because my back would start hurting

This led to picking up a REALLY bad habit
Aug 18, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
It's MUCH easier to help someone putt better than it is to teach them golf from scratch

For beginners you must deliver everything, for the intermediates they only require something (THREAD) The easiest customer avatar to convert are one's already on the green

They're already playing the game, they have skin in the game, they know they have a problem, they know solutions exist

They just need the right offer presented to them

It's a tap in
Jul 28, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Disqualifying - a framework for sales & life (thread) Doing or saying things that push people away

....and if they still stick around after it, then you know there's something there

To paint this in a crystal clear way let's first look at a sales examples
Jun 23, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
📗 How to rapidly improve your articulation, voice, wit, and communication

A simple 2 part exercise (thread) Image Step 1) Read a book aloud for 5-10 minutes

From an author you respect who writes well

You'll likely want to go longer after you start, feel free to do so

Speak louder than you normally would to increase your baseline range & projection
May 19, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
*Thread* - Immersion periods to establish working competence

Going from no results to results fast Image Like a plane taking off from the runway, it takes a lot of energy and force to get off the ground

To achieve escape velocity and liftoff

Going from no results to results follows a similar law
Oct 9, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
*Thread* - Failure is not an option

How to leverage the most powerful forces in human nature to 'force' you to win If you fail it's because you're allowed to fail

It's because there's an out

There is a choice you are allowed to make at any moment to surrender

By simply tweaking your positioning you can leverage the most powerful human forces to ensure you achieve your objective
Sep 28, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
I got to 100,000 followers, but I was broke

I quit, then started working for guys with 2-5k followers doing $100k/months

I learned the business side & combined it with my content skill to create a new way

Here's what I learned... (THREAD) 🔹Think with a cold traffic mindset

a personal brand/theme page is not a business model, it's a lead generation system

Both your content & what you're selling should be so clear even cold traffic seeing that message as an ad would convert on it
Sep 21, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
Agencies, freelancers, and sales legends

Here's how to 20x your price (and do 90% less work)

Just do this ⬇️ Your current offer is a DFY (done for you service)

You get assigned a client and use your skill to deliver a result for them

With the EXACT skill you already have, you can re-package your offer to 20x your price

..and do 90% less work
Sep 13, 2021 24 tweets 5 min read
🔄 The Replacement Method (THREAD)

Take the $20-60/day you waste on bad habits

and use it to assemble a $5-40k/mo income machine (in 24-72 hours) The more shots you take, the more points you score

You can leverage technology to take shots for you

No more relying on willpower, time, energy, or feeling like it

Take the $20-60/day that was already going down the drain

and use it to fuel a machine that takes shots for you
Sep 11, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
The MOST EFFECTIVE way to sell (in 4 tweets)

(everyone ignores their biggest asset) Most effective way to sell is 1:1 in person, DM, or on the phone

It’s difficult to scale 1:1, so companies make info products & sales pages

If you have no money, & tons of time…

Don’t follow methods for scaling if you’re starting

Your asset is your ability to still do 1:1
Aug 29, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Money likes speed
Wealth likes patience

Money is the prerequisite to wealth
Speed is required to get money

IMMEDIATELY invest your time in action
IMMEDIATELY invest money you earn into acquisition

Acquiring - skills, customers (advertising), assets and experiences When it comes to assets like crypto, stocks, real estate, etc

That comes later, cash immediately goes right back into advertising & acquiring skills

The ROI in yourself & business is faster than any asset

Soon after doing that cash flow coming will be in overflow, meaning...
Aug 24, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Traditional systems fail by design

Soothing symptoms vs solving problems

There is no incentive for solving people's problems, in fact there's a consequence of losing customers

When a industry is rewarded to NOT solve problems, it will do what is rewarded Technology can be leveraged to create win/win systems for all

Relying on morals & ethics alone is futile

Popularizing systems designed to reward & incentivize doing the right thing is how the game is won

Not complaining about the unethical & immoral
Aug 23, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Doing nothing has problems & challenges

Doing something has problems & challenges

Might as well get paid to deal with problems and do something Making a great living has problems & challenges

Dealing with critics & competitors

Dealing with difficult people

Dealing with people’s expectations & pressure to deliver
Aug 20, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
To the audience it's magic
To the magician it's a process

You will create win after win like magic if you know the process (thread) Image Do you want to get results?
Or do you want to get results 'your way'?

Is 'your way' actually the thing blocking the way, getting in your own way?

This contrast is the difference between my biggest wins & failures 👇🏽
Aug 19, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Alpha & Omega (thread)

Everything you do is already determined How you start your day
How you end your day

The middle is just the reaction

When you set Point A and Point B in a GPS, the middle automatically appears to connect the points
Jul 24, 2021 13 tweets 6 min read
*Thread* - Creativity

Why Kanye remade his entire album 48 hours before the show We get good ideas in the shower and on vacation

There's a reason why this happens

When we step away from our projects

Everything we were working on has a chance to process in the subconscious

While immersed in the work we ride a wave or a train of thought
Jul 18, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
🌎 (thread) only main characters can read this

(non main characters will scroll past this - we've designed it that way to protect this message) Image From: The Council of Main Character Development

To: You

We noticed you've been making progress