Yousef Munayyer Profile picture
Baba. Poli Sci PhD. Thinks outside tanks, laughs at hasbara, stops pucks. Mid East, Social Justice & Sports Opinions Mine. I block trolls.
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Jun 11 11 tweets 2 min read
What explains this bizarre US policy of claiming the Israelis support a ceasefire proposal that their officials keep saying they oppose? What is up with all these theatrics? Here is one possible explanation: Netanyahu is a craven politician (Chickenshit might be the preferred term in DC) and he does not have the courage or political will to come out and own this deal because the terms are far worse for him than he wants to be associated with.
Apr 25 15 tweets 3 min read
The whole point of trying to equate anti-Zionism with antisemitism, as backers of Israel's apartheid regime do, is to turn opposition to Zionism into opposition to Jews and as such frame it as discrimination to circumvent free speech protections. The entire aim is repressive. If you listen to Israeli apartheid backers explain their thinking it is quite clear what the intentions really are. Here, I'll show you.
Jan 10 11 tweets 2 min read
A few key things to understand about the significance of South Africa's legal claim against Israel over Genocide in Gaza.... First, why South Africa? Well, as a state party to the Genocide Convention, South Africa can do this and indeed sees it as a responsibility to do so. Legally, this status matters but politically I think there are more important things to note.
Jan 5 18 tweets 3 min read
This is actually quite misleading and dangerously so. I think it is worth explaining why because this apparently benign explanation actually shapes a tremendous amount of misunderstanding of Palestinians. Zionism is not merely the "belief in a Jewish right to self-determination and a state in their ancestral homeland" it is more than that, both in the practical implementation and mainstream interpretation of this belief. Let's talk about both.
Dec 13, 2023 15 tweets 2 min read
The latest PCPSR poll of Palestinian public opinion is out and I am going to share some of the highlights from this poll looking at Palestinian attitudes in this historic moment... First, a couple words on this poll. PCPSR is the gold standard as far as Palestinian public opinion polling is concerned. Nothing is perfect but it is by far the best we have got for analysis.
Dec 10, 2023 32 tweets 5 min read
So I am going to try to answer this here in the following thread, follow along if you are interested to know more. In a lot of ways this part of bigger processes that are simultaneously operating and have been for a very long time 1) The dehumanization of Palestinians along the lines of longstanding colonialist tropes and
Dec 7, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
A reminder that the Israeli press reported last month on the efforts of Israeli government agencies (!!!) to organize campaigns to target US universities, including through using donors to press universities. Image Israeli govt agencies "will identify leading donors within the Jewish and Israeli communities and enlist them in the struggle to serve as a lever of pressure on university heads." This has to be done "without the signature of the State of Israel" on it.
Nov 29, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
This morning I got an email from a cable news network asking me to come on to talk about the "truce" and what happens next. I told them I'd be happy to do so. Then... They sent me an email asking for technical details to arrange the segment and also asked me for "A couple of brief pre-interview notes on your thoughts which we can use to help guide the interview"
Nov 18, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
One day. That's how long it took for this tool to praise Musk after he made a blatantly antisemitic remark. All Musk had to do was commit to silence Palestinians. In case it was not clear where the Apartheid Defense League's priorities are, it should be obvious now. This is all part of a long running campaign, backed by the Israeli government and its like minded allies, to silence dissent against Israel's apartheid policies in global civil society. The ADL is part of this in what Israeli govt refers to as its "blue network"
Oct 25, 2023 9 tweets 1 min read
When you watch Aljazeera's coverage of this war you see comprehensive coverage that does not exist elsewhere. Aljazeera has correspondents reporting live from Gaza. This alone makes them stand out from almost all other networks but that is not the only thing.
Oct 24, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
As people report on and/or obfuscate casualty numbers from Gaza, here are some crucial facts to keep in mind.

One party that historically & consistently did not significantly dispute the number of people killed reported by the Gaza healthy ministry is the Israeli Military. Looking back at major Israeli bombardments of Gaza and what the health ministry reported and what the Israeli military acknowledged in 2008-9, 2012, 2014 and 2021 there is close agreement, not dispute.
Oct 19, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Is their any degree of killing of Palestinians that Israel wouldn't be absolved of by the West in this moment? Any?

This is the kind of climate that enables genocide. If there is mass civilian death (as there already is, likely greater than all past wars on Gaza combined) there is an entire list of excuses that are trotted out practically in automation:
Oct 17, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Journalists should remember that Israel's first response after they killed their colleague Shireen Abu-Akleh was to say Palestinians shot her. This is part of a consistent Israeli military information damage control strategy in response to such events. @RafeefZiadah Then, they attacked her funeral, live on camera in front of the whole world, and proceeded to blame Palestinians.
May 15, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
There are a few common Zionist responses anytime a Palestinian mentions the Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

One lie is: It never happened!

But then there is this, not uncommon response: The problem with the ethnic cleansing is we should've done it more!!! Image And don't just think this is some kook with a twitter account, it isn't just that. This view was shared by Benny Morris, one of the Israeli historians that uncovered much of how the Israeli military forced Palestinians from their homes. Image
May 15, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
This provides a good opportunity to dispel some myths about the Nakba that are all too common, particularly among western audiences. Let’s take a brief stroll through history, shall we? The state of Israel was declared in Palestine on May 14th, 1948. On May 15th, 1948, Arab armies from neighboring states to Palestine entered the battlefield. Here you can see one of the most common myths repeated in a NYT narrative around the Nakba. #Nakba75 Image
Mar 29, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
Netanyahu has managed to do something no one else has been able to do when it comes to US-Israelrelations; wake Joe Biden up. Despite a very significant shift in opinion among Democrats in favor of Palestinians since 2016, Biden has done everything and more to hug Israel tighter than the Obama admin ever did and be even more muted in criticism of Israeli policy.
Mar 27, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
A journalist asked me a little while ago if I think Netanyahu and co will continue to press the legislative agenda after a months pause or drop it.... A lot can happen over a few weeks time so it is impossible to tell what else might change between now and then but given everything we have seen thus far it is hard to imagine them giving up the effort in a month.....
Mar 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This may very well result in the targeting of Palestinians in Jerusalem, in the West Bank and in other cities. As expected
Mar 27, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
What is happening in Israel is anything but a fight to "save democracy", it is a fight to save a a particular system of privilege which is under direct threat. This government and their legislative agenda envisioned a major opportunity to reshape Israeli politics and society, entrenching their control and thus reordering society in ways they see fit.
Mar 20, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Two recent polls, one by Gallup and the other by Pew, taken together suggest some interesting trends about what is, and what isn’t happening. I'll explain in this thread. In this poll released last week by Gallup, they show that for the first time, a majority of Democrats sympathize with Palestinians more than Israelis.…
Feb 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
A state that puts settler colonialism and ethnic majoritarianism over democratic principles is not what Israel *might* become, it is what it has *always been* and mostly due to will of its first PM, David Ben Gurion, who campaigned against a constitution in 1949. In his campaign against a constitution in early 1949 Ben Gurion argued a simple majority in the Knesset should be able to pass and rewrite ANY law so that every generation can have maximum flexibility to respond to the challenges of the day, thus limiting the courts.