Zachary Al-Khatib Profile picture
I fight to protect people's rights, and for a better world for everyone. Tweets aren’t legal advice; likes & RTs aren’t endorsements.
Feb 4, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
Big case came out this week from the Alberta Court of Appeal, with direct and huge consequences for the law of consent to sexual activity and police powers to search…

R v Barton, 20254 ABCA 34

🧵… First, What did the Court say?

1. It said that consent to sexual activity is *automatically* null if a reasonable person would foresee that significant bodily harm would occur.

Just so that is understood: the Court says a person CANNOT consent to certain sex acts. Image
Jan 10, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
In respect of the Globe article authored by former Justice Abella, my substantive criticisms are:

- it asserts that a party lodging a complaint about a crime must be morally blameless - false.

- it argues a historic victim can never be a future criminal - false.

Contd it argues that credibly-alleged crimes should not be stopped, but left for history to deal with - this is morally outrageous.

- ultimately, it argues Israel gets a pass because of WWII - this is the exact logic of oppression in Palestine, and cannot continue.
Aug 12, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
The Secure Air Travel Act, or SATA (colloquially called the “No-fly list legislation”) has been upheld as constitutional:… I plan to write in more detail about Justice Noël’s decision in the coming days. For now, it’s worth just stepping back and considering how perverse this regime is from a bird’s eye view level…