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Working in journalism and comms
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Jul 3 9 tweets 2 min read
Doing a European style short primary election to pick the Dem nominee would inject a lot of energy into the party and left of center politics. It would attract a lot of media attention to younger more popular Dems and take away attention from Trump. The problem is elite Democrats live in terror of openly debating things, especially about their leadership.
Jun 24 34 tweets 9 min read
I think one of my more controversial opinions is that history should teach more about the bad guys' rationale. The way it's taught now, where the bad guys are just evil, makes it hard to understand the present, where the bad side often has their own complex justifications. Like when people say "right side of history" they make it sound obvious, it's not always obvious who's right and unless you have a detailed understanding of how people came to the view they have, you will have a hard time understanding it in the present, too.
Jun 24 5 tweets 2 min read
Obviously the best thing to do to reduce both anti-Arab racism and antisemitism in America at the moment is to end the war overseas. Politicians who want the war but think it won’t worsen social tensions believe in magic or something, they are trying to deny human nature. Most of the politicians talking about racism or antisemitism are just politicking and have done nothing constructive about either thing. Because being constructive is hard, denouncing people is easy.
May 16 35 tweets 10 min read
Because I'm a glutton for punishment I'm going to keep arguing about how the Civil Rights Act wasn't the overriding factor of the South moving to the GOP.

Here's a map of House district voting in 1990. OK I'm not just pointing to the blue in the South. Look at the regions. Image The major regions in the South that shifted to the GOP first in the 90s/00s were largely suburban regions. Like around Atlanta (Newt Gingrich/Bob Barr). Other states have their equivalent. Rural voters were actually pretty loyal to the Democrats until the 2010s.
May 8 7 tweets 2 min read
OK what level of simp is Vivek on here that he's like well she absolutely hates me for my ethnicity but I really respect her This ain't even a Christian/Gandhian love your enemies thing, this is just simping
Apr 27 5 tweets 1 min read
So what happened is a pro war protester holding an Israeli flag shouted Kill the Jews at an antiwar protest and in response Northeastern university shut down the antiwar protest.

You can’t make this stuff up. Zionist antisemitism becoming a political weapon is something else
Apr 26 18 tweets 5 min read
Let's read some MLK shall we.

1) On Black Power: "I regret that the slogan Black Power came into being, because it has been so confusing. It gives the wrong connotation. It often connotes the quest for black domination rather than black equality." 2) On Rioting: "Every time a riot develops, it helps George Wallace."
Apr 26 6 tweets 2 min read
It is absolutely hilarious that they have now come to the conclusion that Jews are behind the campaign against Israel Zionist antisemitism, we have all kinds here in this beautiful country
Apr 24 10 tweets 3 min read
When I was working at ThinkProgress, which was basically a Dem Party operation, years ago, we would go to Tea Party rallies with 100,000 people and find one or two people saying something racist to frame the whole rally that way. I didn't like it then, don't like it now. I focus pretty much everything I do on elite actors who actually make a difference, I don't like picking on ordinary people or smearing people. That's a sickness in American politics, on all sides.
Apr 21 8 tweets 2 min read
At least 40-50% of Jewish students at colleges and universities right now hate the Israeli government and the war, yet it's being reported as a Jews vs. Arabs thing. Just like the simplistic woke narratives during the Summer of 2020, reducing people to ethnic stereotypes. There's also a broader problem in media that if you're a minority you're supposed to be a victim. If you as a reporter interview someone who says "yeah I feel totally fine" the editor says, sorry that's the wrong story. We need conflict, we need victims.
Apr 12 4 tweets 1 min read
Try telling them Indian parents are fine if the kids live with them until they’re 50. Heck the grandkids too. I was reading a Reddit thread yesterday about a pregnant 19 year old whose mom wanted to kick her out and I was thinking man these people are Americans alright
Apr 10 8 tweets 2 min read
I found the article about NPR on Free Press to be interesting. In that article a former NPR insider notes they struggled to get minority listerners.

I went to the front page and put the first article through a readability test, here were the results: Image Basically NPR's segments and articles are geared towards college-educated audiences. If they want people broader than that to take advantage of their content, they need to use language and cover topics that interest people broader than that segment of people.
Apr 5 8 tweets 2 min read
These are literally legal migrants Stephen Miller who runs America 1st legal and was one of Trump's immigration point men doesnt care that much about illegal migration. His goal is to revert the U.S. to the 1920s or something and that would probably include deporting much of Elon's space x/tesla workforce.
Mar 27 5 tweets 2 min read
I did a reverse image search. One hit on the entire Internet, on a website called "Civil War In Europe" in 2017. Jesus is a revered figure in Islam.

Then I realize this account (who Elon loves) posts this image once every few months. Are they gullible or just sociopathic? One day if these guys actually managed to incite a terror attack or something are they going to be like "don't care, got my Twitter payout."
Mar 27 8 tweets 2 min read
When I was in college I wrote a column about a shock jock that was coming to campus, he spent all day ranting about me on his show, I got tons of threats, stuff taped to my door, and I probably didn't care for longer than 48 hours. The Atlantic would consider this trauma. Who reads the atlantic, nothing but rich people now? Every article about how hard it is to attend stanford or harvard or whatever. OK, cross the street, go into Boston and see what real hard life is like.
Mar 26 12 tweets 3 min read
So does DEI just mean black to these Klan accounts now? I did some reporting on Baltimore a few years ago and at least as far as Baltimore politicians go, Scott hasn’t been corrupt and crime has dropped under him, but these guys go to the eye doctor and all they see is Ks
Mar 21 4 tweets 1 min read
I feel like part of the reason Elon keeps engaging with extremist content and posting weird conspiracy theories is because he spent his life as an upper class liberal and he thinks Twitter right wing extremists are average Republicans because he doesn’t know any. Like your average Republican is not posting minority crime stats or IQ gibberish they’re posting bible verses and boomer memes. Elon doesn’t interact enough with actual humans to do his pandering correctly.
Mar 12 11 tweets 3 min read
Elon the TikTok hill literally specifies companies owned by foreign adversaries.

And yes it’s about “government control” the same way you’re not allowed to bankroll MS 13. Law enforcement and trade sanctions are administered by the government. Elon has never said one critical word about the Chinese govt and now he’s defending their control over a popular social media platform….
Jan 15 9 tweets 3 min read
What the heck is going on on the activist right, on this trajectory they will be calling the emancipation proclamation a mistake in a month I think most republicans are normies but the online activists are detached from normal people just like many NGOs on the left and get on weird obscure kicks rather than addressing bread and butter issues
Jan 5 21 tweets 6 min read
I got to know Rufo years ago, and he spent a lot of time trying to convince progressives to also oppose DEI stuff. They basically said ain’t nothing to see here. So he allied to the right instead. He’s motivated by the issues more than being an RNC guy or something. There was this whole thing where David French said that legislatures who set up and oversee public schools also playing a role in their instruction is an attack on the constitution or something and Rufo argued with him in good faith for weeks.
Dec 30, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Note that Trump is starting to hit Haley over trying to increase the retirement age. The fact is Trump is still the most savvy Republican running for the nomination, the only one who understands how people outside say DC right wing think tanks think. When republicans realize they had four years to come up with an alternative and Trump is still their most electable candidate because everyone else thinks it’s 2003