Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський Profile picture
President of Ukraine / Президент України
Barb Profile picture Sue Strong @strong_sue@mastodon.sdf.org 🇺🇦 Profile picture LabRat 🇺🇸 🇺🇦 Profile picture Karen Salitis 🇺🇦🇺🇲🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇦 Profile picture giovanni dall'olio 🇮🇹🇪🇺🇺🇦 Profile picture 24 subscribed
Jun 27 16 tweets 3 min read
Today, I addressed the European Council and thanked our partners. Despite these challenging years, we have maintained unity and strengthened Europe. The world has witnessed Europe’s effectiveness and our ability to make the right decisions at the right time. The EU approved a negotiating framework for Ukraine. And negotiations on our country’s accession have already begun. We are highly grateful for it. This is Europe’s historic choice.
Jun 16 16 tweets 3 min read
I thank all participants of the first Peace Summit for taking the first steps towards peace together. We are responding to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine not only with a full-scale defense of human life but also with full-scale diplomacy. These days united 101 countries and international organizations. Our fair objective is to get all countries to join this noble cause.
Jun 15 25 tweets 4 min read
In my address to the Global Peace Summit I emphasised that this gathering marks a significant step towards a just peace. I thank all leaders, teams, and states for making this possible. Image One hundred and one states and international organizations have registered for the Summit. This is our common success, of all those who believe that a united world, united nations, are stronger than any aggressor.
Jun 13 14 tweets 3 min read
🇺🇦🇺🇸 Today is a truly historic day. We signed the strongest agreement between Ukraine and the United States since our independence. This agreement is about security, protecting human life, fostering cooperation, and strengthening our nations. It includes steps to guarantee sustainable peace and benefits everyone globally, because Russia’s war against Ukraine is a real global threat.
Jun 11 23 tweets 4 min read
Today, I addressed the Bundestag and emphasized that the German people's humanity has shone through in their unwavering support for Ukraine. We are deeply grateful for your compassion and assistance. Germany did not stand aside from the pain and suffering of Ukrainians. Ordinary people, different German cities, states, and communities – all have helped and are helping.
Jun 11 24 tweets 3 min read
I addressed Ukraine Recovery Conference #URC2024 and emphasized the importance of comprehensive efforts to defend Ukraine, ensure societal resilience, and preserve our common European way of life against Russian aggression. This war has various levels of confrontation: the frontline where our people defend against military strikes, our economic defense to maintain normal social life, and political resistance against attempts to divide and weaken the democratic world.
Jun 7 36 tweets 6 min read
I addressed the National Assembly to thank France for its support.

Yesterday, we honored WWII victors who defended Europe. Today, we must defend it against the Russian regime, which does not recognize borders.

We must prove the power of our unity, alliances, and shared ideals. Image These days, we honor the bravery of the people and the mutual support of the nations that won the Battle of Normandy. The ones who won. And it is the victory that is still being felt on Omaha Beach, where we were yesterday with the President, with Emmanuel, and other leaders.
Jun 2 30 tweets 5 min read
I addressed the Shangri-La Dialogue #SLD24 and stressed that the last few decades have seen diplomacy fail to achieve its tasks.

Ukraine has found a way to restore the force of diplomacy.

We propose peace through diplomacy: an inclusive and fair format, the Global Peace Summit. It’s often said that brutal force should not dominate the world. Similarly, attempts by various power centers to impose something on other nations against their will in politics, economy, or security should not dominate either.
Apr 26 14 tweets 3 min read
I addressed the Ukraine Support Contact Group, "Ramstein," urging prompt action to provide Ukraine with more long-range capabilities, air defense, and artillery ammunition.

If the necessary steps are taken, we will disrupt Putin's plans and regain the initiative.

A thread🧵 Predatory regimes like Russia's are rapidly increasing their appetite for aggression. When they succeed in one part of the world, it creates problems in many other places; aggression spreads when not stopped.
Apr 19 26 tweets 4 min read
Today, I addressed the Ukraine-NATO Council, stressing that human life must be equally valued and protected against terror in the Middle East, in Europe, and elsewhere.

Allies have the necessary tools. Unfounded fears must be abandoned and action needs to be taken.

A thread🧵 Today I was on the frontline, right where the Russian army is amassing most of its efforts for assaults. Unlike our soldiers, the occupiers have enough weapons, a sufficient number of shells, and worst of all, they, unfortunately, still have control over our sky.
Apr 11 23 tweets 5 min read
I addressed the Three Seas Summit, emphasising the urgent need to strengthen Ukrainian air defense—with real action, not just words.

To ensure that Russian missiles do not fly over Vilnius, Warsaw, or Chisinau, they should finally not fly over Odesa and Kharkiv.

A thread🧵

Last night, Russian terrorists struck again at Ukraine. It was a combined strike—missiles and Iranian attack drones with trajectories specifically designed to maximize damage to our critical infrastructure.
Mar 21 26 tweets 5 min read
Today, I addressed the European Council outlining five crucial elements to defend Ukraine and all of Europe from Russian aggression and terror:

1️⃣Air defense
2️⃣Artillery ammunition
3️⃣Europe’s defense self-sufficiency
4️⃣Europe’s political unity
5️⃣Frozen Russian assets

A thread🧵 First. Two years ago, Ukrainians proved that Russian defeats are not a fantasy, but a simple reality that can be ensured.

We need to be clear about our common European goal now. It is the same as it was from the start.

Putin's system must lose in its war against Ukraine.
Mar 20 11 tweets 2 min read
At the third Summit for Democracy, I emphasized that the world is now betting more on force than rules.

Force and rules, however, are not mutually exclusive. Rules must be enforced. Force must be limited by rules.

Ukraine's Peace Formula proposes a balance between the two.
🧵 Ukraine does not divide the world into big and small countries, or those who matter more or less. We despise the colonial worldview that divides nations into zones of influence for "great powers" or geopolitical poles. Every nation matters.
Feb 28 19 tweets 3 min read
At the Ukraine-South-East Europe Summit, I stressed that there must be no Europe of “different dignities"—when someone deserves security and peace while someone else’s struggle for peace is ignored; someone deserves integration while someone else has to stay behind and wait. 🧵 I thank Prime Minister Rama for his personal and Albania’s support for Ukraine. Thank you for organizing this summit. Mr. Prime Minister, I highly appreciate your hospitality and this opportunity to discuss together how we can strengthen our countries, regions, and entire Europe.
Feb 18 40 tweets 7 min read
In my speech at the Munich Security Conference, I warned of the catastrophic threats that the Russian regime poses to Europe and the world, not just Ukraine, and outlined collective steps to counter them, preserve the rules-based order, and make security a reality again.

🧵 February 24, 2022, could have marked the end of the world as we all know it. A world of rules meant to protect life. Our resistance, with the support of partners, has put on hold the destruction of this rules-based world order. 2024 must become a time for its full restoration.
Feb 1 14 tweets 3 min read
Today, I addressed the European Council summit as decisions on the Ukraine Assistance Fund and Ukraine Facility were being debated.

I thanked EU leaders for previous critical decisions and advocated for continued European unity and strength in the face of global competition.

🧵 At the previous #EUCO, Europe's credibility was at stake. We strengthened it.

The EU has proven: its word matters; its promises work for all of Europe.

The opening of Ukraine's EU accession talks proved that Europe's priorities, as defined by all of its leaders, are being met.
Jan 16 30 tweets 5 min read
In my speech at the World Economic Forum today, I addressed three frequently asked and important questions: When will Russia’s war against Ukraine end? Is the Third World War possible? Is it time to negotiate with Putin?

🧵 Nearly 2 years of full-scale war in Europe, 10 years since Russia's illegal annexation of our Crimea, 10 years of Russian interference in African countries ranging from Sudan to Mali, and almost 13 years of Syrian war, which is still raging as a result of Putin's actions.
Jan 11 10 tweets 2 min read
Today, I addressed the Estonian parliament to thank Estonia for standing on the side of freedom.

On February 24, 2022, the Russian leadership tried to restore their empire, whether Russian, Soviet, or hybrid.

But we didn’t fail. Our people. Our friends. The entire free world.🧵 February 24th could mark the beginning of a new era of unfreedom for Ukraine and our Europe as a whole. But history took a different turn, resulting in much greater freedom, independence, and European strength. Bravery, solidarity, and the choice of freedom have made it possible.
Jan 10 15 tweets 3 min read
In my speech in Vilnius, I thanked Lithuania, President Nauseda, and all Lithuanians for standing with Ukraine.

Days before, Vilnius experienced an especially cold spell. But today it's warmer.

When we stand together, even the cold retreats. And I am certain, so will Russia.🧵 Image We cannot mark a specific day when Russia will retreat, nor can we detail every aspect of how it will unfold.

But we know that it will happen.

Our freedom will prevail, and there will be that day, the first day after this war. Our day.
Dec 19, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Tune in as I hold my year-end press conference in Kyiv. twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1… We are working to ensure that Ukraine receives the assistance committed by the US and the EU. I anticipate that what we agreed upon during my visit to the United States will be fulfilled in full.
Dec 14, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
In my address to the European Council, I stressed that this day will go down in our history.

Today is the day when determination will either be in Brussels or Moscow.

People in Europe won’t understand if Putin’s satisfied smile becomes the reward for the meeting in Brussels.🧵 Europe went through this year with dignity. There was no cowardice, no indecision.

And Putin gained nothing over the year. Neither in the battles against Ukraine nor in his attempts to divide and demean Europeans.