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HOST of @zerlinamornings M-F at 7am ET on @SiriusXM radio ch.127 Author of The End Of White Politics 👇🏾
Lady Menopause Is All In With Kamala Harris 2024 Profile picture Jacqueline Brown Profile picture Kimberly Schofield Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jun 16, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
The reckoning around race has caused another memory to surface. Back in the day when I was interviewing at top firms to be a legal assistant I remember one where the woman, her name was Carol, tried to talk me into taking a lower position. Thead 1/ It’s not important but I remember that Carol was literally wearing a sweater tied over her shoulders with a navy blue polo during the interview. For some reason I remember this detail...🤷🏾‍♀️
Feb 6, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Wait....I see some people are mad Warren said black women are pushing her on policy?

Uhhhhhh that’s what’s supposed to happen. Any white candidate needs to demonstrate that they can listen and evolve when pushed. She speaks like someone who has listened to those black women. We aren’t going to get the perfect candidate but I do demand every single person running internalize the fact that black and brown women are going to make the difference in the election bc we don’t just vote we mobilize our own folks.
Jun 28, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
I don't know if other Black women feel this way today but seeing @KamalaHarris THAT self-assured on a stage at a presidential debate is having a deep impact on me.

like I'm shook. @KamalaHarris Black women often have to walk an IMPOSSIBLE line in public and work spaces.

We can't be too loud but we often are ignored unless we speak up.

We are tagged as too aggressive for breathing.
Sep 14, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: I want to tell you a story that is relevant to these random women defending Kavanaugh. This happens all of the time. Women defend men who they consider to be friends from allegations all the time. This happened to me IRL.... My rapist was a "friend." He was the boyfriend of one of my roommates. We had a lot of mutual friends and when he raped me everyone took sides. There is even a well known person #ONHERE who gives talks on rape culture who has NEVER called me ever and took a side...it wasn't mine
May 29, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
If you are a white journalist and you are using "racially charged" to describe an incident where a white woman called a black woman an ape you should probably seek out a new profession. Words aren't your thing. I sometimes wonder what white people would consider racism because we're always told [insert description of the incident] isn't racist and that Black people are overreacting.
Nov 21, 2017 18 tweets 3 min read
Thread: It’s important to understand sexual abuse and harassment as a spectrum of behavior. everyday Harassment (ie catcalling) on one end and Harvey/Cosby on the other end.