How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App's supporters he says, "fully accept the teachings of the sound-money doctrine" and do.not share the same errors as "inflation quacks". entrepreneurs posit that their sales are slow because their customers don't have enough money, Mises' (rightly) points that what they mean is they want an increased money supply for their customers whilst their remains... power independent of the policies of the government". Gold can only be inflationary when there's an exponential and surprises increase in its supply, as in California and Australia in the mid 19th century. a fall in prices of commodities". The gold standard he said would be reproached with depressing prices, or an increased exchange value of money (gold), forcing interest rates up. rate cannot be allowed to sink below this level, for that would increase the sums of money needed by the bank's increasing clientele in such a fashion that the bank's solvency would be jeopardized. involves complementary credible fiscal policies geared towards economic growth. for capital by reducing interest rates barring limitations imposed on them by the Central Bank. And that one credit issuing bank induces the rest to do the same. social distribution of property in favor of the issuer. Meaning issuers (Banks) employs additional wealth tht it receives solely for productive purposes. unacceptable in lieu of money is obliged to change the money-substitutes into money". needs of the market at any given time—"stands in the very center of banking theory". Mises intended to show tht this doesn't correspond with the facts, in the form in which it is generally understood. it looks set to test the $3,000 level next. a purely metallic monetary system, the metals which perform the function of money will be distributed according to the intensity demand for each State's money. idea is to not increase the money supply when demand increases or not increasing it by as much as demand, as a way of increasing the value of money. a scenario of money diminishing in blue in a geometrical series –i.e., over years. But that logical imagination doesn't necessarily mean we have the ability to create one.