How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App is one of the biggest companies in the world. Are we all so numb to their egregious business practices that it's just not *a story* that there is no substantive human oversight to account terminations? you're a self-published author, give Selena a follow and a RT. She's having a rough go of it, and she's doing her best to communicate clearly with KDP, do the diplomatic "surely this is a mistake" etc. accounting shenanigans that publishers play with advances actively hurt the bulk of authors who work for them. They hurt their agents, too. Income gets dribbled out, and the people at the top claim to have no fucking idea? I was a kid, my mom was a desktop publishing trailblazer. (Side note: self-publishing isn't new, hasn't been for centuries, anyway...) tension towards a bleak "all is lost" moment in the 3rd act is only one way to create a compelling story. The idea that it's necessary for a good book is one of the most persistent myths in publishing."worth through that with his family" hopefully means someone in his family likes him getting a full paycheque and can talk some sense into him. the market does not mean you are beholden to it. It just means you can navigate through it with more knowledge. live in a society where older men regularly use their positions of power to take advantage of younger women. If you want to be in one of the codified positions of Big Power, be prepared to people to figure out if you're a creep.'s start with early developmental feedback. Universally good advice: read it, then walk away for a day. Come back and read it again. You may have some impulse to dive right in and fix (or fight) the first note, but try to see Reading and Absorbing the Feedback as a task.