NYS Assemblymember for District 36. Running for NYC Mayor to Freeze the Rent, Make Buses Fast & Free and Deliver Childcare at No Cost. Socialist. #RotiAndRoses
Jan 7 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
NYC Physicians at @DoctorsCouncil are striking next week due to unfair labor practices at NYC Health + Hospitals and its private affiliates.
Today, I spoke with Dr. Gray Ballinger, a primary care physician at Queens Hospital Center, about why ~1,000 doctors are going on strike.
@DoctorsCouncil Dr. Ballinger took her first job out of residency in 2022 at Queens Hospital Center. Working at a public hospital, she's often the first doctor patients ever see.
She began working in Queens so she could more directly work with her community. "I wanted to be a person who helps."
Aug 8, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
NYC politics operates on an understanding of Palestine that's grounded purely in imagination, w/o any relationship to reality
It's how you get politicians still saying they support the 2-state solution even though settlements mean there isn't even any geography to conceive of it
It's how you get politicians lining up to say that they believe in Israel's right to defend itself, on the Monday after the IDF initiated a weekend of terror—targeting apartment buildings and killing 44 Palestinians, incl. 15 CHILDREN, and injuring 360 others.
Apr 5, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Our state’s budget was due April 1st
It’s now April 5th, and we don’t have a budget
When you look at what happened this year, it’s clear why our budget is late 🧵
Jan 18th: Hochul announced her exec proposal
Jan 25 - Feb 16: Series of joint budget hearings
March 12th: NYS Assembly released their budget proposal
March 13th: NYS State Senate released their budget proposal
It’s been one week since the strike began, and nurses like Jen are out here because they deserve safe staffing, fair contracts, & a hospital that pays its workers more than $12.50 an hour
also, shoutout to Jen’s nails
People often ask what socialists mean when we say we want to "decommodify" housing.
Basically, we want to move away from a situation where most people access housing by purchasing it on the market & toward a situation where the state guarantees high-quality housing to all. (1/8)
Big Real Estate & the politicians they purchase want you to think that's a fantasy.
But in some places, it's a reality.
In Vienna, 62% of residents live in beautifully constructed social housing, with ample green space & vibrant community life. (2/8) huffpost.com/entry/vienna-a…