Zoltan A. B. Profile picture
#Bitcoin Enthusiast. "Not your keys, not your coins." Sell your #LN funds on https://t.co/CyUCbqs7Cr. Publisher of @VisitoryGlobal. #LN node operator. https://t.co/wn0IA1NtaO
Zoltan A. B. Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jan 14, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ Lightning Network node maintenance
ipayblue node is undergoing maintenance because it started to be quite slow.
Steps taken:
- closed several "busy" channels with hundreds of thousands / millions of updates
- after closing channels, we compact the DB.

Short thread 🧵. 2/ To find out which of your channels has the most updates you can use this command:

lnd lncli listchannels | jq -r '.[][]| [.num_updates, .remote_pubkey] | @tsv' | sort -rn
Dec 26, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
1/ Sell your #LightningNetwork #LN ⚡️ liquidity on ipayblue.com.
This service is already active since November, but
we recently raised ⏫ the ppm we pay to you to 1150!

A thread 🧵 explaining ways you can make money on #LN! 2/ How does it work?
a) Open a channel to amboss.ipayblue.com.
b) Set your fees as low as possible to allow routing to our node and move liquidity to our side (part or full channel capacity).
c) When the desired liquidity is on our side, you can request channel closure.