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قرٱن - السنة📚 - منهج السلف الصالح - درس في الجامعة الإسلامية بالمدينة المنورة
Jun 17, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Threads 🧵

"The biggest obstacle to the Da'wah of Tawhīd is that of Irjā'"

From my experience of speaking to
mixed audiences,especially whenever I make specific du'ā cursing the enemies of Allāh,

mentioning the "Shī'a Rawāfidh Anjās"who are also listening including teachers
- Image Generally
speaking, they remain silent upon their Shirk & keep to themselves, whereas on the other hand,
Sunnīs affected by Irjā' have always felt the need to advise me afterwards to 'not cause fitnah'.

Allāh said "Verily we have sent to every Ummah a messenger (saying):

Jun 15, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
❝The saudi government is an apostate puppet government, which gave its allegiance to the

It protected the Mushrikīn and the grave worshippers, and it ruled by other than what Allāh has
revealed, and it made Tahākum (sought judgements to comply with) to

- Image the Tāghūt,

and it gave
approval for those to mock the Dīn, including several other nullifiers.

And every single one of these (nullifiers) became additionally more severe, so it increased in its
support for the disbelievers, justifying it and declaring it acceptable [1],

Jun 14, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Thread 🧵

#Rule | There are two rulings concerning the application of takfīr:

1 — The one who is ignorant about the kufr and rules of takfīr. He isn’t permitted to make takfīr
upon an issue he’s ignorant about.

2 — The one who has knowledge about the Kufr and

- Image rules of takfīr. He is obliged to make takfīr in
Such an issue, since this in reality is the hukm of Allāh, therefore it’s necessary to make takfīr upon
whoever Allāh made takfīr upon.

So we have two opposites here. It’s harām for an ignorant person to apply takfīr,
