Jesus. Kingdom Ambassador. AlphaVets Podcast on Rumble. Prophetic decoder. Trump
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Sep 6, 2024 • 13 tweets • 9 min read
🚨🤯🤯 Nimrod. Iraq. Bloodlines. Anunnaki. Genetics. satan. God. DNA
What if everything you were told about certain events actually had more sinister plot behind it?
Can modern day events such as invasions of countries or even narratives formed behind "aliens" be more of a misdirection?
One of the most used tactics by the CIA and other 3 letter agencies is to give you a little truth and lie about the rest to send you in a different direction.
Disclaimer: I am pro-military and do not want to take away from the good men and women that lost their lives. However, I do think it is important to try and look behind the scenes. My opinions are my own based of research attempting to tie it all together.
Prepare your mind for this thread. It won't be for everybody. Bookmark it if you can't read it all at once. 🧵
Let's start with the "global war on terrorism." It was kicked off after the attack on the twin towers. For one, the deep state and agencies use these events to open a door to their sinister plots. They rally the people to join their cause in the name of freedom, but what are they actually doing while everyone is looking in one direction?
The fall of the twin towers was not only an excuse to start a war on global terrorism, making the case for invasion, but it was also a spiritual attack. Symbolism. George Washington sanctified — set apart for holy use … the people of America … establishing a covenant through prayer between God and America at Federal Hall in New York City. The covenant made on April 30, 1789, was made in the area that is now called Ground Zero. St. Paul’s Chapel where George Washington prayed to God.
Invasion of Iraq, 2003.
Weapons of mass destruction was a big excuse which proved to be a lie. They still send you off in a different direction where many will say we actually just wanted their oil and their gold. Still a misdirection.
Some of the first targets in Iraq, were the museums. Eyewitnesses claim a coordinated event by trained military or 3 letter agencies, etc. Things that were taken included:
~ Musical instruments
~ Ancient artifacts
~ Cuneiform tablets
~ Genealogies/ancient bloodlines
Many archeologists say that the artifacts taken were the oldest we've had dating back to ancient Mesopotamia (Modern day Iraq). Mesopotamia in Greek means "between rivers." Tigris and Euphrates.
Mesopotamia was made up 4 kingdoms:
~ Sumer
~ Akkad
~ Babylonia
~ Assyria
Samaria is known as potentially the most ancient civilization and known for creating the cuneiform tablets.
Now, other than ancient artifacts, what would the satanic deep state want that could bring back an ancient entity/bloodline?
They were looking for Gilgamesh. Also known as Nimrod. Gībbōrīm. A mighty one. I've gone through this before on previous threads, but it doesn't stop there.
F-2019-02110 Denetra D Senigar
Requesting documents pertaining to the resurrection chamber of Gilgamesh, the location
of his body and the location of the buried Nephilim.
12/13/2018 CLOSED
Nimrod wasn't necessarily trying to reach the heavens. He was contacting the "heavens." I.E. Tower of Babel. In my belief and research, things were a lot different back then, but he was attempting to open portals. Inter-dimensional. Just like how I don't believe the Egyptians built the pyramids but found them. The sphinx dates back further and was a library. God destroyed the tower and mixed up their languages because they were too powerful. They were harnessing an evil power so great that God said no more.
The big questions are:
~ Were they successful in some way?
~ What helped them construct such towers, pyramids, etc?
~ Was there genetic manipulation happening and who was doing it?
Hang in there with me, I will bring this full circle. Let's keep going.
In 1843, thousands of these cuneiform tablets were recovered dating 6000 years old by a French scientist named Paul-Emile Botta in the ancient ruins of Assyria, underground (Khorsabad, Northern Iraq).
In 1853, Ur (The home of Abraham) was discovered and excavated. The center of Sumerian civilization and is the first recordings of anything regarding modern civilization.
In Genesis 12, Abraham is told to leave Ur. He was told by God, "I will make you a great nation."
Besides what God told him, what else was going on in UR? Was there more to the story?
As it's not scriptural, in a religious text from Judaism's classical period (Genesis Rabbah), Nimrod imposed a punishment on Abraham of death by fiery furnace. Nimrod tells Abraham if your God is real, then He will save you from the fire. Abraham is saved from the fire.
As someone who believes the Word of God is all you need, I do believe that a lot of text regarding what was happening in biblical times was indeed taken out or just not necessarily needed. Think about certain time periods where you have major gaps in the Bible (Don't come after me, or do, I don't care).
Now before I go any further, I will point out that as Nimrod was a mighty one (Gībbōrīm). There are many things that point to Nimrod/Gilgamesh having hybrid genetics. Manipulated.
As satan and his minions knew that Jesus would come to be our sacrifice, satan needed to try and distort the bloodlines. A spotted lamb was improper for sacrifice. This is why genetic manipulation was happening. He thought he could beat God. Arrogant dillhole.
According the Sumerians, in the cuneiform text, they spoke of divine beings. Human like but described as spirit beings who could shape-shift into human form. Offspring of God descended from the sky. The Anunnaki. Some may call them Nephilim and they may be called something different today. Many different names. Mesopotamia was under polytheism. They worshipped multiple gods.
Most people that talk about the Anunnaki describe alien like beings from outer space and a different planet. To me, that is deception. The texts apparently described them as supreme deities who inhabited the earth and UNDER the earth. I do not believe in space aliens, but inter-dimensional beings that are still here today.
The Anunnaki have great knowledge, especially to science related material.
In 1849 and 1851, in Nineveh (Iraq), Austin Henry Layard discovered ancient cuneiform texts depicting the "creation of man" and lives of the gods. Total number of cuneiform texts discovered were around 25000. 7 of these tablets were the "Enuma Elish."
They took blood from "gods," mixed it with clay to create "life." This is where people will say that the Anunnaki created man, but it wasn't a creation. It was an imitation. Genetic manipulation.
What else was happening in Nineveh that Jonah told them to repent or be destroyed? What happened in Sodom and Gomorrah? What were they worshipping?
Daniel 2:43
And as you saw the iron mixed with common clay, so they will combine with one another in the seed of men; but they will not merge [for such diverse things or ideologies cannot unite], even as iron does not mix with clay.
The Enuma Elish described the Anunnaki as divine beings with highly advanced knowledge of GENETICS. They weren't creating, just manipulating. It says they took genes from a female hominid to create hybrids. So, the ancient text describes genetic engineering and changing of DNA. Not creation of man.
If you look at the manipulation pre-flood, God wipes it all out the with the flood. Seed does not take anymore. It has to be manipulated through other means. Bacteria, etc.
1927 southeast Iraq (UR, Sumerian capital, home of Abraham), British archeologist, Leonard Wooley uncovers remains of Queen Pu-Abi
Enormously large skull. Hybrid. Genetic analysis alludes to manipulated hybrids.
There are ancient carvings of Anunnaki all over the world. Some with wings, some are even reptilian with wings. Various cultures start with a fight in the heavens and describe these creatures. Why is it that various cultures can agree on this certain topic? Just described a little differently. I mean there are 19 serpent gods throughout the world. satan has deceived so many.
Now what are you starting to see now a days? You're starting to see that many of these "alien" sightings are now coming from the oceans and underneath. Coincidence?
Do you know that through "Crispr" and other technology that they can imitate creation through bacteria? That they can now not only manipulate people's DNA, but use DNA that has been discovered?
Nimrod/Gilgamesh was the epitome of the anti-christ spirit. An ancient, manipulated, demonic bloodline. The powers that be, probably with the help of these entities, were looking for the burial site during the invasion of Iraq. Did they find it? Could they restore an ancient bloodline?
I do not believe that your little green space aliens are what people claim they are. I believe they are something far more sinister. Inter-dimensional beings, the Anunnaki, and one day they veil will be lifted. I'm not going to say that anyone knows anything for certain including myself.
Think of the manipulation that God had to wipe out everything with the flood.
There are CIA documents of reports of government and entities working together, but that's a different story 😉
Matthew 24:37-39
But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Ecclesiastes 1:9
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
Our podcast. Alphavets on Rumble.
Jul 8, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
🚨 Hyatt Regency Hotel. Chicago. DNC convention. False flag event? Noble President.
For the record. I do not wish terror upon anyone. Just saying keep your EYES OPEN.
"The Marriott Marquis and the Hyatt Regency at the McCormick Place complex will be the official headquarters hotels for the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago."
Kim Clement ~ January 24th ~ 2015
"I saw it, and I'll tell you what I saw. I saw the Hyatt Regency Hotel. It was not any other hotel. I was in it; I was on the 9th or the 10th floor and suddenly the walls began to crumble down as there was a terror attack. I'm not sure of the city, but I think it could have been Chicago or that region. And the Spirit of the Lord said, even though this shall be something that is only brought upon by those that have been unrighteous."
"Therefore, watch out, for God says even though it shall be a strike, it shall not be successful, says the Lord. For many years ago in a Hyatt Regency, My prophet stood and prophesied, and yes, said the Lord, it did happen. But I raised up a man that stood against Islam; I raised up a man that stood against the nations that would come against Israel. Where is that man? I call for that man now, says the Lord. I call for that man again to come on to the scene and take the seat in the White House and be a noble President, says the Lord."
The reason why I bring this up is for two reasons. The Hyatt Regency in Chicago is the main headquarters of the DNC convention, and because in the prophecy he says "I call for that man AGAIN to come on the scene and take the seat in the White house."