Mia Hughes Profile picture
Senior fellow at MacDonald-Laurier Institute | Director of Genspect Canada | Co-host of Beyond Gender | Author of the WPATH Files
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Dec 14, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
The word epidemic does have negative connotations, and so does contagion, but both are entirely appropriate to the current situation, @KateOsborneMP.

The modern trans rights movement and its relentless messaging about gender identities has triggered a social contagion of gender dysphoria, creating an undeniable epidemic.Image This is nothing new. In the 19th century, we had an epidemic of hysteria among society women, with one particular outbreak being triggered by a top neurologist of the era: Jean-Martin Charcot. He died, and his form of hysteria disappeared, because it wasn’t real.
Nov 26, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
This is HUGE! There is hope for Canada yet!

In January 2022, an Ontario teacher raised concerns at a WRDSB meeting about the content of certain books on elementary library shelves. She was ejected from the meeting just two minutes into her perfectly reasonable presentation, and accused of transphobia and violating the Ontario Human Rights Code.

Carolyn Burjoski just won her first of hopefully many legal victories against the WRDSB and its tyrannical chair, Scott Piatkowski. Judge James Ramsay didn’t hold back in his ruling, stating, “What happened here should not happen in a democratic society.”

“The Human Rights Code does not prohibit public discussion of issues related to transgenderism or minors and transgenderism. It does not prohibit public discussion of anything.”

“They accused her of breaching the Human Rights Code, questioning the right of trans persons to exist and engaging in speech that included hate. She did not do any of those things,” said Ramsay in his ruling

“The chairman of the board acted with malice or at least, with a reckless disregard for the truth. He had made an embarrassingly erroneous and arbitrary decision to silence a legitimate expression of opinion and he was widely criticized for it. It is not a stretch to infer that, realizing that, he tried to justify himself with the public by assassinating the plaintiff’s character.”🔥🔥🔥
While this victory is important for Burjoski and all Canadians who care about their charter rights, it’s important not to overlook the effect @ScottPiatkowski's despicable behaviour had on @carolynburjoski's health. Shortly after her shameful ejection from the WRDSB meeting, for raising genuine concerns about child safeguarding, she was hospitalized for extreme anxiety.

It should horrify every Canadian that thoughtful, caring teachers are being silenced by these woke tyrants who have no respect for the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and no understanding of the medical scandal unfolding in pediatric gender clinics and the central role schools are playing in sending children down this devastating medical path.
Nov 16, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
In 1949, when Egas Moniz was awarded the Nobel Prize for the invention of lobotomy, the New York Times published an article declaring that "surgeons now think no more of operations on the brain than they do of removing an appendix."

This @CBCNews article is the 21st-century equivalent.
Image Robyn Hodgson, a registered nurse at a gender clinic in London, Ont, said:

"I'm in my 27th year, and I've worked in a lot of areas — and this has been the most rewarding area that I've ever worked in."

You know, Robyn, prefrontal lobotomies were the most rewarding work Walter Freeman ever did too. Get ready to take your place in history beside him.
Jul 29, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
🧵The Spiral of Silence

In a week when Keir Starmer said a woman is an adult human female, the New Statesmen published a Dawkins essay about sex being binary and Andrew Neil cottoned on that child sex changes aren’t such a great idea, it’s safe to say that the spell has lifted/1 At least in the UK, it’s growing ever more possible to state the obvious - that men are not, and can never be women, and that children deserve the right to grow up healthy and whole. But how did we end up in a place where such obvious truths were unsayable?/2
Feb 11, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read

In the 90s, Dr. Robert Smith, a surgeon at Falkirk Royal Infirmary, performed leg amputations on two men. Both men were perfectly healthy but suffering from apotemnophilia, a psychiatric condition involving the desire to have healthy limbs amputated./1 Sufferers claim not to feel whole with four limbs and obsess over having their unwanted body parts chopped off. Smith argued the surgeries were life-saving, claiming the patients would commit suicide otherwise. Apotemnophiles, like autogynephiles, will insist that there is../2
Jan 25, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
#BellLetsTalk about the surgeons chopping healthy breasts off distressed girls in children's hospitals all over 🇨🇦

#BellLetsTalk about how kids suffering from gender dysphoria are being chemically castrated in 🇨🇦 gender clinics w/o a shred of evidence it's the right thing to do. #BellLetsTalk about the on-average 4000% increase in teenage girls IDing as trans in the past decade.

#BellLetsTalk about how teenage girls are the very demographic known to be most susceptible to social contagions and how this epidemic has all the hallmarks of one.
Oct 30, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
🧵The ecological niche of transient mental illnesses

A transient mental illness is a mental illness that arises at a particular time, in a particular place, and then fades away. According to Ian Hacking, it requires an ecological niche of cultural factors in which to thrive./1 In Hacking's book Mad Travelers, he looks at the fugue epidemic of the late 1880s, which was triggered by Albert Dadas, of Bordeaux, and his doctor, Phillippe Tissier. Albert would go on extraordinary expeditions in a trance-like state as far afield as Algeria and Moscow./2
Oct 24, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The similarities between the social contagions of anorexia and bulimia and today's social contagion of gender dysphoria are striking. From the sudden explosion in numbers, to the fact that they both strike predominantly teenage girls. Look how similar these graphs are. Social contagions always have a trigger. For the eating disorder graph on the left, the trigger was bulimia's inclusion in the DSM in 1980, the Princess Diana's public struggle in the early 90s. For gender dysphoria, it was the dawn of the trans rights movement in the mid 2010s.
Oct 20, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
There's so much wrong with this article that I don't even know where to begin, but as social contagion is my thing, I'll focus on that. This piece completely distorts what the candidates are actually saying, and denies or ignores the social contagion element of gender dysphoria/1 Let's take a trip through the history of psychiatric contagions. In the late 1800s, Jean-Martin Charcot triggered a contagion of la grande hystérie in French society women, who read about it in literature/journals and then began suffering from the disorder.
Aug 29, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
It's hard to remain positive in Canada with Trudeau at the helm. Yesterday, the "Federal 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan" was announced, with $100 million in funding for groups that believe men can be women, castrating kids is something to celebrate, and same-sex attraction is transphobic. Pictured next to the Minister for Women and Gender Equality is none other than Fae Johnstone, who wants "a political environment in which TERFs (read: women) are so vilified they don't dare speak their views publicly, let alone act on them". This is who our government listens to.
Aug 23, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
That's right. Remember teachers: you can't give your students so much as a Tylenol without parental consent, but it is your duty to practice psychotherapy without a license and set a child on the path to medical transition without even telling the parents you've done so! I'm told the account is now locked down. This is the appalling betrayal of parental trust that this Ottawa teacher is encouraging. ImageImage
Aug 16, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
Imagine if, all of a sudden, there was an explosion of middle-aged men suffering from anorexia. Emaciated men were everywhere,but no one was allowed to investigate the cause. We all had to pretend it was perfectly normal. Wouldn't that be weird?/1
#ROGDAwarenessDay Well that's exactly what happened with gender dysphoria, but in reverse. A condition that historically affected predominantly middle-aged men suddenly, around the mid-2010s, started to strike teenage girls, and people are forbidden from asking why./2
Jul 29, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
🧵The Madness of Psychiatry

For over a century, doctors have been trying to cure mental illness by outlandish means. From the removal of ovaries in the late 1800s to the amputation of breasts and penises today, there is a long history of unethical and barbaric treatments./1 In the late 19th century, the female reproductive system was thought to be the cause of a range of mental disorders afflicting women. Thousands of mostly young women had their perfectly healthy uteri and/or ovaries removed as a supposed cure for their mental distress./2
Jul 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
This is wonderful news. The Tavistock is an utterly dysfunctional service that failed miserably in its duty of care. So many vulnerable gay, lesbian, and autistic teens have been pushed towards medical transition by this ideologically captured service.
archive.ph/UTXAW This news won't have any impact here in Canada. No media outlet will pick it up. No politician will comment on it. Because we live in a bubble of insanity here, in which children are born in the wrong body and chemically castrating homosexual teens is something to celebrate.
Jul 25, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
In the not-too-distant future, when this medical scandal is over, everyone will look back on articles like this one and be horrified that journalists could ever have displayed such poor judgement. It's nonsense like this that is fuelling this devastating social contagion./1 @cbcnewsbc - are you unaware of the media role in spreading social contagions? Have you never heard of the multiple personality epidemic of the 80s? The satanic panic? Anorexia contagion in Hong Kong? Global contagion of bulimia? All spread by the media.
May 23, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
🧵If it's not a social contagion, what is it?

It astounds me that there are still so many people out there who refuse to believe we're dealing with a social contagion of gender dysphoria. Surely there's never been a more obvious one in all of history./1 I mean, if it's not a social contagion, how do we explain this sudden, dramatic surge in numbers? Isn't it at least possible that something occurred in our culture in the second decade of the 21st century that triggered a contagion of gender dysphoria in teenagers?/2
May 16, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
🧵For TRAs confused about women stickering

Just over a week ago, a terrible crime was committed in downtown Ottawa, when a group of women allegedly went around putting stickers on lampposts with messages such as:

woman = adult human female


Keep Prisons Single Sex
This prompted a local member of the trans community to do some detective work and name several Twitter accounts, my own included, as suspects. The blog post contains some wildly inaccurate misrepresentations of the gender critical movement./2
May 9, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
🧵The Totalitarian Ego

When I first learned about the atrocity being committed in paediatric gender clinics, I imagined that when it finally came under scrutiny, the house of cards would collapse in an instant./1 But now having witnessed people ignore Sweden & Finland halting paediatric transition, not bat an eyelid at the damning findings of England's Cass Review, and completely disregard the developments in certain US states, I realise people can ignore any truth no matter how obvious/2
May 4, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Apparently this dangerous cult nonsense is being handed out to children in Nova Scotia schools. Image The section "how do I know if I'm transgender?" tells children that "you know you better than anyone else knows you!" and goes on to make the powerful psychotherapeutic intervention of social transition sound like little more than a change of hairstyle. Image
Apr 23, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
This is great news, but every victory elsewhere is a harsh reminder of how dire the situation still is here in Canada. There can be no doubt now that England is soon to join the ranks of Sweden, Finland and France in ending the appalling child abuse occurring in gender clinics./1 Meanwhile in Canada, Bill C4 was voted through unanimously because our MPs are spineless cowards who didn't have the courage to listen to the truth, meaning vulnerable gender-nonconforming teens continue to have their bodies medically converted in the name of gender identity./2
Apr 19, 2022 13 tweets 2 min read
🧵History repeats itself

The world of paediatric endocrinology is no stranger to medical blunders. It has one in its past that is eerily similar to the one playing out before our eyes today. It is the medical scandal of treating short boys and tall girls with hormone therapy./1 The experiment began in the 1940s, in the early days of endocrinology, when endocrinologists saw themselves as miracle makers. They had injected insulin into diabetics on their death beds and seen them rise and make a full recovery, and given arthritics mobility with cortisol./2