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Jul 11, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
The drug problem started when Wouter Basson and the state security apparatus introduced mandrax to the black and colored townships around Cape Town as a means of paralyzing radical youth politics in those townships. The Apartheid government created an alliance between drug lords, the police and government sponsored vigilantes such as the witdoeke. That alliance continues to this day!
Apr 24, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
Let us talk about Mzilikazi of the Ndebele (Khumalo) as you requested. Here is a summary of my limited knowledge on the subject.

The world experienced a mini ice age from about 1750 to about 1785. During that period the rainfall on the South African East coast was plentiful and the Nguni people prospered.

There was plentiful grazing and land to cultivate. Powerful kingdoms such as the Ndwandwe ruled by Zwide,
Mar 5, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
One might be forgiven for thinking that the Corona Virus is racist for the manner in which it is breaking out everywhere except, seemingly, in Africa. However, it is a factor of air travel volumes, where there is more air travel there are higher levels of Corona infections, places like China, Japan, Italy, Greece. The hysteria is driven by the fact that because the virus travels by aeroplane, it is those who can afford air tickets who are more vulnerable. It also seems to kill more people in the 60 and older category.
Oct 29, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Mines pump out and evaporate millions of cubic litres of ground water on a daily basis in order to drop the water table in open cast mining, or to make deep level shaft mining safe. When an aquifer poses a risk to underground operations it is either pumped out, or it is pumped full of concrete in a process called cementation.

While mining certain minerals are absolutely essential for modern civilization, such as copper and iron for example.
Sep 9, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Once upon a time we had elevated levels of revolutionary consciousness in this country, but because we did not act to realize its material potential it fizzled out to be replaced by a false national chauvinism that will soon disintegrate into narrow tribalism. What value does rampaging through the CBD and attacking random fellow Africans bring?

Why do we have a drug problem in South Africa? We have a drug problem because we have massive unemployment and people are seeking escape in either fringe religions or drugs.
Sep 7, 2019 22 tweets 4 min read
On the passing of Robert Mugabe.

Julie and I landed in Harare on 13 January 1983. It was to be our home for the almost the next decade. My daughters Roxanne and Rosa were born there in Parirenyatwa public hospital.
#RIPMugabe It was eerie because just days before the Apartheid regime began destabilising Zimbabwe by blowing up the fuel pipeline between the Mozambican port city of Beira and Harare. The plane landed in a city in which nothing moved, no busses, no cars, no noise.