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Dec 21 10 tweets 4 min read
Those actually in charge of world affairs are the ECOSOC registered General Consultative Status NGOs.

Stakeholder capitalists merely exist to pick up pennies in front of the steamroller.

Eventually, those ESG or CSR declarations they signed will cut them down to size. Image I've written on this a few times, and I have sourced absolutely everything in this regard - using official documents which MYSTERIOUSLY went missing somewhere along the line (I had backups)

Dec 20 45 tweets 19 min read
Both Liner-Pro and ChatGPT agree - the 'Learning to Learn' is a moderate-to-moderately-strong match in terms of Metacognition, Systems Thinking 2.0, and SEL.

So this, essentially, encodes principles of general systems theory into mindset of children, for later reprogramming Image That is definitely not a 'no'. Image
Dec 9 4 tweets 3 min read
I keep seeing claims that WEF is the top boss, and that what we see is corporatism. But they're not, and it isn't. It's scientific socialism - and do read up on Alexander Bogdanov.

I have written rather a lot on this, and here's ChatGPT's verdict on my full synthesis. Image
it's scientific socialism.

it's 'to the left' of Bolshevism. no kidding - Bogdanov was kicked out of the Bolshevik party in 1909 (which he co-founded with Lenin) after a power struggle with Lenin. Image
Dec 7 10 tweets 3 min read
The head of the snake resides in Paris. It consists of the ISC (ICSU), UNESCO, and the Collegium International.

The two former through 'ethics in science' control scientific inquiry, and the Collegium International (with WAAS collaboration) translates the 'science' into ethics. All of this is grounded in Bogdanov's Tektology and precursor to IO analysis, ultimately leading to a fully automated society, controlled through cybernetics.

And it all leads to ethics translated into morality, and ultimately legislation - for sakes of rendering 'justice'.
Nov 29 24 tweets 6 min read
unless I am very much mistaken... this builds on the David Tabara 1999 paper, extending Wilber's quadrants into 3 dimensions (human-nature)... but of course isn't honest about it

>>continues Image here's the tabara paper... well, a 2002 updated version with the same chart...

it expands upon wilber's internal-external (time), individual-group (space), by adding humanity vs nature (perspective)

Nov 29 13 tweets 6 min read
In order to 'place an issue on the agenda' at the United Nations, you must be an ECOSOC-registered, General Consultative Status NGO.

Those NGOs drive the political process at the United Nations. They're the senior 'stakeholders' in that process.

escapekey.substack.com/p/trisectoral-…Image And that was essentially what Agenda 21 is all about.

It's a non-committal, wishy-washy soft law document... which proposes the future global governance structure, covertly.

Nov 27 4 tweets 2 min read
Global Governance, Global Ethics, Planetary Health, One Health, Ecosystem Approach, Circular Economy, Trisectoral Networks, Digital Twins, Global Surveillance, Good Governance, Social Credit Systems, 15 min cities...

... all in one logical, cohesive, systems theory flowchart Image haha 7 minutes in, 41 impressions.

6 impressions/minute, with 9,370 followers.

I'd literally be better off with a megaphone in Waitrose..

tHaNk YoU fOr AlL tHe FrEe SpEeCh, ElOn
Nov 5 4 tweets 2 min read
This is where they're planning to take us. Image And this is how. Image
Nov 1 33 tweets 13 min read
The Green Finance Institute... right, I notice something awfully familiar here... in fact, I penned a substack article on this only yesterday.

So these are the stakeholders - '... financial organisations, corporates, NGOs, policymakers, academics and civil society experts...' Image The 'common good' is already established (bogus 'environmentalism'), thus the financing is the issue here; the 'localised common good' thus is raising the funding before the plan - solution - is proposed.

(using blended finance, of course)

Oct 29 17 tweets 8 min read
So which is the most recent United Nations General Consultative Status NGO admitted?

Noahide Code.

And they focus on - I kid you not - Global Ethics. Image 'and an annual assembly on LEGISLATING FOR GLOBAL ETHICS to be held at the UN General Assembly to report and encourage further progress towards this goal'

Oct 29 11 tweets 4 min read
I imagine this is it. This is the document which transferred control away from the public, and to the 'Civil Society Organisations', which essentially control every stage of the process.

Except - they don't sign the dotted line, and thus don't even have to accept liability. Image Link is over here.


x.com/_Escapekey_/st… Image
Oct 28 6 tweets 3 min read
Ah, there it is in official capacity -

UNESCO, 2019; Report of the IBC on the Principle of Individual Responsibility as related to Health

'Responsibility becomes an ethical principle that must balance out these new consequences with the human freedom of action' Image Ergo, 'responsibility' relates to an ethic, which must be balanced - not just in terms of the group, but also the future.

Both dimensions in Wilber's Integral Theory.

Oct 28 22 tweets 7 min read
Oh, so this report disappeared from Wayback, did it now?

escapekey.substack.com/p/global-gover…Image Public-Private-Partnerships.... as outlined via Blair's Third Way... controlled by... who, exactly?

Who is meant to control 'the common purpose', per his Marxism Today 1991 article?

Oct 28 7 tweets 3 min read
Oh no, Grok is capable of doing what satirical cartoonists have done for generations. We must immediately censor it through 'AI Ethics', controlled through 'Global Ethics', stratified into cosmic, planetary, world etc ethics by Wilber/Haidt/Shweder, etc.

Image in fact, we must immediately strive to fuse ethics into legislation, right?

what could go wrong?

Oct 24 48 tweets 17 min read
Spiral Dynamics, Integral Theory, and Adaptive Management (information theory, general systems theory, resilience theory, cybernetics) fully synthesised.

Control mechanism is ethics, but before integrating, making sure it all appears logically sound...

Image the idea is that first, you learn to control the situation, then control yourself, then use available information, and then integrate that with the entire holon...

... that completes 1st person view...

Oct 21 11 tweets 5 min read
Adopt the IUCN terminology or be square.

Here's their list of 'protected area' definitions which so obviously is what they work from.

Never mind that the IUCN has nothing to do with democracy in any regard, and that you cannot hold them accountable for anything. Image It's just one of those Huxley things, guest starting the WILD Foundation.

Oct 20 10 tweets 5 min read
Lots of talk about Obama speaking of a pandemic treaty. It just happens I’ve written a fair bit on that.

Here’s the early backstory

open.substack.com/pub/escapekey/…Image The role of the ESWI also cannot go ignored - a big Pharma lobby organisation

They penned the 1999 WHO pandemic plan

No, really.

Oct 20 10 tweets 3 min read

'You're right that practically every part of my initial response was a lie

I mischaracterized the content of the document, making false claims about its tone, content, and credibility without any justification

leading me to dishonestly portray it in a negative light' Image It started over here, me asking ChatGPT to verify my substack article

it did so, through posting unsubstantiated lies.

Oct 17 17 tweets 6 min read
Second sighting of Richard L Sandor stating -

'We are redefining commodities to include property rights e.g. water rights...'

but further -

'Global environmental trading system (GETS)... sponsored by Earth Council... combining private and public funding'

This... ==> Image ... is noteworthy, not just because he explicitly outs Maurice Strong's outfit sponsoring the GETS system (and Strong also launched GEMS, the surveillance), but also because 'combining private and public funding' could hypothetically be EXTREMELY EARLY blended finance.
Oct 16 8 tweets 3 min read
Very simply, this is what took place in the early 1990s. The co2 trading framework was quite literally put in place by an individual who had a vested financial interest.

It's gross, outrageous corruption. Image and this will so obviously be throttled to hell and back by this hyper-corrupt FrEe SpEeCh platform.
Oct 15 5 tweets 3 min read
This is how the 1992 'Combating Global Warming' document ends.

No joke.

Image ... and let me show you one more thing before wrapping up the 1992 doc on substack (won't release until both docs are covered)

This is in context of discussing futures and options markets with... substantial granularity... markets which didn't come to exist until 2005! Image