Jennifer Allen Profile picture
PhD Student, MIT Sloan
May 30, 2024 16 tweets 7 min read
New in @ScienceMagazine

What FB news drove COVID vax hesitancy in US? False misinfo?

Not so much: We find unflagged ‘vax-skeptical’ news had *46X larger* impact than flagged misinfo

Why? Flagged misinfo had bigger impact when seen, but ~100x fewer views…

Fake news on social media has been correlationally linked to many societal challenges. Eg - Biden claimed FB was “killing people” by carrying vax misinfo on the platform. But what is the causal impact of misinfo, esp compared to other vax-related content?…
Apr 5, 2022 15 tweets 7 min read
🚨Paper alert!🚨Birds of a Feather Don't Fact-check Each Other #CHI2022

On Twitters crowdsourced factcheck program @birdwatch, partisanship is king: users mostly flag counterpartisans' tweets as misleading & rate their notes as unhelpful

1/ Some background: in Jan 2021, Twitter announced a new crowdsourced fact-checking project, @birdwatch, and invited users to apply to become ~official~ keyboard warriors and fight misinfo on the platform
