How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App, USB-C is a specification for the physical connector. NOT the protocol. And it intentionally supports multiple protocols like USB, USB-PD, Thunderbolt, DisplayPort, HDMI, PCIe, etc., in the 95% chance this was kids: maybe don’t throw the book at them. Realize how bad it could have gone if this was a funded adversary. looks like iOS apps do not have this issue, nor does MacOS Safari. They can all use local. So it feels like an oversight, but the optics are not great with the release of Passkey, and the constant push toward iCloud services. are common and fixable mistakes. Whatever. But not notifying does 2 things: may remember back in March that Krebs published a story based on what a single "internal whistleblower" said, challenging Ubiquiti's public response to the breach.