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Formerly an anti-Brexit glove puppet
Nov 11, 2018 4 tweets 13 min read
@RobertCraig3 @A50Challenge @RosChappell @Aceditor @davidallengreen @timonhd @Kurako76 @beccalamjig @oldmanbigkid @tfoale @acgrayling @JMPSimor @onewendy @798 1. That's your opinion but it's not much of an argument. To protect EU citizens' rights, A50 requires a decision to be made in accordance with our constitution, yet our Courts can refuse to assess the decision's constitutionality because it's inconvenient to do so? Shameful! @RobertCraig3 @A50Challenge @RosChappell @Aceditor @davidallengreen @timonhd @Kurako76 @beccalamjig @oldmanbigkid @tfoale @acgrayling @JMPSimor @onewendy @798 2. Again, you have an opinion, but no argument. It is not an exaggeration to say that May's decision was irrational. She simply did not address the issues at stake. She concerned herself solely with domestic political considerations.
Nov 10, 2018 4 tweets 11 min read
@RobertCraig3 @A50Challenge @RosChappell @Aceditor @davidallengreen @timonhd @Kurako76 @beccalamjig @oldmanbigkid @tfoale @acgrayling So, to resume a long time after the event, is it ok to run some ideas by you? (THREAD) In Webster the Court decided the decision to leave the EU was made by the PM under a power granted by EUNoWA. So there are 2 problems facing any challenge. Delay & justicability. @JMPSimor 1/? @RobertCraig3 @A50Challenge @RosChappell @Aceditor @davidallengreen @timonhd @Kurako76 @beccalamjig @oldmanbigkid @tfoale @acgrayling @JMPSimor A50.1says the decision must be compliant with the UK's constitutional reqmts, so it's inappropriate for the court to refuse to examine a genuine challenge as to whether they've been met. Delay doesn't cure a failure. The time bar is essentially an administrative convenience. 2/
Apr 10, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
👍🏽Not a great look to say that SC got it wrong, but IMO it has here (though IMO if it had taken that view it wouldn’t follow that Govt rather than Parl has the power to decide to leave). Congrats on the namecheck by the way, a nice distinction even if on the dissenting side 1/4 But the question of whether or not EU law has direct effect is not just a question of UK law but one of EU law as well. Only CJEU can decide on the meaning and effect of EU law. ECA is, to coin a phrase, just the conduit. 2/4